# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Provides everything the PublicInbox::Search object does; # but uses global ExtSearch (->ALL) with an eidx_key query to # emulate per-Inbox search using ->ALL. package PublicInbox::Isearch; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::ExtSearch; use PublicInbox::Search; sub new { my (undef, $ibx, $es) = @_; bless { es => $es, eidx_key => $ibx->eidx_key }, __PACKAGE__; } sub mset { my ($self, $str, $opt) = @_; $self->{es}->mset($str, { $opt ? %$opt : (), eidx_key => $self->{eidx_key} }); } sub _ibx_id ($) { my ($self) = @_; my $sth = $self->{es}->over->dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT ibx_id FROM inboxes WHERE eidx_key = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->execute($self->{eidx_key}); $sth->fetchrow_array // die "E: `$self->{eidx_key}' not in $self->{es}->{topdir}\n"; } sub mset_to_artnums { my ($self, $mset) = @_; my $docids = PublicInbox::Search::mset_to_artnums($self->{es}, $mset); my $ibx_id = $self->{-ibx_id} //= _ibx_id($self); my $qmarks = join(',', map { '?' } @$docids); my $rows = $self->{es}->over->dbh-> selectall_arrayref(<<"", undef, $ibx_id, @$docids); SELECT docid,xnum FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? AND docid IN ($qmarks) my $i = -1; my %order = map { $_ => ++$i } @$docids; my @xnums; for my $row (@$rows) { # @row = ($docid, $xnum) my $idx = delete($order{$row->[0]}) // next; $xnums[$idx] = $row->[1]; } if (scalar keys %order) { warn "W: $self->{es}->{topdir} #", join(', #', sort keys %order), " not mapped to `$self->{eidx_key}'\n"; warn "W: $self->{es}->{topdir} may need to be reindexed\n"; @xnums = grep { defined } @xnums; } \@xnums; } sub mset_to_smsg { my ($self, $ibx, $mset) = @_; # $ibx is a real inbox, not eidx my $xnums = mset_to_artnums($self, $mset); my $i = -1; my %order = map { $_ => ++$i } @$xnums; my $unordered = $ibx->over->get_all(@$xnums); my @msgs; for my $smsg (@$unordered) { my $idx = delete($order{$smsg->{num}}) // do { warn "W: $ibx->{inboxdir} #$smsg->{num}\n"; next; }; $msgs[$idx] = $smsg; } if (scalar keys %order) { warn "W: $ibx->{inboxdir} #", join(', #', sort keys %order), " no longer valid\n"; warn "W: $self->{es}->{topdir} may need to be reindexed\n"; } wantarray ? ($mset->get_matches_estimated, \@msgs) : \@msgs; } sub has_threadid { 1 } sub help { $_[0]->{es}->help } 1;