# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # read-only counterpart for PublicInbox::LeiStore package PublicInbox::LeiSearch; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::ExtSearch); use PublicInbox::Search qw(xap_terms); use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(content_digest content_hash); use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids mids_in); # get combined docid from over.num: # (not generic Xapian, only works with our sharding scheme) sub num2docid ($$) { my ($self, $num) = @_; my $nshard = $self->{nshard}; ($num - 1) * $nshard + $num % $nshard + 1; } sub msg_keywords { my ($self, $num) = @_; # num_or_mitem my $xdb = $self->xdb; # set {nshard}; my $docid = ref($num) ? $num->get_docid : num2docid($self, $num); my $kw = xap_terms('K', $xdb, $docid); warn "E: #$docid ($num): $@\n" if $@; wantarray ? sort(keys(%$kw)) : $kw; } # when a message has no Message-IDs at all, this is needed for # unsent Draft messages, at least sub content_key ($) { my ($eml) = @_; my $dig = content_digest($eml); my $chash = $dig->clone->digest; my $mids = mids_in($eml, qw(Message-ID X-Alt-Message-ID Resent-Message-ID)); unless (@$mids) { $eml->{-lei_fake_mid} = $mids->[0] = PublicInbox::Import::digest2mid($dig, $eml); } ($chash, $mids); } sub _cmp_1st { # git->cat_async callback my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $cmp) = @_; # cmp: [chash, found, smsg] if (content_hash(PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref)) eq $cmp->[0]) { $cmp->[1]->{$oid} = $cmp->[2]->{num}; } } sub xids_for { # returns { OID => docid } mapping for $eml matches my ($self, $eml, $min) = @_; my ($chash, $mids) = content_key($eml); my @overs = ($self->over // $self->overs_all); my $git = $self->git; my $found = {}; for my $mid (@$mids) { for my $o (@overs) { my ($id, $prev); while (my $cur = $o->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) { next if $found->{$cur->{blob}}; $git->cat_async($cur->{blob}, \&_cmp_1st, [ $chash, $found, $cur ]); if ($min && scalar(keys %$found) >= $min) { $git->cat_async_wait; return $found; } } } } $git->cat_async_wait; scalar(keys %$found) ? $found : undef; } # returns true if $eml is indexed by lei/store and keywords don't match sub kw_changed { my ($self, $eml, $new_kw_sorted) = @_; my $found = xids_for($self, $eml, 1) // return; my ($num) = values %$found; my @cur_kw = msg_keywords($self, $num); join("\0", @$new_kw_sorted) eq join("\0", @cur_kw) ? 0 : 1; } 1;