# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Authentication worker for anything that needs auth for read/write IMAP # (eventually for read-only NNTP access) package PublicInbox::LeiAuth; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC); use PublicInbox::PktOp qw(pkt_do); use PublicInbox::NetReader; sub nrd_merge { my ($lei, $nrd_new) = @_; if ($lei->{pkt_op_p}) { # from lei_convert worker pkt_do($lei->{pkt_op_p}, 'nrd_merge', $nrd_new); } else { # single lei-daemon consumer my $self = $lei->{auth} or return; # client disconnected my $nrd = $self->{nrd}; %$nrd = (%$nrd, %$nrd_new); } } sub do_auth { # called via wq_io_do my ($self) = @_; my ($lei, $nrd) = @$self{qw(lei nrd)}; $nrd->imap_common_init($lei); nrd_merge($lei, $nrd); # tell lei-daemon updated auth info } sub do_finish_auth { # dwaitpid callback my ($arg, $pid) = @_; my ($self, $lei, $post_auth_cb, @args) = @$arg; $? ? $lei->dclose : $post_auth_cb->(@args); } sub auth_eof { my ($lei, $post_auth_cb, @args) = @_; my $self = delete $lei->{auth} or return; $self->wq_wait_old(\&do_finish_auth, $lei, $post_auth_cb, @args); } sub auth_start { my ($self, $lei, $post_auth_cb, @args) = @_; $lei->_lei_cfg(1); # workers may need to read config my $ops = { '!' => [ $lei->can('fail_handler'), $lei ], '|' => [ $lei->can('sigpipe_handler'), $lei ], 'x_it' => [ $lei->can('x_it'), $lei ], 'child_error' => [ $lei->can('child_error'), $lei ], 'nrd_merge' => [ \&nrd_merge, $lei ], '' => [ \&auth_eof, $lei, $post_auth_cb, @args ], }; ($lei->{pkt_op_c}, $lei->{pkt_op_p}) = PublicInbox::PktOp->pair($ops); $self->wq_workers_start('lei_auth', 1, $lei->oldset, {lei => $lei}); my $op = delete $lei->{pkt_op_c}; delete $lei->{pkt_op_p}; $self->wq_io_do('do_auth', []); $self->wq_close(1); $lei->event_step_init; # wait for shutdowns if ($lei->{oneshot}) { while ($op->{sock}) { $op->event_step } } } sub ipc_atfork_child { my ($self) = @_; # prevent {sock} from being closed in lei_atfork_child: my $s = delete $self->{lei}->{sock}; delete $self->{lei}->{auth}; # drop circular ref $self->{lei}->lei_atfork_child; $self->{lei}->{sock} = $s if $s; $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_child; } sub new { my ($cls, $nrd) = @_; bless { nrd => $nrd }, $cls; } 1;