# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # The license for this file differs from the rest of public-inbox. # # We no longer load this in any of our code outside of maintainer # tests for compatibility. # # It monkey patches the "parts_multipart" subroutine with patches # from Matthew Horsfall at: # # git clone --mirror https://github.com/rjbs/Email-MIME.git refs/pull/28/head # # commit fe0eb870ab732507aa39a1070a2fd9435c7e4877 # ("Make sure we don't modify the body of a message when injecting a header.") # commit 981d8201a7239b02114489529fd366c4c576a146 # ("GH #14 - Handle CRLF emails properly.") # commit 2338d93598b5e8432df24bda8dfdc231bdeb666e # ("GH #14 - Support multipart messages without content-type in subparts.") # # For Email::MIME >= 1.923 && < 1.935, # commit dcef9be66c49ae89c7a5027a789bbbac544499ce # ("removing all trailing newlines was too much") # is also included package PublicInbox::MIME; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Email::MIME); use Email::MIME::ContentType; use PublicInbox::MsgIter (); $Email::MIME::ContentType::STRICT_PARAMS = 0; if ($Email::MIME::VERSION <= 1.937) { sub parts_multipart { my $self = shift; my $boundary = $self->{ct}->{attributes}->{boundary}; # Take a message, join all its lines together. Now try to Email::MIME->new # it with 1.861 or earlier. Death! It tries to recurse endlessly on the # body, because every time it splits on boundary it gets itself. Obviously # that means it's a bogus message, but a mangled result (or exception) is # better than endless recursion. -- rjbs, 2008-01-07 return $self->parts_single_part unless $boundary and $self->body_raw =~ /^--\Q$boundary\E\s*$/sm; $self->{body_raw} = Email::Simple::body($self); # rfc1521 7.2.1 my ($body, $epilogue) = split /^--\Q$boundary\E--\s*$/sm, $self->body_raw, 2; # Split on boundaries, but keep blank lines after them intact my @bits = split /^--\Q$boundary\E\s*?(?=$self->{mycrlf})/m, ($body || ''); Email::Simple::body_set($self, undef); # If there are no headers in the potential MIME part, it's just part of the # body. This is a horrible hack, although it's debatable whether it was # better or worse when it was $self->{body} = shift @bits ... -- rjbs, # 2006-11-27 Email::Simple::body_set($self, shift @bits) if ($bits[0] || '') !~ /.*:.*/; my $bits = @bits; my @parts; for my $bit (@bits) { # Parts don't need headers. If they don't have them, they look like this: # # --90e6ba6e8d06f1723604fc1b809a # # Part 2 # # Part 2a # # $bit will contain two new lines before Part 2. # # Anything with headers will only have one new line. # # RFC 1341 Section 7.2 says parts without headers are to be considered # plain US-ASCII text. -- alh # 2016-08-01 my $added_header; if ($bit =~ /^(?:$self->{mycrlf}){2}/) { $bit = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii" . $bit; $added_header = 1; } $bit =~ s/\A[\n\r]+//smg; $bit =~ s/(?{mycrlf}\Z//sm; my $email = (ref $self)->new($bit); if ($added_header) { # Remove our changes so we don't change the raw email content $email->header_str_set('Content-Type'); } push @parts, $email; } $self->{parts} = \@parts; return @{ $self->{parts} }; } } no warnings 'once'; *each_part = \&PublicInbox::MsgIter::em_each_part; 1;