# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Various date/time-related functions package PublicInbox::MsgTime; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(msg_timestamp msg_datestamp); use Time::Local qw(timegm); my @MoY = qw(january february march april may june july august september october november december); my %MoY; @MoY{@MoY} = (0..11); @MoY{map { substr($_, 0, 3) } @MoY} = (0..11); my %OBSOLETE_TZ = ( # RFC2822 4.3 (Obsolete Date and Time) EST => '-0500', EDT => '-0400', CST => '-0600', CDT => '-0500', MST => '-0700', MDT => '-0600', PST => '-0800', PDT => '-0700', UT => '+0000', GMT => '+0000', Z => '+0000', # RFC2822 states: # The 1 character military time zones were defined in a non-standard # way in [RFC822] and are therefore unpredictable in their meaning. ); my $OBSOLETE_TZ = join('|', keys %OBSOLETE_TZ); sub str2date_zone ($) { my ($date) = @_; my ($ts, $zone); # RFC822 is most likely for email, but we can tolerate an extra comma # or punctuation as long as all the data is there. # We'll use '\s' since Unicode spaces won't affect our parsing. # SpamAssassin ignores commas and redundant spaces, too. if ($date =~ /(?:[A-Za-z]+,?\s+)? # day-of-week ([0-9]+),?\s+ # dd ([A-Za-z]+)\s+ # mon ([0-9]{2,})\s+ # YYYY or YY (or YYY :P) ([0-9]+)[:\.] # HH: ((?:[0-9]{2})|(?:\s?[0-9])) # MM (?:[:\.]((?:[0-9]{2})|(?:\s?[0-9])))? # :SS \s+ # a TZ offset is required: ([\+\-])? # TZ sign [\+\-]* # I've seen extra "-" e.g. "--500" ([0-9]+|$OBSOLETE_TZ)(?:\s|$) # TZ offset /xo) { my ($dd, $m, $yyyy, $hh, $mm, $ss, $sign, $tz) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); # don't accept non-English months defined(my $mon = $MoY{lc($m)}) or return; if (defined(my $off = $OBSOLETE_TZ{$tz})) { $sign = substr($off, 0, 1); $tz = substr($off, 1); } # Y2K problems: 3-digit years, follow RFC2822 if (length($yyyy) <= 3) { $yyyy += 1900; # and 2-digit years from '09 (2009) (0..49) $yyyy += 100 if $yyyy < 1950; } $ts = timegm($ss // 0, $mm, $hh, $dd, $mon, $yyyy); # Compute the time offset from [+-]HHMM $tz //= 0; my ($tz_hh, $tz_mm); if (length($tz) == 1) { $tz_hh = $tz; $tz_mm = 0; } elsif (length($tz) == 2) { $tz_hh = 0; $tz_mm = $tz; } else { $tz_hh = $tz; $tz_hh =~ s/([0-9]{2})\z//; $tz_mm = $1; } while ($tz_mm >= 60) { $tz_mm -= 60; $tz_hh += 1; } $sign //= '+'; my $off = $sign . ($tz_mm * 60 + ($tz_hh * 60 * 60)); $ts -= $off; $sign = '+' if $off == 0; $zone = sprintf('%s%02d%02d', $sign, $tz_hh, $tz_mm); # Time::Zone and Date::Parse are part of the same distibution, # and we need Time::Zone to deal with tz names like "EDT" } elsif (eval { require Date::Parse }) { $ts = Date::Parse::str2time($date); return undef unless(defined $ts); # off is the time zone offset in seconds from GMT my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$off) = Date::Parse::strptime($date); return undef unless(defined $off); # Compute the time zone from offset my $sign = ($off < 0) ? '-' : '+'; my $hour = abs(int($off / 3600)); my $min = ($off / 60) % 60; # deal with weird offsets like '-0420' properly $min = 60 - $min if ($min && $off < 0); $zone = sprintf('%s%02d%02d', $sign, $hour, $min); } else { warn "Date::Parse missing for non-RFC822 date: $date\n"; return undef; } # Note: we've already applied the offset to $ts at this point, # but we want to keep "git fsck" happy. # "-1200" is the furthest westermost zone offset, # but git fast-import is liberal so we use "-1400" if ($zone >= 1400 || $zone <= -1400) { warn "bogus TZ offset: $zone, ignoring and assuming +0000\n"; $zone = '+0000'; } [$ts, $zone]; } sub time_response ($) { my ($ret) = @_; wantarray ? @$ret : $ret->[0]; } sub msg_received_at ($) { my ($hdr) = @_; # Email::MIME::Header my @recvd = $hdr->header_raw('Received'); my ($ts); foreach my $r (@recvd) { $r =~ /\s*([0-9]+\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+[0-9]{2,4}\s+ [0-9]+[^0-9][0-9]+(?:[^0-9][0-9]+) \s+([\+\-][0-9]+))/sx or next; $ts = eval { str2date_zone($1) } and return $ts; my $mid = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID'); warn "no date in $mid Received: $r\n"; } undef; } sub msg_date_only ($) { my ($hdr) = @_; # Email::MIME::Header my @date = $hdr->header_raw('Date'); my ($ts); foreach my $d (@date) { $ts = eval { str2date_zone($d) } and return $ts; if ($@) { my $mid = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID'); warn "bad Date: $d in $mid: $@\n"; } } undef; } # Favors Received header for sorting globally sub msg_timestamp ($) { my ($hdr) = @_; # Email::MIME::Header my $ret; $ret = msg_received_at($hdr) and return time_response($ret); $ret = msg_date_only($hdr) and return time_response($ret); wantarray ? (time, '+0000') : time; } # Favors the Date: header for display and sorting within a thread sub msg_datestamp ($) { my ($hdr) = @_; # Email::MIME::Header my $ret; $ret = msg_date_only($hdr) and return time_response($ret); $ret = msg_received_at($hdr) and return time_response($ret); wantarray ? (time, '+0000') : time; } 1;