# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) # # Displays search results for the web interface package PublicInbox::SearchView; use strict; use warnings; use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape uri_escape); use PublicInbox::SearchMsg; use PublicInbox::Hval qw/ascii_html/; use PublicInbox::View; use PublicInbox::WwwAtomStream; use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid2path mid_mime mid_clean mid_escape MID_ESC); use PublicInbox::MIME; require PublicInbox::Git; require PublicInbox::SearchThread; our $LIM = 200; sub noop {} sub sres_top_html { my ($ctx) = @_; my $q = PublicInbox::SearchQuery->new($ctx->{qp}); my $code = 200; # double the limit for expanded views: my $opts = { limit => $LIM, offset => $q->{o}, mset => 1, relevance => $q->{r}, }; my ($mset, $total, $err, $cb); retry: eval { $mset = $ctx->{srch}->query($q->{'q'}, $opts); $total = $mset->get_matches_estimated; }; $err = $@; ctx_prepare($q, $ctx); if ($err) { $code = 400; $ctx->{-html_tip} = '
'.err_txt($ctx, $err).'

'; $cb = *noop; } elsif ($total == 0) { if (defined($ctx->{-uxs_retried})) { # undo retry damage: $q->{'q'} = $ctx->{-uxs_retried}; } elsif (index($q->{'q'}, '%') >= 0) { $ctx->{-uxs_retried} = $q->{'q'}; $q->{'q'} = uri_unescape($q->{'q'}); goto retry; } $code = 404; $ctx->{-html_tip} = "
\n[No results found]

"; $cb = *noop; } else { my $x = $q->{x}; return adump($_[0], $mset, $q, $ctx) if $x eq 'A'; $ctx->{-html_tip} = search_nav_top($mset, $q, $ctx) . "\n\n"; if ($x eq 't') { $cb = mset_thread($ctx, $mset, $q); } else { $cb = mset_summary($ctx, $mset, $q); } } PublicInbox::WwwStream->response($ctx, $code, $cb); } # allow undef for individual doc loads... sub load_doc_retry { my ($srch, $mitem) = @_; eval { $srch->retry_reopen(sub { PublicInbox::SearchMsg->load_doc($mitem->get_document) }); } } # display non-threaded search results similar to what users expect from # regular WWW search engines: sub mset_summary { my ($ctx, $mset, $q) = @_; my $total = $mset->get_matches_estimated; my $pad = length("$total"); my $pfx = ' ' x $pad; my $res = \($ctx->{-html_tip}); my $srch = $ctx->{srch}; foreach my $m ($mset->items) { my $rank = sprintf("%${pad}d", $m->get_rank + 1); my $pct = $m->get_percent; my $smsg = load_doc_retry($srch, $m); unless ($smsg) { eval { $m = "$m ".$m->get_docid . " expired\n"; $ctx->{env}->{'psgi.errors'}->print($m); }; next; } my $s = ascii_html($smsg->subject); my $f = ascii_html($smsg->from_name); my $ts = PublicInbox::View::fmt_ts($smsg->ts); my $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($smsg->mid)->{href}; $$res .= qq{$rank. }. $s . "\n"; $$res .= "$pfx - by $f @ $ts UTC [$pct%]\n\n"; } $$res .= search_nav_bot($mset, $q); *noop; } sub err_txt { my ($ctx, $err) = @_; my $u = $ctx->{-inbox}->base_url($ctx->{env}) . '_/text/help/'; $err =~ s/^\s*Exception:\s*//; # bad word to show users :P $err = ascii_html($err); "\nBad query: $err\n" . qq{See $u for help on using search}; } sub search_nav_top { my ($mset, $q, $ctx) = @_; my $rv = '
	my $initial_q = $ctx->{-uxs_retried};
	if (defined $initial_q) {
		my $rewritten = $q->{'q'};
		$initial_q = ascii_html($initial_q);
		$rewritten = ascii_html($rewritten);
		$rv .= " Warning: Initial query:\n $initial_q\n";
		$rv .= " returned no results, used:\n";
		$rv .= " $rewritten\n instead\n\n";

	$rv .= 'Search results ordered by [';
	if ($q->{r}) {
		my $d = $q->qs_html(r => 0);
		$rv .= qq{date|relevance};
	} else {
		my $d = $q->qs_html(r => 1);
		$rv .= qq{date|relevance};

	$rv .= ']  view[';

	my $x = $q->{x};
	if ($x eq '') {
		my $t = $q->qs_html(x => 't');
		$rv .= qq{summary|threaded}
	} elsif ($q->{x} eq 't') {
		my $s = $q->qs_html(x => '');
		$rv .= qq{summary|threaded};
	my $A = $q->qs_html(x => 'A', r => undef);
	$rv .= qq{|Atom feed]};

sub search_nav_bot {
	my ($mset, $q) = @_;
	my $total = $mset->get_matches_estimated;
	my $nr = scalar $mset->items;
	my $o = $q->{o};
	my $end = $o + $nr;
	my $beg = $o + 1;
	my $rv = '

	if ($beg <= $end) {
		$rv .= "Results $beg-$end of $total";
		$rv .= ' (estimated)' if $end != $total;
	} else {
		$rv .= "No more results, only $total";
	my $n = $o + $LIM;

	if ($n < $total) {
		my $qs = $q->qs_html(o => $n);
		$rv .= qq{  next}
	if ($o > 0) {
		$rv .= $n < $total ? '/' : '       ';
		my $p = $o - $LIM;
		my $qs = $q->qs_html(o => ($p > 0 ? $p : 0));
		$rv .= qq{prev};
	$rv .= '
'; } sub sort_relevance { my ($pct) = @_; sub { [ sort { (eval { $pct->{$b->topmost->{id}} } || 0) <=> (eval { $pct->{$a->topmost->{id}} } || 0) } @{$_[0]} ] }; } sub mset_thread { my ($ctx, $mset, $q) = @_; my %pct; my $msgs = $ctx->{srch}->retry_reopen(sub { [ map { my $i = $_; my $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->load_doc($i->get_document); $pct{$smsg->mid} = $i->get_percent; $smsg; } ($mset->items) ]}); my $r = $q->{r}; my $rootset = PublicInbox::SearchThread::thread($msgs, $r ? sort_relevance(\%pct) : *PublicInbox::View::sort_ts); my $skel = search_nav_bot($mset, $q). "
	my $inbox = $ctx->{-inbox};
	$ctx->{-upfx} = '';
	$ctx->{anchor_idx} = 1;
	$ctx->{cur_level} = 0;
	$ctx->{dst} = \$skel;
	$ctx->{mapping} = {};
	$ctx->{pct} = \%pct;
	$ctx->{prev_attr} = '';
	$ctx->{prev_level} = 0;
	$ctx->{seen} = {};
	$ctx->{s_nr} = scalar(@$msgs).'+ results';

	PublicInbox::View::walk_thread($rootset, $ctx,
	@$msgs = reverse @$msgs if $r;
	my $mime;
	sub {
		return unless $msgs;
		while ($mime = pop @$msgs) {
			$mime = $inbox->msg_by_smsg($mime) and last;
		if ($mime) {
			$mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new($mime);
			return PublicInbox::View::index_entry($mime, $ctx,
				scalar @$msgs);
		$msgs = undef;
		$skel .= "\n
"; }; } sub ctx_prepare { my ($q, $ctx) = @_; my $qh = $q->{'q'}; utf8::decode($qh); $qh = ascii_html($qh); $ctx->{-q_value_html} = $qh; $ctx->{-atom} = '?'.$q->qs_html(x => 'A', r => undef); $ctx->{-title_html} = "$qh - search results"; my $extra = ''; $extra .= qq{} if $q->{r}; if (my $x = $q->{x}) { $x = ascii_html($x); $extra .= qq{}; } $ctx->{-extra_form_html} = $extra; } sub adump { my ($cb, $mset, $q, $ctx) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{-inbox}; my @items = $mset->items; $ctx->{search_query} = $q; my $srch = $ctx->{srch}; PublicInbox::WwwAtomStream->response($ctx, 200, sub { while (my $x = shift @items) { $x = load_doc_retry($srch, $x); $x = $ibx->msg_by_smsg($x) and return PublicInbox::MIME->new($x); } return undef; }); } package PublicInbox::SearchQuery; use strict; use warnings; use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape); use PublicInbox::Hval; use PublicInbox::MID qw(MID_ESC); sub new { my ($class, $qp) = @_; my $r = $qp->{r}; bless { q => $qp->{'q'}, x => $qp->{x} || '', o => (($qp->{o} || '0') =~ /(\d+)/), r => (defined $r && $r ne '0'), }, $class; } sub qs_html { my ($self, %over) = @_; if (keys %over) { my $tmp = bless { %$self }, ref($self); foreach my $k (keys %over) { $tmp->{$k} = $over{$k}; } $self = $tmp; } my $q = uri_escape($self->{'q'}, MID_ESC); $q =~ s/%20/+/g; # improve URL readability my $qs = "q=$q"; if (my $o = $self->{o}) { # ignore o == 0 $qs .= "&o=$o"; } if (my $r = $self->{r}) { $qs .= "&r"; } if (my $x = $self->{x}) { $qs .= "&x=$x" if ($x eq 't' || $x eq 'A'); } $qs; } 1;