# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Standalone PSGI app to handle HTTP(s) unsubscribe links generated # by milters like examples/unsubscribe.milter to mailing lists. # # This does not depend on any other modules in the PublicInbox::* # and ought to be usable with any mailing list software. package PublicInbox::Unsubscribe; use strict; use warnings; use Crypt::CBC; use Plack::Util; use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64url); my $CODE_URL = 'git://80x24.org/public-inbox.git'; my @CT_HTML = ('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'); sub new { my ($class, %opt) = @_; my $key_file = $opt{key_file}; defined $key_file or die "`key_file' needed"; open my $fh, '<', $key_file or die "failed to open key_file=$key_file: $!\n"; my ($key, $iv); if (read($fh, $key, 8) != 8 || read($fh, $iv, 8) != 8 || read($fh, my $end, 8) != 0) { die "key_file must be 16 bytes\n"; } # these parameters were chosen to generate shorter parameters # to reduce the possibility of copy+paste errors my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => $key, -iv => $iv, -header => 'none', -cipher => 'Blowfish'); my $e = $opt{owner_email} or die "`owner_email' not specified\n"; my $unsubscribe = $opt{unsubscribe} or die "`unsubscribe' callback not given\n"; bless { pi_config => $opt{pi_config}, # PublicInbox::Config owner_email => $opt{owner_email}, cipher => $cipher, unsubscribe => $unsubscribe, contact => qq($e), code_url => $opt{code_url} || $CODE_URL, confirm => $opt{confirm}, }, $class; } # entry point for PSGI sub call { my ($self, $env) = @_; my $m = $env->{REQUEST_METHOD}; if ($m eq 'GET' || $m eq 'HEAD') { $self->{confirm} ? confirm_prompt($self, $env) : finalize_unsub($self, $env); } elsif ($m eq 'POST') { finalize_unsub($self, $env); } else { r($self, 405, Plack::Util::encode_html($m).' method not allowed'); } } sub _user_list_addr { my ($self, $env) = @_; my ($blank, $u, $list) = split('/', $env->{PATH_INFO}); if (!defined $u || $u eq '') { return r($self, 400, 'Bad request', 'Missing encrypted email address in path component'); } if (!defined $list && $list eq '') { return r($self, 400, 'Bad request', 'Missing mailing list name in path component'); } my $user = eval { $self->{cipher}->decrypt(decode_base64url($u)) }; if (!defined $user) { my $err = quotemeta($@); my $errors = $env->{'psgi.errors'}; $errors->print("error decrypting: $u\n"); $errors->print("$_\n") for split("\n", $err); return r($self, 400, 'Bad request', "Failed to decrypt: $u"); } # The URLs are too damn long if we have the encrypted domain # name in the query string if (index($list, '@') < 0) { my $host = (split(':', $env->{HTTP_HOST}))[0]; $list .= '@'.$host; } ($user, $list); } sub confirm_prompt { # on GET my ($self, $env) = @_; my ($user_addr, $list_addr) = _user_list_addr($self, $env); return $user_addr if ref $user_addr; my $xl = Plack::Util::encode_html($list_addr); my $xu = Plack::Util::encode_html($user_addr); my @body = ( "Confirmation required to remove", '', "\t$xu", '', "from the mailing list at", '', "\t$xl", '', 'You will get one last email once you hit "Confirm" below:', qq() . qq() . '

	push @body, archive_info($self, $env, $list_addr);

	r($self, 200, "Confirm unsubscribe for $xl", @body);

sub finalize_unsub { # on POST
	my ($self, $env) = @_;
	my ($user_addr, $list_addr) = _user_list_addr($self, $env);
	return $user_addr if ref $user_addr;

	my @archive = archive_info($self, $env, $list_addr);
	if (my $err = $self->{unsubscribe}->($user_addr, $list_addr)) {
		return r($self, 500, Plack::Util::encode_html($err), @archive);

	my $xl = Plack::Util::encode_html($list_addr);
	r($self, 200, "Unsubscribed from $xl",
		'You may get one final goodbye message', @archive);

sub r {
	my ($self, $code, $title, @body) = @_;
	[ $code, [ @CT_HTML ], [
		join("\n", "$title\n", @body) . '

'. "
This page is available under AGPL-3.0+\n" .
		"git clone $self->{code_url}\n" .
		qq(Email $self->{contact} if you have any questions).
' ] ]; } sub archive_info { my ($self, $env, $list_addr) = @_; my $archive_url = $self->{archive_urls}->{$list_addr}; unless ($archive_url) { if (my $config = $self->{pi_config}) { # PublicInbox::Config::lookup my $inbox = $config->lookup($list_addr); # PublicInbox::Inbox::base_url $archive_url = $inbox->base_url if $inbox; } } # protocol-relative URL: "//example.com/" => "https://example.com/" if ($archive_url =~ m!\A//!) { $archive_url = "$env->{'psgi.url_scheme'}:$archive_url"; } # maybe there are other places where we could map # list_addr => archive_url without ~/.public-inbox/config if ($archive_url) { $archive_url = Plack::Util::encode_html($archive_url); ('', 'HTML and git clone-able archives are available at:', qq($archive_url)) } else { ('', 'There ought to be archives for this list,', 'but unfortunately the admin did not configure '. __PACKAGE__. ' to show you the URL'); } } 1;