# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ package PublicInbox::ManifestJsGz; use strict; use v5.10.1; use Digest::SHA (); use File::Spec (); use bytes (); # length use PublicInbox::Inbox; use PublicInbox::Git; use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); *try_cat = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat; our $json; for my $mod (qw(JSON::MaybeXS JSON JSON::PP)) { eval "require $mod" or next; # ->ascii encodes non-ASCII to "\uXXXX" $json = $mod->new->ascii(1) and last; } sub response { my ($env, $list) = @_; $json or return [ 404, [], [] ]; my $self = bless { -abs2urlpath => {}, -mtime => 0, manifest => {}, -list => $list, psgi_env => $env, }, __PACKAGE__; # PSGI server will call this immediately and give us a callback (-wcb) sub { $self->{-wcb} = $_[0]; # HTTP write callback iterate_start($self); }; } sub fingerprint ($) { my ($git) = @_; # TODO: convert to qspawn for fairness when there's # thousands of repos my ($fh, $pid) = $git->popen('show-ref'); my $dig = Digest::SHA->new(1); while (read($fh, my $buf, 65536)) { $dig->add($buf); } close $fh; waitpid($pid, 0); return if $?; # empty, uninitialized git repo $dig->hexdigest; } sub manifest_add ($$;$$) { my ($self, $ibx, $epoch, $default_desc) = @_; my $url_path = "/$ibx->{name}"; my $git_dir = $ibx->{inboxdir}; if (defined $epoch) { $git_dir .= "/git/$epoch.git"; $url_path .= "/git/$epoch.git"; } return unless -d $git_dir; my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir); my $fingerprint = fingerprint($git) or return; # no empty repos chomp(my $owner = $git->qx('config', 'gitweb.owner')); chomp(my $desc = try_cat("$git_dir/description")); utf8::decode($owner); utf8::decode($desc); $owner = undef if $owner eq ''; $desc = 'Unnamed repository' if $desc eq ''; # templates/hooks--update.sample and git-multimail in git.git # only match "Unnamed repository", not the full contents of # templates/this--description in git.git if ($desc =~ /\AUnnamed repository/) { $desc = "$default_desc [epoch $epoch]" if defined($epoch); } my $reference; chomp(my $alt = try_cat("$git_dir/objects/info/alternates")); if ($alt) { # n.b.: GitPython doesn't seem to handle comments or C-quoted # strings like native git does; and we don't for now, either. my @alt = split(/\n+/, $alt); # grokmirror only supports 1 alternate for "reference", if (scalar(@alt) == 1) { my $objdir = "$git_dir/objects"; $reference = File::Spec->rel2abs($alt[0], $objdir); $reference =~ s!/[^/]+/?\z!!; # basename } } $self->{-abs2urlpath}->{$git_dir} = $url_path; my $modified = $git->modified; if ($modified > $self->{-mtime}) { $self->{-mtime} = $modified; } $self->{manifest}->{$url_path} = { owner => $owner, reference => $reference, description => $desc, modified => $modified, fingerprint => $fingerprint, }; } sub iterate_start { my ($self) = @_; if (my $async = $self->{psgi_env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) { # PublicInbox::HTTPD::Async->new $async->(undef, undef, $self); } else { event_step($self) while $self->{-wcb}; } } sub event_step { my ($self) = @_; while (my $ibx = shift(@{$self->{-list}})) { eval { if (defined(my $max = $ibx->max_git_epoch)) { my $desc = $ibx->description; for my $epoch (0..$max) { manifest_add($self, $ibx, $epoch, $desc) } } else { manifest_add($self, $ibx); } }; warn "E: $@" if $@; if (my $async = $self->{psgi_env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) { # PublicInbox::HTTPD::Async->new $async->(undef, undef, $self); } return; # more steps needed } my $abs2urlpath = delete $self->{-abs2urlpath}; my $wcb = delete $self->{-wcb}; my $manifest = delete $self->{manifest}; while (my ($url_path, $repo) = each %$manifest) { defined(my $abs = $repo->{reference}) or next; $repo->{reference} = $abs2urlpath->{$abs}; } $manifest = $json->encode($manifest); gzip(\$manifest => \(my $out)); $wcb->([ 200, [ qw(Content-Type application/gzip), 'Last-Modified', time2str($self->{-mtime}), 'Content-Length', bytes::length($out) ], [ $out ] ]); } 1;