# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # used by PublicInbox::View # This adds CSS spans for diff highlighting. # It also generates links for ViewVCS + SolverGit to show # (or reconstruct) blobs. package PublicInbox::ViewDiff; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(flush_diff); use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8); use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html to_attr from_attr); use PublicInbox::Git qw(git_unquote); sub DSTATE_INIT () { 0 } sub DSTATE_STAT () { 1 } sub DSTATE_HEAD () { 2 } # /^diff --git /, /^index /, /^--- /, /^\+\+\+ / sub DSTATE_CTX () { 3 } # /^ / sub DSTATE_ADD () { 4 } # /^\+/ sub DSTATE_DEL () { 5 } # /^\-/ my @state2class = ( '', # init '', # stat 'head', '', # ctx 'add', 'del' ); sub UNSAFE () { "^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/" } my $OID_NULL = '0{7,40}'; my $OID_BLOB = '[a-f0-9]{7,40}'; my $PATH_A = '"?a/.+|/dev/null'; my $PATH_B = '"?b/.+|/dev/null'; sub to_html ($$) { $_[0]->linkify_1($_[1]); $_[0]->linkify_2(ascii_html($_[1])); } # link to line numbers in blobs sub diff_hunk ($$$$) { my ($dctx, $spfx, $ca, $cb) = @_; my $oid_a = $dctx->{oid_a}; my $oid_b = $dctx->{oid_b}; (defined($spfx) && defined($oid_a) && defined($oid_b)) or return "@@ $ca $cb @@"; my ($n) = ($ca =~ /^-(\d+)/); $n = defined($n) ? do { ++$n; "#n$n" } : ''; my $rv = qq(@@ {Q}$n">$ca); ($n) = ($cb =~ /^\+(\d+)/); $n = defined($n) ? do { ++$n; "#n$n" } : ''; $rv .= qq( {Q}$n">$cb @@); } sub oid ($$$) { my ($dctx, $spfx, $oid) = @_; defined($spfx) ? qq({Q}">$oid) : $oid; } sub to_state ($$$) { my ($dst, $state, $new_state) = @_; $$dst .= '' if $state2class[$state]; $_[1] = $new_state; my $class = $state2class[$new_state] or return; $$dst .= qq(); } sub anchor0 ($$$$$) { my ($dst, $ctx, $linkify, $fn, $rest) = @_; if (my $attr = to_attr($ctx->{-apfx}.$fn)) { $ctx->{-anchors}->{$attr} = 1; $$dst .= " " . ascii_html($fn) . ''. to_html($linkify, $rest); return 1; } undef; } sub anchor1 ($$$$$) { my ($dst, $ctx, $linkify, $pb, $s) = @_; my $attr = to_attr($ctx->{-apfx}.$pb) or return; my $line = to_html($linkify, $s); if (delete $ctx->{-anchors}->{$attr} && $line =~ s/^diff //) { $$dst .= "diff ".$line; return 1; } undef } sub flush_diff ($$$) { my ($dst, $ctx, $linkify) = @_; my $diff = $ctx->{-diff}; my $spfx = $ctx->{-spfx}; my $state = DSTATE_INIT; my $dctx = { Q => '' }; # {}, keys: oid_a, oid_b, path_a, path_b foreach my $s (@$diff) { if ($s =~ /^---$/) { to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_STAT); $$dst .= $s; } elsif ($s =~ /^ /) { # works for common cases, but not weird/long filenames if ($state == DSTATE_STAT && $s =~ /^ (\S+)(\s+\|.*\z)/s) { anchor0($dst, $ctx, $linkify, $1, $2) and next; } elsif ($state2class[$state]) { to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_CTX); } $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ /^-- $/) { # email signature begins $state == DSTATE_INIT or to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_INIT); $$dst .= $s; } elsif ($s =~ m!^diff --git ($PATH_A) ($PATH_B)$!) { if ($state != DSTATE_HEAD) { my ($pa, $pb) = ($1, $2); to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_HEAD); $pa = (split('/', git_unquote($pa), 2))[1]; $pb = (split('/', git_unquote($pb), 2))[1]; $dctx = { Q => "?b=".uri_escape_utf8($pb, UNSAFE), }; if ($pa ne $pb) { $dctx->{Q} .= "&a=".uri_escape_utf8($pa, UNSAFE); } anchor1($dst, $ctx, $linkify, $pb, $s) and next; } $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ s/^(index $OID_NULL\.\.)($OID_BLOB)\b//o) { $$dst .= $1 . oid($dctx, $spfx, $2); $dctx = { Q => '' }; $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s) ; } elsif ($s =~ s/^index ($OID_BLOB)(\.\.$OID_NULL)\b//o) { $$dst .= 'index ' . oid($dctx, $spfx, $1) . $2; $dctx = { Q => '' }; $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ /^index ($OID_BLOB)\.\.($OID_BLOB)/o) { $dctx->{oid_a} = $1; $dctx->{oid_b} = $2; $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ s/^@@ (\S+) (\S+) @@//) { $$dst .= '' if $state2class[$state]; $$dst .= qq(); $$dst .= diff_hunk($dctx, $spfx, $1, $2); $$dst .= ''; $state = DSTATE_CTX; $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ m!^--- $PATH_A! || $s =~ m!^\+{3} $PATH_B!) { # color only (no oid link) $state <= DSTATE_STAT and to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_HEAD); $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ /^\+/) { if ($state != DSTATE_ADD && $state > DSTATE_STAT) { to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_ADD); } $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } elsif ($s =~ /^-/) { if ($state != DSTATE_DEL && $state > DSTATE_STAT) { to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_DEL); } $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); # ignore the following lines in headers: } elsif ($s =~ /^(?:dis)similarity index/ || $s =~ /^(?:old|new) mode/ || $s =~ /^(?:deleted|new) file mode/ || $s =~ /^(?:copy|rename) (?:from|to) / || $s =~ /^(?:dis)?similarity index /) { $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } else { $state <= DSTATE_STAT or to_state($dst, $state, DSTATE_INIT); $$dst .= to_html($linkify, $s); } } @$diff = (); $$dst .= '' if $state2class[$state]; undef; } 1;