# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) # # Used for displaying the HTML web interface. # See Documentation/design_www.txt for this. package PublicInbox::View; use strict; use warnings; use URI::Escape qw/uri_escape_utf8/; use Date::Parse qw/str2time/; use Encode::MIME::Header; use Plack::Util; use PublicInbox::Hval qw/ascii_html/; use PublicInbox::Linkify; use PublicInbox::MID qw/mid_clean id_compress mid_mime/; use PublicInbox::MsgIter; use PublicInbox::Address; use PublicInbox::WwwStream; require POSIX; use constant INDENT => ' '; use constant TCHILD => '` '; sub th_pfx ($) { $_[0] == 0 ? '' : TCHILD }; # public functions: (unstable) sub msg_html { my ($ctx, $mime, $footer) = @_; my $hdr = $mime->header_obj; my $tip = _msg_html_prepare($hdr, $ctx); PublicInbox::WwwStream->new($ctx, sub { my ($nr, undef) = @_; if ($nr == 1) { $tip . multipart_text_as_html($mime, '') . '
' } elsif ($nr == 2) { '
' . html_footer($hdr, 1, $ctx) .
' . msg_reply($ctx, $hdr); } else { undef } }); } # /$INBOX/$MESSAGE_ID/#R sub msg_reply { my ($ctx, $hdr) = @_; my $se_url = 'https://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-send-email.html'; my ($arg, $link) = mailto_arg_link($hdr); push @$arg, '/path/to/YOUR_REPLY'; "". "You may reply publically to this message via\n". "plain-text email using any one of the following methods:\n\n" . "* Save the following mbox file, import it into your mail client,\n" . " and reply-to-all from there: mbox\n\n" . "* Reply to all the recipients using the --to, --cc,\n" . " and --in-reply-to switches of git-send-email(1):\n\n" . " git send-email \\\n " . join(" \\\n ", @$arg ). "\n\n" . qq( $se_url\n\n) . "* If your mail client supports setting the In-Reply-To" . " header\n via mailto: links, try the " . qq(mailto: link\n) . ''; } sub in_reply_to { my ($hdr) = @_; my $irt = $hdr->header_raw('In-Reply-To'); return mid_clean($irt) if (defined $irt); my $refs = $hdr->header_raw('References'); if ($refs && $refs =~ /<([^>]+)>\s*\z/s) { return $1; } undef; } # this is already inside a
sub index_entry {
	my ($mime, $level, $state) = @_;
	my $midx = $state->{anchor_idx}++;
	my $ctx = $state->{ctx};
	my $srch = $ctx->{srch};
	my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
	my $subj = $hdr->header('Subject');

	my $mid_raw = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime));
	my $id = anchor_for($mid_raw);
	my $seen = $state->{seen};
	$seen->{$id} = "#$id"; # save the anchor for children, later

	my $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid_raw);
	my $from = PublicInbox::Address::from_name($hdr->header('From'));

	my $root_anchor = $state->{root_anchor} || '';
	my $path = $root_anchor ? '../../' : '';
	my $href = $mid->as_href;
	my $irt = in_reply_to($hdr);
	my $parent_anchor = $seen->{anchor_for($irt)} if defined $irt;

	$from = ascii_html($from);
	$subj = ascii_html($subj);
	$subj = "$subj";
	$subj = "$subj" if $root_anchor eq $id;

	my $ts = _msg_date($hdr);
	my $rv = "";
	$rv .= "$subj\n";
	my $txt = "${path}$href/raw";
	my $fh = $state->{fh};
	$fh->write($rv .= "- $from @ $ts UTC (raw)\n\n");

	my $mhref = "${path}$href/";

	# scan through all parts, looking for displayable text
	msg_iter($mime, sub { index_walk($fh, $mhref, $_[0]) });
	$rv = "\n" . html_footer($hdr, 0, $ctx, "$path$href/#R");

	if (defined $irt) {
		unless (defined $parent_anchor) {
			my $v = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($irt, 1);
			$v = $v->as_href;
			$parent_anchor = "${path}$v/";
		$rv .= " parent";
	if (my $pct = $state->{pct}) { # used by SearchView.pm
		$rv .= " [relevance $pct->{$mid_raw}%]";
	} elsif ($srch) {
		my $threaded = 'threaded';
		my $flat = 'flat';
		my $end = '';
		if ($ctx->{flat}) {
			$flat = "$flat";
			$end = "\n"; # for lynx
		} else {
			$threaded = "$threaded";
		$rv .= " [$threaded";
		$rv .= "|$flat]$end";
	$fh->write($rv .= '
'); } sub thread_html { my ($ctx, $foot, $srch) = @_; # $_[0] in sub is the Plack callback sub { emit_thread_html($_[0], $ctx, $foot, $srch) } } # only private functions below. sub emit_thread_html { my ($res, $ctx, $foot, $srch) = @_; my $mid = $ctx->{mid}; my $flat = $ctx->{flat}; my $msgs = load_results($srch->get_thread($mid, { asc => $flat })); my $nr = scalar @$msgs; return missing_thread($res, $ctx) if $nr == 0; my $seen = {}; my $state = { res => $res, ctx => $ctx, seen => $seen, root_anchor => anchor_for($mid), anchor_idx => 0, cur_level => 0, }; require PublicInbox::Git; $ctx->{git} ||= PublicInbox::Git->new($ctx->{git_dir}); if ($flat) { pre_anchor_entry($seen, $_) for (@$msgs); __thread_entry($state, $_, 0) for (@$msgs); } else { my $th = thread_results($msgs); thread_entry($state, $_, 0) for $th->rootset; if (my $max = $state->{cur_level}) { $state->{fh}->write( ('' x ($max - 1)) . ''); } } # there could be a race due to a message being deleted in git # but still being in the Xapian index: my $fh = delete $state->{fh} or return missing_thread($res, $ctx); my $final_anchor = $state->{anchor_idx}; my $next = ""; $next .= $final_anchor == 1 ? 'only message in' : 'end of'; $next .= " thread, back to index"; $next .= "\ndownload thread: "; $next .= "mbox.gz"; $next .= " / follow: Atom feed"; $fh->write('
' . $next . "\n\n".
			$foot .  '
'); $fh->close; } sub index_walk { my ($fh, $upfx, $p) = @_; my $s = add_text_body($upfx, $p); return if $s eq ''; $fh->write($s); } sub multipart_text_as_html { my ($mime, $upfx) = @_; my $rv = ""; # scan through all parts, looking for displayable text msg_iter($mime, sub { my ($p) = @_; $rv .= add_text_body($upfx, $p); }); $rv; } sub flush_quote { my ($s, $l, $quot) = @_; # show everything in the full version with anchor from # short version (see above) my $rv = $l->linkify_1(join('', @$quot)); @$quot = (); # we use a here to allow users to specify their own # color for quoted text $rv = $l->linkify_2(ascii_html($rv)); $$s .= qq() . $rv . '' } sub attach_link ($$$$) { my ($upfx, $ct, $p, $fn) = @_; my ($part, $depth, @idx) = @$p; my $nl = $idx[-1] > 1 ? "\n" : ''; my $idx = join('.', @idx); my $size = bytes::length($part->body); $ct ||= 'text/plain'; $ct =~ s/;.*//; # no attributes $ct = ascii_html($ct); my $desc = $part->header('Content-Description'); $desc = $fn unless defined $desc; $desc = '' unless defined $desc; my $sfn; if (defined $fn && $fn =~ /\A[[:alnum:]][\w\.-]+[[:alnum:]]\z/) { $sfn = $fn; } elsif ($ct eq 'text/plain') { $sfn = 'a.txt'; } else { $sfn = 'a.bin'; } my @ret = qq($nl[-- Attachment #$idx: ); my $ts = "Type: $ct, Size: $size bytes"; push(@ret, ($desc eq '') ? "$ts --]" : "$desc --]\n[-- $ts --]"); join('', @ret, "\n"); } sub add_text_body { my ($upfx, $p) = @_; # from msg_iter: [ Email::MIME, depth, @idx ] my ($part, $depth, @idx) = @$p; my $ct = $part->content_type; my $fn = $part->filename; if (defined $ct && $ct =~ m!\btext/x?html\b!i) { return attach_link($upfx, $ct, $p, $fn); } my $s = eval { $part->body_str }; # badly-encoded message? tell the world about it! return attach_link($upfx, $ct, $p, $fn) if $@; my @lines = split(/^/m, $s); $s = ''; if (defined($fn) || $depth > 0) { $s .= attach_link($upfx, $ct, $p, $fn); $s .= "\n"; } my @quot; my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; while (defined(my $cur = shift @lines)) { if ($cur !~ /^>/) { # show the previously buffered quote inline flush_quote(\$s, $l, \@quot) if @quot; # regular line, OK $cur = $l->linkify_1($cur); $cur = ascii_html($cur); $s .= $l->linkify_2($cur); } else { push @quot, $cur; } } my $end = "\n"; if (@quot) { $end = ''; flush_quote(\$s, $l, \@quot); } $s =~ s/[ \t]+$//sgm; # kill per-line trailing whitespace $s =~ s/\A\n+//s; # kill leading blank lines $s =~ s/\s+\z//s; # kill all trailing spaces $s .= $end; } sub _msg_html_prepare { my ($hdr, $ctx) = @_; my $srch = $ctx->{srch} if $ctx; my $atom = ''; my $rv = ""; # anchor for body start if ($srch) { $ctx->{-upfx} = '../'; } my @title; my $mid = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID'); $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid); foreach my $h (qw(From To Cc Subject Date)) { my $v = $hdr->header($h); defined($v) && ($v ne '') or next; $v = PublicInbox::Hval->new($v); if ($h eq 'From') { my $n = PublicInbox::Address::from_name($v->raw); $title[1] = ascii_html($n); } elsif ($h eq 'Subject') { $title[0] = $v->as_html; if ($srch) { $rv .= qq($h: ); $rv .= $v->as_html . "\n"; next; } } $v = $v->as_html; $v =~ s/(\@[^,]+,) /$1\n\t/g if ($h eq 'Cc' || $h eq 'To'); $rv .= "$h: $v\n"; } $ctx->{-title_html} = join(' - ', @title); $rv .= 'Message-ID: <' . $mid->as_html . '> '; $rv .= "(raw)\n"; $rv .= _parent_headers($hdr, $srch); $rv .= "\n"; } sub thread_skel { my ($dst, $ctx, $hdr, $tpfx) = @_; my $srch = $ctx->{srch}; my $mid = mid_clean($hdr->header_raw('Message-ID')); my $sres = $srch->get_thread($mid); my $nr = $sres->{total}; my $expand = qq(expand ) . qq(/ mbox.gz ) . qq(/ Atom feed); my $parent = in_reply_to($hdr); if ($nr <= 1) { if (defined $parent) { $$dst .= "($expand)\n "; $$dst .= ghost_parent("$tpfx../", $parent) . "\n"; } else { $$dst .= "[no followups, yet] ($expand)\n"; } $ctx->{next_msg} = undef; $ctx->{parent_msg} = $parent; return; } $$dst .= "$nr+ messages in thread ($expand"; $$dst .= qq! / [top])\n!; my $subj = $srch->subject_path($hdr->header('Subject')); my $state = { seen => { $subj => 1 }, srch => $srch, cur => $mid, prev_attr => '', prev_level => 0, upfx => "$tpfx../", dst => $dst, }; for (thread_results(load_results($sres))->rootset) { skel_dump($state, $_, 0); } $ctx->{next_msg} = $state->{next_msg}; $ctx->{parent_msg} = $parent; } sub _parent_headers { my ($hdr, $srch) = @_; my $rv = ''; my $irt = in_reply_to($hdr); if (defined $irt) { my $v = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($irt, 1); my $html = $v->as_html; my $href = $v->as_href; $rv .= "In-Reply-To: <"; $rv .= "$html>\n"; } # do not display References: if search is present, # we show the thread skeleton at the bottom, instead. return $rv if $srch; my $refs = $hdr->header_raw('References'); if ($refs) { # avoid redundant URLs wasting bandwidth my %seen; $seen{$irt} = 1 if defined $irt; my @refs; my @raw_refs = ($refs =~ /<([^>]+)>/g); foreach my $ref (@raw_refs) { next if $seen{$ref}; $seen{$ref} = 1; push @refs, linkify_ref_nosrch($ref); } if (@refs) { $rv .= 'References: '. join("\n\t", @refs) . "\n"; } } $rv; } sub mailto_arg_link { my ($hdr) = @_; my %cc; # everyone else my $to; # this is the From address foreach my $h (qw(From To Cc)) { my $v = $hdr->header($h); defined($v) && ($v ne '') or next; my @addrs = PublicInbox::Address::emails($v); foreach my $address (@addrs) { my $dst = lc($address); $cc{$dst} ||= $address; $to ||= $dst; } } my @arg; my $subj = $hdr->header('Subject') || ''; $subj = "Re: $subj" unless $subj =~ /\bRe:/i; my $mid = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID'); push @arg, "--in-reply-to='" . ascii_html($mid) . "'"; my $irt = uri_escape_utf8($mid); delete $cc{$to}; push @arg, '--to=' . ascii_html($to); $to = uri_escape_utf8($to); $subj = uri_escape_utf8($subj); my $cc = join(',', sort values %cc); push @arg, '--cc=' . ascii_html($cc); $cc = uri_escape_utf8($cc); my $href = "mailto:$to?In-Reply-To=$irt&Cc=${cc}&Subject=$subj"; $href =~ s/%20/+/g; (\@arg, $href); } sub html_footer { my ($hdr, $standalone, $ctx, $rhref) = @_; my $srch = $ctx->{srch} if $ctx; my $upfx = '../'; my $tpfx = ''; my $idx = $standalone ? " index" : ''; my $irt = ''; if ($idx && $srch) { $idx .= "\n"; thread_skel(\$idx, $ctx, $hdr, $tpfx); my $p = $ctx->{parent_msg}; my $next = $ctx->{next_msg}; if ($p) { $p = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($p); $p = $p->as_href; $irt = "parent "; } else { $irt = ' ' x length('parent '); } if ($next) { my $n = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($next)->as_href; $irt .= "next "; } else { $irt .= ' ' x length('next '); } } else { $irt = ''; } $rhref ||= '#R'; $irt .= qq(reply); $irt .= $idx; } sub linkify_ref_nosrch { my $v = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($_[0], 1); my $html = $v->as_html; my $href = $v->as_href; "<$html>"; } sub anchor_for { my ($msgid) = @_; my $id = $msgid; if ($id !~ /\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/) { $id = id_compress(mid_clean($id), 1); } 'm' . $id; } sub thread_html_head { my ($hdr, $state) = @_; my $res = delete $state->{res} or die "BUG: no Plack callback in {res}"; my $fh = $res->([200, ['Content-Type'=> 'text/html; charset=UTF-8']]); $state->{fh} = $fh; my $s = ascii_html($hdr->header('Subject')); $fh->write("$s". qq{! . PublicInbox::Hval::STYLE . ""); } sub pre_anchor_entry { my ($seen, $mime) = @_; my $id = anchor_for(mid_mime($mime)); $seen->{$id} = "#$id"; # save the anchor for children, later } sub ghost_parent { my ($upfx, $mid) = @_; # 'subject dummy' is used internally by Mail::Thread return '[no common parent]' if ($mid eq 'subject dummy'); $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid); my $href = $mid->as_href; my $html = $mid->as_html; qq{[parent not found: <$html>]}; } sub thread_adj_level { my ($state, $level) = @_; my $max = $state->{cur_level}; if ($level <= 0) { return '' if $max == 0; # flat output # reset existing lists my $x = $max > 1 ? ('' x ($max - 1)) : ''; $state->{fh}->write($x . ''); $state->{cur_level} = 0; return ''; } if ($level == $max) { # continue existing list $state->{fh}->write('
  • '); } elsif ($level < $max) { my $x = $max > 1 ? ('
  • ' x ($max - $level)) : ''; $state->{fh}->write($x .= '
  • '); $state->{cur_level} = $level; } else { # ($level > $max) # start a new level $state->{cur_level} = $level; $state->{fh}->write(($max ? '
  • ' : '') . '
    • '); } '
    • '; } sub ghost_flush { my ($state, $upfx, $mid, $level) = @_; my $end = '
      '. ghost_parent($upfx, $mid) . '
      '; $state->{fh}->write($end .= thread_adj_level($state, $level)); } sub __thread_entry { my ($state, $mime, $level) = @_; # lazy load the full message from mini_mime: $mime = eval { my $mid = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime)); $state->{ctx}->{-inbox}->msg_by_mid($mid); } or return; $mime = Email::MIME->new($mime); thread_html_head($mime, $state) if $state->{anchor_idx} == 0; if (my $ghost = delete $state->{ghost}) { # n.b. ghost messages may only be parents, not children foreach my $g (@$ghost) { ghost_flush($state, '../../', @$g); } } my $end = thread_adj_level($state, $level); index_entry($mime, $level, $state); $state->{fh}->write($end) if $end; 1; } sub indent_for { my ($level) = @_; INDENT x ($level - 1); } sub __ghost_prepare { my ($state, $node, $level) = @_; my $ghost = $state->{ghost} ||= []; push @$ghost, [ $node->messageid, $level ]; } sub thread_entry { my ($state, $node, $level) = @_; return unless $node; if (my $mime = $node->message) { unless (__thread_entry($state, $mime, $level)) { __ghost_prepare($state, $node, $level); } } else { __ghost_prepare($state, $node, $level); } thread_entry($state, $node->child, $level + 1); thread_entry($state, $node->next, $level); } sub load_results { my ($sres) = @_; [ map { $_->mini_mime } @{delete $sres->{msgs}} ]; } sub msg_timestamp { my ($hdr) = @_; my $ts = eval { str2time($hdr->header('Date')) }; defined($ts) ? $ts : 0; } sub thread_results { my ($msgs) = @_; require PublicInbox::Thread; my $th = PublicInbox::Thread->new(@$msgs); $th->thread; $th->order(*sort_ts); $th } sub missing_thread { my ($res, $ctx) = @_; require PublicInbox::ExtMsg; $res->(PublicInbox::ExtMsg::ext_msg($ctx)) } sub _msg_date { my ($hdr) = @_; my $ts = $hdr->header('X-PI-TS') || msg_timestamp($hdr); fmt_ts($ts); } sub fmt_ts { POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %k:%M', gmtime($_[0])) } sub _skel_header { my ($state, $hdr, $level) = @_; my $dst = $state->{dst}; my $cur = $state->{cur}; my $mid = mid_clean($hdr->header_raw('Message-ID')); my $f = ascii_html($hdr->header('X-PI-From')); my $d = _msg_date($hdr); my $pfx = "$d " . indent_for($level) . th_pfx($level); my $attr = $f; $state->{first_level} ||= $level; if ($attr ne $state->{prev_attr} || $state->{prev_level} > $level) { $state->{prev_attr} = $attr; } else { $attr = ''; } $state->{prev_level} = $level; if ($cur) { if ($cur eq $mid) { delete $state->{cur}; $$dst .= "$pfx". "$attr [this message]\n"; return; } } else { $state->{next_msg} ||= $mid; } # Subject is never undef, this mail was loaded from # our Xapian which would've resulted in '' if it were # really missing (and Filter rejects empty subjects) my $s = $hdr->header('Subject'); my $h = $state->{srch}->subject_path($s); if ($state->{seen}->{$h}) { $s = undef; } else { $state->{seen}->{$h} = 1; $s = PublicInbox::Hval->new($s); $s = $s->as_html; } my $m = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid); $m = $state->{upfx} . $m->as_href . '/'; $$dst .= "$pfx"; $$dst .= defined($s) ? "$s $f\n" : "$f\n"; } sub skel_dump { my ($state, $node, $level) = @_; return unless $node; if (my $mime = $node->message) { my $hdr = $mime->header_obj; my $mid = mid_clean($hdr->header_raw('Message-ID')); _skel_header($state, $hdr, $level); } else { my $mid = $node->messageid; my $dst = $state->{dst}; if ($mid eq 'subject dummy') { $$dst .= "\t[no common parent]\n"; } else { $$dst .= ' [not found] '; $$dst .= indent_for($level) . th_pfx($level); $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid); my $href = $state->{upfx} . $mid->as_href . '/'; my $html = $mid->as_html; $$dst .= qq{<$html>\n}; } } skel_dump($state, $node->child, $level+1); skel_dump($state, $node->next, $level); } sub sort_ts { sort { (eval { $a->topmost->message->header('X-PI-TS') } || 0) <=> (eval { $b->topmost->message->header('X-PI-TS') } || 0) } @_; } sub _tryload_ghost ($$) { my ($srch, $node) = @_; my $mid = $node->messageid; my $smsg = $srch->lookup_mail($mid) or return; $smsg->mini_mime; } # accumulate recent topics if search is supported # returns 1 if done, undef if not sub add_topic { my ($state, $node, $level) = @_; return unless $node; my $child_adjust = 1; my $srch = $state->{srch}; my $x = $node->message || _tryload_ghost($srch, $node); if ($x) { $x = $x->header_obj; my $subj; $subj = $x->header('Subject'); $subj = $srch->subject_normalized($subj); if (++$state->{subjs}->{$subj} == 1) { push @{$state->{order}}, [ $level, $subj ]; } my $mid = mid_clean($x->header_raw('Message-ID')); my $ts = $x->header('X-PI-TS'); my $exist = $state->{latest}->{$subj}; if (!$exist || $exist->[1] < $ts) { $state->{latest}->{$subj} = [ $mid, $ts ]; } } else { # ghost message, do not bump level $child_adjust = 0; } add_topic($state, $node->child, $level + $child_adjust); add_topic($state, $node->next, $level); } sub emit_topics { my ($state) = @_; my $order = $state->{order}; my $subjs = $state->{subjs}; my $latest = $state->{latest}; my $fh = $state->{fh}; return $fh->write("\n[No topics in range]") unless scalar @$order; my $pfx; my $prev = 0; my $prev_attr = ''; my $cur; my @recent; while (defined(my $info = shift @$order)) { my ($level, $subj) = @$info; my $n = delete $subjs->{$subj}; my ($mid, $ts) = @{delete $latest->{$subj}}; $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid)->as_href; $subj = PublicInbox::Hval->new($subj)->as_html; $pfx = indent_for($level); my $nl = $level == $prev ? "\n" : ''; if ($nl && $cur) { push @recent, $cur; $cur = undef; } $cur ||= [ $ts, '' ]; $cur->[0] = $ts if $ts > $cur->[0]; $cur->[1] .= $nl . $pfx . th_pfx($level) . "" . $subj . "\n"; $ts = fmt_ts($ts); my $attr = " $ts UTC"; # $n isn't the total number of posts on the topic, # just the number of posts in the current results window $n = $n == 1 ? '' : " ($n+ messages)"; if ($level == 0 || $attr ne $prev_attr) { my $mbox = qq(mbox.gz); my $atom = qq(Atom); $pfx .= INDENT if $level > 0; $cur->[1] .= $pfx . $attr . $n . " - $mbox / $atom\n"; $prev_attr = $attr; } } push @recent, $cur if $cur; @recent = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @recent; $fh->write(join('', @recent) . ''); } sub emit_index_topics { my ($state) = @_; my ($off) = (($state->{ctx}->{cgi}->param('o') || '0') =~ /(\d+)/); $state->{order} = []; $state->{subjs} = {}; $state->{latest} = {}; my $max = 25; my %opts = ( offset => $off, limit => $max * 4 ); while (scalar @{$state->{order}} < $max) { my $sres = $state->{srch}->query('', \%opts); my $nr = scalar @{$sres->{msgs}} or last; for (thread_results(load_results($sres))->rootset) { add_topic($state, $_, 0); } $opts{offset} += $nr; } emit_topics($state); $opts{offset}; } 1;