# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # for the "lei init" command, not sure if it's even needed... package PublicInbox::LeiInit; use v5.10.1; use File::Spec; sub lei_init { my ($self, $dir) = @_; my $cfg = $self->_lei_cfg(1); my $cur = $cfg->{'leistore.dir'}; $dir //= $self->store_path; $dir = $self->rel2abs($dir); my @cur = stat($cur) if defined($cur); $cur = File::Spec->canonpath($cur // $dir); my @dir = stat($dir); my $exists = "# leistore.dir=$cur already initialized" if @dir; if (@cur) { if ($cur eq $dir) { $self->_lei_store(1)->done; return $self->qerr($exists); } # some folks like symlinks and bind mounts :P if (@dir && "@cur[1,0]" eq "@dir[1,0]") { $self->lei_config('leistore.dir', $dir); $self->_lei_store(1)->done; return $self->qerr("$exists (as $cur)"); } return $self->fail(<<""); E: leistore.dir=$cur already initialized and it is not $dir } $self->lei_config('leistore.dir', $dir); $self->_lei_store(1)->done; $exists //= "# leistore.dir=$dir newly initialized"; $self->qerr($exists); } 1;