# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # cgit-compatible $REPO/tree/[PATH]?h=$tip redirector package PublicInbox::RepoTree; use v5.12; use PublicInbox::ViewDiff qw(uri_escape_path); use PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat; use PublicInbox::WwwStatic qw(r); sub tree_30x { # git check_async callback my ($oid, $type, $size, $ctx) = @_; my $wcb = delete $ctx->{-wcb}; return $wcb->(r(404)) if $type eq 'missing'; my $u = $ctx->{git}->base_url($ctx->{env}); my $path = uri_escape_path(delete $ctx->{-path}); $u .= "$oid/s/?b=$path"; $wcb->([ 302, [ Location => $u, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ], [ "Redirecting to $u\n" ] ]) } sub srv_tree { my ($ctx, $path) = @_; return if index($path, '//') >= 0 || index($path, '/') == 0; my $tip = $ctx->{qp}->{h} // 'HEAD'; $path =~ s!/\z!!; my $obj = $ctx->{-obj} = "$tip:$path"; $ctx->{-path} = $path; # "\n" breaks with `git cat-file --batch-check', and there's no # legitimate use of "\n" in filenames anyways. return if index($obj, "\n") >= 0; sub { $ctx->{-wcb} = $_[0]; # HTTP::{Chunked,Identity} if ($ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) { async_check($ctx, $obj, \&tree_30x, $ctx); } else { $ctx->{git}->check_async($obj, \&tree_30x, $ctx); $ctx->{git}->async_wait_all; } }; } 1;