# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # generates manifest.js.gz for grokmirror(1) via PublicInbox::WWW # This doesn't parse manifest.js.gz (that happens in LeiMirror) package PublicInbox::ManifestJsGz; use v5.12; use parent qw(PublicInbox::WwwListing); use PublicInbox::Config; use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); my $json = PublicInbox::Config::json(); sub url_filter { my ($ctx) = @_; # grokmirror uses relative paths, so it's domain-dependent # SUPER calls PublicInbox::WwwListing::url_filter $ctx->SUPER::url_filter('publicInbox.grokManifest', 'match=domain'); } sub inject_entry ($$$;$) { my ($ctx, $url_path, $ent, $git_dir) = @_; $ctx->{-abs2urlpath}->{$git_dir // delete $ent->{git_dir}} = $url_path; my $modified = $ent->{modified}; $ctx->{-mtime} = $modified if $modified > ($ctx->{-mtime} // 0); $ctx->{manifest}->{$url_path} = $ent; } sub manifest_add ($$;$$) { # slow path w/o extindex "all" (or per-inbox) my ($ctx, $ibx, $epoch, $default_desc) = @_; my $url_path = "/$ibx->{name}"; my $git; if (defined $epoch) { $url_path .= "/git/$epoch.git"; $git = $ibx->git_epoch($epoch) or return; } else { $git = $ibx->git; } my $ent = $git->manifest_entry($epoch, $default_desc) or return; inject_entry($ctx, $url_path, $ent, $git->{git_dir}); } sub slow_manifest_add ($$) { my ($ctx, $ibx) = @_; eval { if (defined(my $max = $ibx->max_git_epoch)) { my $desc = $ibx->description; for my $epoch (0..$max) { manifest_add($ctx, $ibx, $epoch, $desc); } } else { manifest_add($ctx, $ibx); } }; warn "E: $@" if $@; } sub eidx_manifest_add ($$$) { my ($ctx, $ALL, $ibx) = @_; if (my $data = $ALL->misc->inbox_data($ibx)) { $data = $json->decode($data); delete $data->{''}; # private while (my ($url_path, $ent) = each %$data) { inject_entry($ctx, $url_path, $ent); } } else { warn "E: `${\$ibx->eidx_key}' not indexed by $ALL->{topdir}\n"; # do not use slow path for global manifest since # it can become catastrophically slow. per-inbox manifest # is not too bad with dozens of epochs, so never fail that: slow_manifest_add($ctx, $ibx) if $ibx == $ctx->{ibx}; } } sub response { my ($class, $ctx) = @_; bless $ctx, $class; my ($re, undef) = $ctx->url_filter; $re // return psgi_triple($ctx); my $iter = PublicInbox::ConfigIter->new($ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}, $ctx->can('list_match_i'), $re, $ctx); sub { $ctx->{-wcb} = $_[0]; # HTTP server callback $ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'} ? $iter->event_step : $iter->each_section; } } sub ibx_entry { my ($ctx, $ibx) = @_; my $ALL = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->ALL; $ALL ? eidx_manifest_add($ctx, $ALL, $ibx) : slow_manifest_add($ctx, $ibx); } sub hide_key { 'manifest' } # for WwwListing->list_match_i sub psgi_triple { my ($ctx) = @_; my $abs2urlpath = delete($ctx->{-abs2urlpath}) // {}; my $manifest = delete($ctx->{manifest}) // {}; while (my ($url_path, $repo) = each %$manifest) { defined(my $abs = $repo->{reference}) or next; $repo->{reference} = $abs2urlpath->{$abs}; } $manifest = $json->encode($manifest); gzip(\$manifest => \(my $out)); [ 200, [ qw(Content-Type application/gzip), 'Last-Modified', time2str($ctx->{-mtime}), 'Content-Length', length($out) ], [ $out ] ] } sub per_inbox { my ($ctx) = @_; ibx_entry($ctx, $ctx->{ibx}); psgi_triple($ctx); } 1;