# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # This license differs from the rest of public-inbox # # Our own jwz-style threading class based on Mail::Thread from CPAN. # Mail::Thread is unmaintained and unavailable on some distros. # We also do not want pruning or subject grouping, since we want # to encourage strict threading and hopefully encourage people # to use proper In-Reply-To/References. # # This includes fixes from several open bugs for Mail::Thread # # Avoid circular references # - https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=22817 # # And avoid recursion in recurse_down: # - https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=116727 # - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=833479 package PublicInbox::SearchThread; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::MID qw($MID_EXTRACT); sub thread { my ($msgs, $ordersub, $ctx) = @_; my (%id_table, @imposters); keys(%id_table) = scalar @$msgs; # pre-size # A. put all current non-imposter $msgs (non-ghosts) into %id_table # (imposters are messages with reused Message-IDs) # Sadly, we sort here anyways since the fill-in-the-blanks References: # can be shakier if somebody used In-Reply-To with multiple, disparate # messages. So, take the client Date: into account since we can't # always determine ordering when somebody uses multiple In-Reply-To. my @kids = sort { $a->{ds} <=> $b->{ds} } grep { # this delete saves around 4K across 1K messages # TODO: move this to a more appropriate place, breaks tests # if we do it during psgi_cull delete $_->{num}; bless $_, 'PublicInbox::SearchThread::Msg'; if (exists $id_table{$_->{mid}}) { $_->{children} = []; push @imposters, $_; # we'll deal with them later undef; } else { $_->{children} = {}; # will become arrayref later $id_table{$_->{mid}} = $_; defined($_->{references}); } } @$msgs; for my $smsg (@kids) { # This loop exists to help fill in gaps left from missing # messages. It is not needed in a perfect world where # everything is perfectly referenced, only the last ref # matters. my $prev; for my $ref ($smsg->{references} =~ m/$MID_EXTRACT/go) { # Find a Container object for the given Message-ID my $cont = $id_table{$ref} //= PublicInbox::SearchThread::Msg::ghost($ref); # Link the References field's Containers together in # the order implied by the References header # # * If they are already linked don't change the # existing links # * Do not add a link if adding that link would # introduce a loop... if ($prev && !$cont->{parent} && # already linked !$cont->has_descendent($prev) # would loop ) { $prev->add_child($cont); } $prev = $cont; } # C. Set the parent of this message to be the last element in # References. if (defined $prev && !$smsg->has_descendent($prev)) { $prev->add_child($smsg); } } my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my @rootset = grep { # n.b.: delete prevents cyclic refs !delete($_->{parent}) && $_->visible($ibx) } values %id_table; $ordersub->(\@rootset); $_->order_children($ordersub, $ctx) for @rootset; # parent imposter messages with reused Message-IDs unshift(@{$id_table{$_->{mid}}->{children}}, $_) for @imposters; \@rootset; } package PublicInbox::SearchThread::Msg; use base qw(PublicInbox::Smsg); use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw(croak); # declare a ghost smsg (determined by absence of {blob}) sub ghost { bless { mid => $_[0], children => {}, # becomes an array when sorted by ->order(...) }, __PACKAGE__; } sub topmost { my ($self) = @_; my @q = ($self); while (my $cont = shift @q) { return $cont if $cont->{blob}; push @q, values %{$cont->{children}}; } undef; } sub add_child { my ($self, $child) = @_; croak "Cowardly refusing to become my own parent: $self" if $self == $child; my $cid = $child->{mid}; # reparenting: if (defined(my $parent = $child->{parent})) { delete $parent->{children}->{$cid}; } $self->{children}->{$cid} = $child; $child->{parent} = $self; } sub has_descendent { my ($self, $child) = @_; my %seen; # loop prevention while ($child) { return 1 if $self == $child || $seen{$child}++; $child = $child->{parent}; } 0; } # Do not show/keep ghosts iff they have no children. Sometimes # a ghost Message-ID is the result of a long header line # being folded/mangled by a MUA, and not a missing message. sub visible ($$) { my ($self, $ibx) = @_; return 1 if $self->{blob}; if (my $by_mid = $ibx->smsg_by_mid($self->{mid})) { %$self = (%$self, %$by_mid); 1; } else { (scalar values %{$self->{children}}); } } sub order_children { my ($cur, $ordersub, $ctx) = @_; my %seen = ($cur => 1); # self-referential loop prevention my @q = ($cur); my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; while (defined($cur = shift @q)) { # the {children} hashref here... my @c = grep { !$seen{$_}++ && visible($_, $ibx) } values %{$cur->{children}}; $ordersub->(\@c) if scalar(@c) > 1; $cur->{children} = \@c; # ...becomes an arrayref push @q, @c; } } 1;