# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Represents a public-inbox (which may have multiple mailing addresses) package PublicInbox::Inbox; use strict; use warnings; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use PublicInbox::Git; sub new { my ($class, $opts) = @_; bless $opts, $class; } sub weaken_all { my ($self) = @_; weaken($self->{$_}) foreach qw(git mm search); } sub git { my ($self) = @_; $self->{git} ||= eval { PublicInbox::Git->new($self->{mainrepo}) }; } sub mm { my ($self) = @_; $self->{mm} ||= eval { PublicInbox::Msgmap->new($self->{mainrepo}) }; } sub search { my ($self) = @_; $self->{search} ||= eval { PublicInbox::Search->new($self->{mainrepo}) }; } sub try_cat { my ($path) = @_; my $rv = ''; if (open(my $fh, '<', $path)) { local $/; $rv = <$fh>; } $rv; } sub description { my ($self) = @_; my $desc = $self->{description}; return $desc if defined $desc; $desc = try_cat("$self->{mainrepo}/description"); chomp $desc; $desc =~ s/\s+/ /smg; $desc = '($GIT_DIR/description missing)' if $desc eq ''; $self->{description} = $desc; } sub cloneurl { my ($self) = @_; my $url = $self->{cloneurl}; return $url if $url; $url = try_cat("$self->{mainrepo}/cloneurl"); my @url = split(/\s+/s, $url); chomp @url; $self->{cloneurl} = \@url; } sub base_url { my ($self, $prq) = @_; # Plack::Request if (defined $prq) { my $url = $prq->base->as_string; $url .= '/' if $url !~ m!/\z!; # for mount in Plack::Builder $url .= $self->{name} . '/'; } else { # either called from a non-PSGI environment (e.g. NNTP/POP3) $self->{-base_url} ||= do { my $url = $self->{url}; # expand protocol-relative URLs to HTTPS if we're # not inside a web server $url = "https:$url" if $url =~ m!\A//!; $url .= '/' if $url !~ m!/\z!; $url; }; } } 1;