# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # common reader code for IMAP and NNTP (and maybe JMAP) package PublicInbox::NetReader; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(Exporter); # TODO: trim this down, this is huge our @EXPORT = qw(uri_new uri_scheme uri_section mic_for nn_new nn_for imap_url nntp_url); # avoid exposing deprecated "snews" to users. my %SCHEME_MAP = ('snews' => 'nntps'); sub uri_scheme ($) { my ($uri) = @_; my $scheme = $uri->scheme; $SCHEME_MAP{$scheme} // $scheme; } # returns the git config section name, e.g [imap "imaps://user@example.com"] # without the mailbox, so we can share connections between different inboxes sub uri_section ($) { my ($uri) = @_; uri_scheme($uri) . '://' . $uri->authority; } sub auth_anon_cb { '' }; # for Mail::IMAPClient::Authcallback sub mic_for { # mic = Mail::IMAPClient my ($self, $url, $mic_args) = @_; require PublicInbox::URIimap; my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url); require PublicInbox::GitCredential; my $cred = bless { url => $url, protocol => $uri->scheme, host => $uri->host, username => $uri->user, password => $uri->password, }, 'PublicInbox::GitCredential'; my $common = $mic_args->{uri_section($uri)} // {}; # IMAPClient and Net::Netrc both mishandles `0', so we pass `' my $host = $cred->{host}; $host = '' if $host eq '0'; my $mic_arg = { Port => $uri->port, Server => $host, Ssl => $uri->scheme eq 'imaps', Keepalive => 1, # SO_KEEPALIVE %$common, # may set Starttls, Compress, Debug .... }; require PublicInbox::IMAPClient; my $mic = PublicInbox::IMAPClient->new(%$mic_arg) or die "E: <$url> new: $@\n"; # default to using STARTTLS if it's available, but allow # it to be disabled since I usually connect to localhost if (!$mic_arg->{Ssl} && !defined($mic_arg->{Starttls}) && $mic->has_capability('STARTTLS') && $mic->can('starttls')) { $mic->starttls or die "E: <$url> STARTTLS: $@\n"; } # do we even need credentials? if (!defined($cred->{username}) && $mic->has_capability('AUTH=ANONYMOUS')) { $cred = undef; } if ($cred) { $cred->check_netrc unless defined $cred->{password}; $cred->fill; # may prompt user here $mic->User($mic_arg->{User} = $cred->{username}); $mic->Password($mic_arg->{Password} = $cred->{password}); } else { # AUTH=ANONYMOUS $mic->Authmechanism($mic_arg->{Authmechanism} = 'ANONYMOUS'); $mic->Authcallback($mic_arg->{Authcallback} = \&auth_anon_cb); } if ($mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated) { # success! keep IMAPClient->new arg in case we get disconnected $self->{mic_arg}->{uri_section($uri)} = $mic_arg; } else { warn "E: <$url> LOGIN: $@\n"; $mic = undef; } $cred->run($mic ? 'approve' : 'reject') if $cred; $mic; } sub uri_new { my ($url) = @_; require URI; # URI::snews exists, URI::nntps does not, so use URI::snews $url =~ s!\Anntps://!snews://!i; URI->new($url); } # Net::NNTP doesn't support CAPABILITIES, yet sub try_starttls ($) { my ($host) = @_; return if $host =~ /\.onion\z/s; return if $host =~ /\A127\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\z/s; return if $host eq '::1'; 1; } sub nn_new ($$$) { my ($nn_arg, $nntp_opt, $url) = @_; my $nn = Net::NNTP->new(%$nn_arg) or die "E: <$url> new: $!\n"; # default to using STARTTLS if it's available, but allow # it to be disabled for localhost/VPN users if (!$nn_arg->{SSL} && $nn->can('starttls')) { if (!defined($nntp_opt->{starttls}) && try_starttls($nn_arg->{Host})) { # soft fail by default $nn->starttls or warn <<""; W: <$url> STARTTLS tried and failed (not requested) } elsif ($nntp_opt->{starttls}) { # hard fail if explicitly configured $nn->starttls or die <<""; E: <$url> STARTTLS requested and failed } } elsif ($nntp_opt->{starttls}) { $nn->can('starttls') or die "E: <$url> Net::NNTP too old for STARTTLS\n"; $nn->starttls or die <<""; E: <$url> STARTTLS requested and failed } $nn; } sub nn_for ($$$) { # nn = Net::NNTP my ($self, $url, $nn_args) = @_; my $uri = uri_new($url); my $sec = uri_section($uri); my $nntp_opt = $self->{nntp_opt}->{$sec} //= {}; my $host = $uri->host; # Net::NNTP and Net::Netrc both mishandle `0', so we pass `' $host = '' if $host eq '0'; my $cred; my ($u, $p); if (defined(my $ui = $uri->userinfo)) { require PublicInbox::GitCredential; $cred = bless { url => $sec, protocol => uri_scheme($uri), host => $host, }, 'PublicInbox::GitCredential'; ($u, $p) = split(/:/, $ui, 2); ($cred->{username}, $cred->{password}) = ($u, $p); $cred->check_netrc unless defined $p; } my $common = $nn_args->{$sec} // {}; my $nn_arg = { Port => $uri->port, Host => $host, SSL => $uri->secure, # snews == nntps %$common, # may Debug .... }; my $nn = nn_new($nn_arg, $nntp_opt, $url); if ($cred) { $cred->fill; # may prompt user here if ($nn->authinfo($u, $p)) { push @{$nntp_opt->{-postconn}}, [ 'authinfo', $u, $p ]; } else { warn "E: <$url> AUTHINFO $u XXXX failed\n"; $nn = undef; } } if ($nntp_opt->{compress}) { # https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129967 if ($nn->can('compress')) { if ($nn->compress) { push @{$nntp_opt->{-postconn}}, [ 'compress' ]; } else { warn "W: <$url> COMPRESS failed\n"; } } else { delete $nntp_opt->{compress}; warn <<""; W: <$url> COMPRESS not supported by Net::NNTP W: see https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129967 for updates } } $self->{nn_arg}->{$sec} = $nn_arg; $cred->run($nn ? 'approve' : 'reject') if $cred; $nn; } sub imap_url { my ($url) = @_; require PublicInbox::URIimap; my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url); $uri ? $uri->canonical->as_string : undef; } my %IS_NNTP = (news => 1, snews => 1, nntp => 1); sub nntp_url { my ($url) = @_; my $uri = uri_new($url); return unless $uri && $IS_NNTP{$uri->scheme} && $uri->group; $url = $uri->canonical->as_string; # nntps is IANA registered, snews is deprecated $url =~ s!\Asnews://!nntps://!; $url; } 1;