# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Maildirs for now, MH eventually # ref: https://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html # https://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailboxFormat/Maildir package PublicInbox::MdirReader; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::InboxWritable qw(eml_from_path); use PublicInbox::SHA qw(sha256_hex); # returns Maildir flags from a basename ('' for no flags, undef for invalid) sub maildir_basename_flags { my (@f) = split(/:/, $_[0], -1); return if (scalar(@f) > 2 || substr($f[0], 0, 1) eq '.'); $f[1] // return ''; # "new" $f[1] =~ /\A2,([A-Za-z]*)\z/ ? $1 : undef; # "cur" } # same as above, but for full path name sub maildir_path_flags { my ($f) = @_; my $i = rindex($f, '/'); $i >= 0 ? maildir_basename_flags(substr($f, $i + 1)) : undef; } sub shard_ok ($$$) { my ($bn, $mod, $shard) = @_; # can't get dirent.d_ino w/ pure Perl readdir, so we extract # the OID if it looks like one instead of doing stat(2) my $hex = $bn =~ m!\A([a-f0-9]{40,})! ? $1 : sha256_hex($bn); my $recno = hex(substr($hex, 0, 8)); ($recno % $mod) == $shard; } sub maildir_each_file { my ($self, $dir, $cb, @arg) = @_; $dir .= '/' unless substr($dir, -1) eq '/'; my ($mod, $shard) = @{$self->{shard_info} // []}; for my $d (qw(new/ cur/)) { my $pfx = $dir.$d; opendir my $dh, $pfx or next; while (defined(my $bn = readdir($dh))) { my $fl = maildir_basename_flags($bn) // next; next if defined($mod) && !shard_ok($bn, $mod, $shard); next if index($fl, 'T') >= 0; # no Trashed messages $cb->($pfx.$bn, $fl, @arg); } } } my %c2kw = ('D' => 'draft', F => 'flagged', P => 'forwarded', R => 'answered', S => 'seen'); sub maildir_each_eml { my ($self, $dir, $cb, @arg) = @_; $dir .= '/' unless substr($dir, -1) eq '/'; my ($mod, $shard) = @{$self->{shard_info} // []}; my $pfx = $dir . 'new/'; if (opendir(my $dh, $pfx)) { while (defined(my $bn = readdir($dh))) { next if substr($bn, 0, 1) eq '.'; my @f = split(/:/, $bn, -1); # mbsync and offlineimap both use "2," in "new/" next if ($f[1] // '2,') ne '2,' || defined($f[2]); next if defined($mod) && !shard_ok($bn, $mod, $shard); my $f = $pfx.$bn; my $eml = eml_from_path($f) or next; $cb->($f, [], $eml, @arg); } } $pfx = $dir . 'cur/'; opendir my $dh, $pfx or return; while (defined(my $bn = readdir($dh))) { my $fl = maildir_basename_flags($bn) // next; next if index($fl, 'T') >= 0; next if defined($mod) && !shard_ok($bn, $mod, $shard); my $f = $pfx.$bn; my $eml = eml_from_path($f) or next; my @kw = sort(map { $c2kw{$_} // () } split(//, $fl)); $cb->($f, \@kw, $eml, @arg); } } sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ } sub flags2kw ($) { if (wantarray) { my @unknown; my %kw; for (split(//, $_[0])) { my $k = $c2kw{$_}; if (defined($k)) { $kw{$k} = 1; } else { push @unknown, $_; } } (\%kw, \@unknown); } else { [ sort(map { $c2kw{$_} // () } split(//, $_[0])) ]; } } 1;