# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Plack app redirector for mapping /$NEWSGROUP requests to # the appropriate /$INBOX in PublicInbox::WWW because some # auto-linkifiers cannot handle nntp:// redirects properly. # This is also used directly by PublicInbox::WWW package PublicInbox::NewsWWW; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::Config; use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8); sub new { my ($class, $pi_config) = @_; $pi_config ||= PublicInbox::Config->new; bless { pi_config => $pi_config }, $class; } sub call { my ($self, $env) = @_; my $ng_map = $self->newsgroup_map; my $path = $env->{PATH_INFO}; $path =~ s!\A/+!!; $path =~ s!/+\z!!; # some links may have the article number in them: # /inbox.foo.bar/123456 my ($ng, $article) = split(m!/+!, $path, 2); if (my $info = $ng_map->{$ng}) { my $url = PublicInbox::Hval::prurl($env, $info->{url}); my $code = 301; if (defined $article && $article =~ /\A\d+\z/) { my $mid = eval { ng_mid_for($ng, $info, $article) }; if (defined $mid) { # article IDs are not stable across clones, # do not encourage caching/bookmarking them $code = 302; $url .= uri_escape_utf8($mid) . '/'; } } my $h = [ Location => $url, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ]; return [ $code, $h, [ "Redirecting to $url\n" ] ] } [ 404, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ], [] ]; } sub ng_mid_for { my ($ng, $info, $article) = @_; # may fail due to lack of Danga::Socket # for defer_weaken: require PublicInbox::NewsGroup; $ng = $info->{ng} ||= PublicInbox::NewsGroup->new($ng, $info->{git_dir}, ''); $ng->mm->mid_for($article); } sub newsgroup_map { my ($self) = @_; my $rv; $rv = $self->{ng_map} and return $rv; my $pi_config = $self->{pi_config}; my %ng_map; foreach my $k (keys %$pi_config) { $k =~ /\Apublicinbox\.([^\.]+)\.mainrepo\z/ or next; my $inbox = $1; my $git_dir = $pi_config->{"publicinbox.$inbox.mainrepo"}; my $url = $pi_config->{"publicinbox.$inbox.url"}; defined $url or next; my $ng = $pi_config->{"publicinbox.$inbox.newsgroup"}; next if (!defined $ng) || ($ng eq ''); # disabled $url =~ m!/\z! or $url .= '/'; $ng_map{$ng} = { url => $url, git_dir => $git_dir }; } $self->{ng_map} = \%ng_map; } 1;