# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # "lei add-external --mirror" support (also "public-inbox-clone"); package PublicInbox::LeiMirror; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC); use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::AutoReap; use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError); use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError); use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd spawn); use File::Temp (); use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET O_CREAT O_EXCL O_WRONLY); use Carp qw(croak); our %LIVE; sub _wq_done_wait { # dwaitpid callback (via wq_eof) my ($arg, $pid) = @_; my ($mrr, $lei) = @$arg; my $f = "$mrr->{dst}/mirror.done"; if ($?) { $lei->child_error($?); } elsif (!unlink($f)) { warn("unlink($f): $!\n") unless $!{ENOENT}; } else { if ($lei->{cmd} ne 'public-inbox-clone') { # calls _finish_add_external $lei->lazy_cb('add-external', '_finish_' )->($lei, $mrr->{dst}); } $lei->qerr("# mirrored $mrr->{src} => $mrr->{dst}"); } $lei->dclose; } # for old installations without manifest.js.gz sub try_scrape { my ($self) = @_; my $uri = URI->new($self->{src}); my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $curl = $self->{curl} //= PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei) or return; my $cmd = $curl->for_uri($lei, $uri, '--compressed'); my $opt = { 0 => $lei->{0}, 2 => $lei->{2} }; my $fh = popen_rd($cmd, undef, $opt); my $html = do { local $/; <$fh> } // die "read(curl $uri): $!"; close($fh) or return $lei->child_error($?, "@$cmd failed"); # we grep with URL below, we don't want Subject/From headers # making us clone random URLs my @html = split(/
/, $html); my @urls = ($html[-1] =~ m!\bgit clone --mirror ([a-z\+]+://\S+)!g); my $url = $uri->as_string; chop($url) eq '/' or die "BUG: $uri not canonicalized"; # since this is for old instances w/o manifest.js.gz, try v1 first return clone_v1($self) if grep(m!\A\Q$url\E/*\z!, @urls); if (my @v2_urls = grep(m!\A\Q$url\E/[0-9]+\z!, @urls)) { my %v2_epochs = map { my ($n) = (m!/([0-9]+)\z!); $n => [ URI->new($_), '' ] } @v2_urls; # uniq clone_v2($self, \%v2_epochs); reap_live() while keys(%LIVE); return; } # filter out common URLs served by WWW (e.g /$MSGID/T/) if (@urls && $url =~ s!/+[^/]+\@[^/]+/.*\z!! && grep(m!\A\Q$url\E/*\z!, @urls)) { die <<""; E: confused by scraping <$uri>, did you mean <$url>? } @urls and die <<""; E: confused by scraping <$uri>, got ambiguous results: @urls die "E: scraping <$uri> revealed nothing\n"; } sub clone_cmd { my ($lei, $opt) = @_; my @cmd = qw(git); $opt->{$_} = $lei->{$_} for (0..2); # we support "-c $key=$val" for arbitrary git config options # e.g.: git -c http.proxy=socks5h:// push(@cmd, '-c', $_) for @{$lei->{opt}->{c} // []}; push @cmd, qw(clone --mirror); push @cmd, '-q' if $lei->{opt}->{quiet}; push @cmd, '-v' if $lei->{opt}->{verbose}; # XXX any other options to support? # --reference is tricky with multiple epochs... @cmd; } sub ft_rename ($$$) { my ($ft, $dst, $open_mode) = @_; my $fn = $ft->filename; my @st = stat($dst); my $mode = @st ? ($st[2] & 07777) : ($open_mode & ~umask); chmod($mode, $ft) or croak "E: chmod $fn: $!"; rename($fn, $dst) or croak "E: rename($fn => $ft): $!"; $ft->unlink_on_destroy(0); } sub _get_txt_start { # non-fatal my ($self, $endpoint, $file, $mode) = @_; my $uri = URI->new($self->{cur_src} // $self->{src}); my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $path = $uri->path; chop($path) eq '/' or die "BUG: $uri not canonicalized"; $uri->path("$path/$endpoint"); my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; my $ft = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => "$file-XXXX", DIR => $dst); my $opt = { 0 => $lei->{0}, 1 => $lei->{1}, 2 => $lei->{2} }; my $cmd = $self->{curl}->for_uri($lei, $uri, qw(--compressed -R -o), $ft->filename); $self->{-get_txt} = [ $ft, $cmd, $uri, $file, $mode ]; $lei->qerr("# @$cmd"); spawn($cmd, undef, $opt); } sub _get_txt_done { my ($self) = @_; my ($ft, $cmd, $uri, $file, $mode) = @{delete $self->{-get_txt}}; my $cerr = $?; $? = 0; return "$uri missing" if ($cerr >> 8) == 22; return "# @$cmd failed (non-fatal)" if $cerr; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; ft_rename($ft, "$dst/$file", $mode); undef; # success } # tries the relatively new /$INBOX/_/text/config/raw endpoint sub _try_config_start { my ($self) = @_; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; if (!-d $dst || !mkdir($dst)) { require File::Path; File::Path::mkpath($dst); -d $dst or die "mkpath($dst): $!\n"; } _get_txt_start($self, qw(_/text/config/raw inbox.config.example), 0444); } sub _try_config_done { my ($self) = @_; my $err = _get_txt_done($self); return warn($err, "\n") if $err; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; my $f = "$dst/inbox.config.example"; my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->git_config_dump($f, $self->{lei}->{2}); my $ibx = $self->{ibx} = {}; for my $sec (grep(/\Apublicinbox\./, @{$cfg->{-section_order}})) { for (qw(address newsgroup nntpmirror)) { $ibx->{$_} = $cfg->{"$sec.$_"}; } } } sub _get_txt { # non-fatal temporary compat function waitpid(_get_txt_start(@_), 0) > 0 or die "waitpid: $!"; _get_txt_done($_[0]); } # tries the relatively new /$INBOX/_/text/config/raw endpoint sub _try_config { # temporary compat function waitpid(_try_config_start($_[0]), 0) > 0 or die "waitpid: $!"; _try_config_done($_[0]); } sub set_description ($) { my ($self) = @_; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; my $f = "$dst/description"; open my $fh, '+>>', $f or die "open($f): $!"; seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "seek($f): $!"; chomp(my $d = do { local $/; <$fh> } // die "read($f): $!"); if ($d eq '($INBOX_DIR/description missing)' || $d =~ /^Unnamed repository/ || $d !~ /\S/) { seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "seek($f): $!"; truncate($fh, 0) or die "truncate($f): $!"; my $src = $self->{cur_src} // $self->{src}; print $fh "mirror of $src\n" or die "print($f): $!"; close $fh or die "close($f): $!"; } } sub index_cloned_inbox { my ($self, $iv) = @_; my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $err = _get_txt($self, qw(description description), 0666); warn($err, "\n") if $err; # non fatal eval { set_description($self) }; warn $@ if $@; # n.b. public-inbox-clone works w/o (SQLite || Xapian) # lei is useless without Xapian + SQLite if ($lei->{cmd} ne 'public-inbox-clone') { my $ibx = delete($self->{ibx}) // { address => [ 'lei@example.com' ], version => $iv, }; $ibx->{inboxdir} = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx); PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx); my $opt = {}; for my $sw ($lei->index_opt) { my ($k) = ($sw =~ /\A([\w-]+)/); $opt->{$k} = $lei->{opt}->{$k}; } # force synchronous dwaitpid for v2: local $PublicInbox::DS::in_loop = 0; my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(undef, $lei->{2}); my $env = PublicInbox::Admin::index_prepare($opt, $cfg); local %ENV = (%ENV, %$env) if $env; PublicInbox::Admin::progress_prepare($opt, $lei->{2}); PublicInbox::Admin::index_inbox($ibx, undef, $opt); } return if defined $self->{cur_dst}; open my $x, '>', "$self->{dst}/mirror.done"; # for _wq_done_wait } sub run_reap { my ($lei, $cmd, $opt) = @_; $lei->qerr("# @$cmd"); my $ar = PublicInbox::AutoReap->new(spawn($cmd, undef, $opt)); $ar->join; my $ret = $?; $? = 0; # don't let it influence normal exit $ret; } sub clone_v1 { my ($self) = @_; my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $curl = $self->{curl} //= PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei) or return; my $uri = URI->new($self->{cur_src} // $self->{src}); defined($lei->{opt}->{epoch}) and die "$uri is a v1 inbox, --epoch is not supported\n"; my $pfx = $curl->torsocks($lei, $uri) or return; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; my $cmd = [ @$pfx, clone_cmd($lei, my $opt = {}), $uri->as_string, $dst ]; my $cerr = run_reap($lei, $cmd, $opt); return $lei->child_error($cerr, "@$cmd failed") if $cerr; _try_config($self); write_makefile($dst, 1); index_cloned_inbox($self, 1); } sub parse_epochs ($$) { my ($opt_epochs, $v2_epochs) = @_; # $epochs "LOW..HIGH" $opt_epochs // return; # undef => all epochs my ($lo, $dotdot, $hi, @extra) = split(/(\.\.)/, $opt_epochs); undef($lo) if ($lo // '') eq ''; my $re = qr/\A~?[0-9]+\z/; if (@extra || (($lo // '0') !~ $re) || (($hi // '0') !~ $re) || !(grep(defined, $lo, $hi))) { die < $b } keys %$v2_epochs; for (grep(defined, $lo, $hi)) { if (/\A[0-9]+\z/) { $_ > $n[-1] and die "`$_' exceeds maximum available epoch ($n[-1])\n"; $_ < $n[0] and die "`$_' is lower than minimum available epoch ($n[0])\n"; } elsif (/\A~([0-9]+)/) { my $off = -$1 - 1; $n[$off] // die "`$_' is out of range\n"; $_ = $n[$off]; } else { die "`$_' not understood\n" } } defined($lo) && defined($hi) && $lo > $hi and die "low value (`$lo') exceeds high (`$hi')\n"; $lo //= $n[0] if $dotdot; $hi //= $n[-1] if $dotdot; $hi //= $lo; my $want = {}; for ($lo..$hi) { if (defined $v2_epochs->{$_}) { $want->{$_} = 1; } else { warn "# epoch $_ is not available (non-fatal, $lo..$hi)\n"; } } $want } sub init_placeholder ($$) { my ($src, $edst) = @_; PublicInbox::Import::init_bare($edst); my $f = "$edst/config"; open my $fh, '>>', $f or die "open($f): $!"; print $fh <child_error($cerr, "@$cmd failed"); } } sub v2_done { # called via OnDestroy my ($self) = @_; require PublicInbox::MultiGit; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; my $mg = PublicInbox::MultiGit->new($dst, 'all.git', 'git'); $mg->fill_alternates; for my $i ($mg->git_epochs) { $mg->epoch_cfg_set($i) } for my $edst (@{delete($self->{-read_only}) // []}) { my @st = stat($edst) or die "stat($edst): $!"; chmod($st[2] & 0555, $edst) or die "chmod(a-w, $edst): $!"; } write_makefile($dst, 2); delete $self->{-locked} // die "BUG: $dst not locked"; # unlock index_cloned_inbox($self, 2); } sub reap_live { my $pid = waitpid(-1, 0) // die "waitpid(-1): $!"; if (my $x = delete $LIVE{$pid}) { my $cb = shift @$x; $cb->(@$x); } else { warn "reaped unknown PID=$pid ($?)\n"; } } sub clone_v2 ($$;$) { my ($self, $v2_epochs, $m) = @_; # $m => manifest.js.gz hashref my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $curl = $self->{curl} //= PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei) or return; my $first_uri = (map { $_->[0] } values %$v2_epochs)[0]; my $pfx = $curl->torsocks($lei, $first_uri) or return; my $dst = $self->{cur_dst} // $self->{dst}; my $want = parse_epochs($lei->{opt}->{epoch}, $v2_epochs); my $task = $m ? bless { %$self }, __PACKAGE__ : $self; my (@src_edst, @skip); for my $nr (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$v2_epochs) { my ($uri, $key) = @{$v2_epochs->{$nr}}; my $src = $uri->as_string; my $edst = $dst; $src =~ m!/([0-9]+)(?:\.git)?\z! or die <<""; failed to extract epoch number from $src $1 + 0 == $nr or die "BUG: <$uri> miskeyed $1 != $nr"; $edst .= "/git/$nr.git"; if (!$want || $want->{$nr}) { push @src_edst, $src, $edst; } else { # create a placeholder so users only need to chmod +w init_placeholder($src, $edst); push @{$task->{-read_only}}, $edst; push @skip, $key; } } # filter out the epochs we skipped $self->{-culled_manifest} = 1 if delete(@$m{@skip}); my $lk = bless { lock_path => "$dst/inbox.lock" }, 'PublicInbox::Lock'; my $fini = PublicInbox::OnDestroy->new($$, \&v2_done, $task); $LIVE{_try_config_start($task)} = [ \&_try_config_done, $task, $fini ]; $task->{-locked} = $lk->lock_for_scope($$); my @cmd = clone_cmd($lei, my $opt = {}); my $jobs = $self->{lei}->{opt}->{jobs} // 2; do { reap_live() while keys(%LIVE) >= $jobs; while (keys(%LIVE) < $jobs && @src_edst && !$lei->{child_error}) { my $cmd = [ @$pfx, @cmd, splice(@src_edst, 0, 2) ]; $lei->qerr("# @$cmd"); $LIVE{spawn($cmd, undef, $opt)} = [ \&reap_clone, $lei, $cmd, $fini ]; } } while (@src_edst && !$lei->{child_error}); } sub decode_manifest ($$$) { my ($fh, $fn, $uri) = @_; my $js; my $gz = do { local $/; <$fh> } // die "slurp($fn): $!"; gunzip(\$gz => \$js, MultiStream => 1) or die "gunzip($uri): $GunzipError\n"; my $m = eval { PublicInbox::Config->json->decode($js) }; die "$uri: error decoding `$js': $@\n" if $@; ref($m) eq 'HASH' or die "$uri unknown type: ".ref($m); $m; } sub multi_inbox ($$$) { my ($self, $path, $m) = @_; my $incl = $self->{lei}->{opt}->{include}; my $excl = $self->{lei}->{opt}->{exclude}; # assuming everything not v2 is v1, for now my @v1 = sort grep(!m!.+/git/[0-9]+\.git\z!, keys %$m); my @v2_epochs = sort grep(m!.+/git/[0-9]+\.git\z!, keys %$m); my $v2 = {}; for (@v2_epochs) { m!\A(/.+)/git/[0-9]+\.git\z! or die "BUG: $_"; push @{$v2->{$1}}, $_; } my $n = scalar(keys %$v2) + scalar(@v1); my @orig = defined($incl // $excl) ? (keys %$v2, @v1) : (); if (defined $incl) { my $re = '(?:'.join('|', map { $self->{lei}->glob2re($_) // qr/\A\Q$_\E\z/ } @$incl).')'; my @gone = delete @$v2{grep(!/$re/, keys %$v2)}; delete @$m{map { @$_ } @gone} and $self->{-culled_manifest} = 1; delete @$m{grep(!/$re/, @v1)} and $self->{-culled_manifest} = 1; @v1 = grep(/$re/, @v1); } if (defined $excl) { my $re = '(?:'.join('|', map { $self->{lei}->glob2re($_) // qr/\A\Q$_\E\z/ } @$excl).')'; my @gone = delete @$v2{grep(/$re/, keys %$v2)}; delete @$m{map { @$_ } @gone} and $self->{-culled_manifest} = 1; delete @$m{grep(/$re/, @v1)} and $self->{-culled_manifest} = 1; @v1 = grep(!/$re/, @v1); } my $ret; # { v1 => [ ... ], v2 => { "/$inbox_name" => [ epochs ] }} $ret->{v1} = \@v1 if @v1; $ret->{v2} = $v2 if keys %$v2; $ret //= @orig ? "Nothing to clone, available repositories:\n\t". join("\n\t", sort @orig) : "Nothing available to clone\n"; my $path_pfx = ''; # PSGI mount prefixes and manifest.js.gz prefixes don't always align... if (@v2_epochs) { until (grep(m!\A\Q$$path\E/git/[0-9]+\.git\z!, @v2_epochs) == @v2_epochs) { $$path =~ s!\A(/[^/]+)/!/! or last; $path_pfx .= $1; } } elsif (@v1) { while (!defined($m->{$$path}) && $$path =~ s!\A(/[^/]+)/!/!) { $path_pfx .= $1; } } ($path_pfx, $n, $ret); } # FIXME: this gets confused by single inbox instance w/ global manifest.js.gz sub try_manifest { my ($self) = @_; my $uri = URI->new($self->{src}); my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $curl = $self->{curl} //= PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei) or return; my $path = $uri->path; chop($path) eq '/' or die "BUG: $uri not canonicalized"; $uri->path($path . '/manifest.js.gz'); my $pdir = $lei->rel2abs($self->{dst}); $pdir =~ s!/[^/]+/?\z!!; my $ft = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'm-XXXX', UNLINK => 1, DIR => $pdir, SUFFIX => '.tmp'); my $fn = $ft->filename; my ($bn) = ($fn =~ m!/([^/]+)\z!); my $cmd = $curl->for_uri($lei, $uri, '-R', '-o', $bn); my $opt = { -C => $pdir }; $opt->{$_} = $lei->{$_} for (0..2); my $cerr = run_reap($lei, $cmd, $opt); local %LIVE; if ($cerr) { return try_scrape($self) if ($cerr >> 8) == 22; # 404 missing return $lei->child_error($cerr, "@$cmd failed"); } my $m = eval { decode_manifest($ft, $fn, $uri) }; if ($@) { warn $@; return try_scrape($self); } my ($path_pfx, $n, $multi) = multi_inbox($self, \$path, $m); return $lei->child_error(1, $multi) if !ref($multi); my $jobs = $self->{lei}->{opt}->{jobs} // 2; if (my $v2 = delete $multi->{v2}) { for my $name (sort keys %$v2) { my $epochs = delete $v2->{$name}; my %v2_epochs = map { $uri->path($n > 1 ? $path_pfx.$path.$_ : $path_pfx.$_); my ($e) = ("$uri" =~ m!/([0-9]+)\.git\z!); $e // die "no [0-9]+\.git in `$uri'"; $e => [ $uri->clone, $_ ]; } @$epochs; ("$uri" =~ m!\A(.+/)git/[0-9]+\.git\z!) or die "BUG: `$uri' !~ m!/git/[0-9]+.git!"; local $self->{cur_src} = $1; local $self->{cur_dst} = $self->{dst}; if ($n > 1 && $uri->path =~ m!\A\Q$path_pfx$path\E/(.+)/ git/[0-9]+\.git\z!x) { $self->{cur_dst} .= "/$1"; } index($self->{cur_dst}, "\n") >= 0 and die <{cur_dst}' must not contain newline EOM clone_v2($self, \%v2_epochs, $m); reap_live() while keys(%LIVE) >= $jobs; return if $self->{lei}->{child_error}; } } if (my $v1 = delete $multi->{v1}) { my $p = $path_pfx.$path; chop($p) if substr($p, -1, 1) eq '/'; $uri->path($p); for my $name (@$v1) { local $self->{cur_src} = "$uri"; local $self->{cur_dst} = $self->{dst}; if ($n > 1) { $self->{cur_dst} .= $name; $self->{cur_src} .= $name; } index($self->{cur_dst}, "\n") >= 0 and die <{cur_dst}' must not contain newline EOM $self->{cur_src} .= '/'; clone_v1($self, 1); } } reap_live() while keys(%LIVE); if (delete $self->{-culled_manifest}) { # set by clone_v2/-I/--exclude # write the smaller manifest if epochs were skipped so # users won't have to delete manifest if they +w an # epoch they no longer want to skip my $json = PublicInbox::Config->json->encode($m); my $mtime = (stat($fn))[9]; gzip(\$json => $fn) or die "gzip: $GzipError"; utime($mtime, $mtime, $fn) or die "utime(..., $fn): $!"; } ft_rename($ft, "$self->{dst}/manifest.js.gz", 0666); open my $x, '>', "$self->{dst}/mirror.done"; # for _wq_done_wait } sub start_clone_url { my ($self) = @_; return try_manifest($self) if $self->{src} =~ m!\Ahttps?://!; die "TODO: non-HTTP/HTTPS clone of $self->{src} not supported, yet"; } sub do_mirror { # via wq_io_do my ($self) = @_; my $lei = $self->{lei}; umask($lei->{client_umask}) if defined $lei->{client_umask}; eval { my $iv = $lei->{opt}->{'inbox-version'}; if (defined $iv) { local %LIVE; return clone_v1($self) if $iv == 1; return try_scrape($self) if $iv == 2; die "bad --inbox-version=$iv\n"; } return start_clone_url($self) if $self->{src} =~ m!://!; die "TODO: cloning local directories not supported, yet"; }; $lei->fail($@) if $@; } sub start { my ($cls, $lei, $src, $dst) = @_; my $self = bless { src => $src, dst => $dst }, $cls; if ($src =~ m!https?://!) { require URI; require PublicInbox::LeiCurl; } require PublicInbox::Lock; require PublicInbox::Inbox; require PublicInbox::Admin; require PublicInbox::InboxWritable; $lei->request_umask; my ($op_c, $ops) = $lei->workers_start($self, 1); $lei->{wq1} = $self; $self->wq_io_do('do_mirror', []); $self->wq_close; $lei->wait_wq_events($op_c, $ops); } sub ipc_atfork_child { my ($self) = @_; $self->{lei}->_lei_atfork_child; $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_child; } sub write_makefile { my ($dir, $ibx_ver) = @_; my $f = "$dir/Makefile"; if (sysopen my $fh, $f, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY) { print $fh <