# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Provide an HTTP-accessible listing of inboxes. # Used by PublicInbox::WWW package PublicInbox::WwwListing; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html); use PublicInbox::Linkify; use PublicInbox::View; use bytes (); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); require Digest::SHA; require File::Spec; { no warnings 'once'; *try_cat = *PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat }; sub list_all ($$$) { my ($self, $env, $hide_key) = @_; my @list; $self->{pi_config}->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; push @list, $ibx unless $ibx->{-hide}->{$hide_key}; }); \@list; } sub list_match_domain ($$$) { my ($self, $env, $hide_key) = @_; my @list; my $host = $env->{HTTP_HOST} // $env->{SERVER_NAME}; $host =~ s/:[0-9]+\z//; my $re = qr!\A(?:https?:)?//\Q$host\E(?::[0-9]+)?/!i; $self->{pi_config}->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; if (!$ibx->{-hide}->{$hide_key} && $ibx->{url} =~ $re) { push @list, $ibx; } }); \@list; } sub list_404 ($$) { [] } # TODO: +cgit my %VALID = ( all => *list_all, 'match=domain' => *list_match_domain, 404 => *list_404, ); sub set_cb ($$$) { my ($pi_config, $k, $default) = @_; my $v = $pi_config->{lc $k} // $default; $VALID{$v} || do { warn <<""; `$v' is not a valid value for `$k' $k be one of `all', `match=domain', or `404' $VALID{$default}; }; } sub new { my ($class, $www) = @_; my $pi_config = $www->{pi_config}; bless { pi_config => $pi_config, style => $www->style("\0"), www_cb => set_cb($pi_config, 'publicInbox.wwwListing', 404), manifest_cb => set_cb($pi_config, 'publicInbox.grokManifest', 'match=domain'), }, $class; } sub ibx_entry { my ($mtime, $ibx, $env) = @_; my $ts = PublicInbox::View::fmt_ts($mtime); my $url = PublicInbox::Hval::prurl($env, $ibx->{url}); my $tmp = <<""; * $ts - $url ${\$ibx->description} if (defined(my $info_url = $ibx->{info_url})) { $tmp .= "\n$info_url"; } $tmp; } sub html ($$) { my ($env, $list) = @_; my $title = 'public-inbox'; my $out = ''; my $code = 404; if (@$list) { $title .= ' - listing'; $code = 200; # Swartzian transform since ->modified is expensive @$list = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } map { [ $_->modified, $_ ] } @$list; my $tmp = join("\n", map { ibx_entry(@$_, $env) } @$list); my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; $l->linkify_1($tmp); $out = '

'; } $out = "$title" . $out; $out .= '
'. PublicInbox::WwwStream::code_footer($env) .
'; my $h = [ 'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ]; [ $code, $h, [ $out ] ]; } my $json; sub _json () { for my $mod (qw(JSON::MaybeXS JSON JSON::PP)) { eval "require $mod" or next; # ->ascii encodes non-ASCII to "\uXXXX" return $mod->new->ascii(1); } die; } sub fingerprint ($) { my ($git) = @_; my $fh = $git->popen('show-ref') or die "popen($git->{git_dir} show-ref) failed: $!"; my $dig = Digest::SHA->new(1); while (read($fh, my $buf, 65536)) { $dig->add($buf); } close $fh; return if $?; # empty, uninitialized git repo $dig->hexdigest; } sub manifest_add ($$;$) { my ($manifest, $ibx, $epoch) = @_; my $url_path = "/$ibx->{name}"; my $git_dir = $ibx->{mainrepo}; if (defined $epoch) { $git_dir .= "/git/$epoch.git"; $url_path .= "/git/$epoch.git"; } return unless -d $git_dir; my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir); my $fingerprint = fingerprint($git) or return; # no empty repos chomp(my $owner = $git->qx('config', 'gitweb.owner')); chomp(my $desc = try_cat("$git_dir/description")); $owner = undef if $owner eq ''; $desc = 'Unnamed repository' if $desc eq ''; my $reference; chomp(my $alt = try_cat("$git_dir/objects/info/alternates")); if ($alt) { # n.b.: GitPython doesn't seem to handle comments or C-quoted # strings like native git does; and we don't for now, either. my @alt = split(/\n+/, $alt); # grokmirror only supports 1 alternate for "reference", if (scalar(@alt) == 1) { my $objdir = "$git_dir/objects"; $reference = File::Spec->rel2abs($alt[0], $objdir); $reference =~ s!/[^/]+/?\z!!; # basename } } $manifest->{-abs2urlpath}->{$git_dir} = $url_path; my $modified = $git->modified; if ($modified > $manifest->{-mtime}) { $manifest->{-mtime} = $modified; } $manifest->{$url_path} = { owner => $owner, reference => $reference, description => $desc, modified => $modified, fingerprint => $fingerprint, }; } # manifest.js.gz sub js ($$) { my ($env, $list) = @_; eval { require IO::Compress::Gzip } or return [ 404, [], [] ]; my $manifest = { -abs2urlpath => {}, -mtime => 0 }; for my $ibx (@$list) { if (defined(my $max = $ibx->max_git_part)) { for my $epoch (0..$max) { manifest_add($manifest, $ibx, $epoch); } } else { manifest_add($manifest, $ibx); } } my $abs2urlpath = delete $manifest->{-abs2urlpath}; my $mtime = delete $manifest->{-mtime}; while (my ($url_path, $repo) = each %$manifest) { defined(my $abs = $repo->{reference}) or next; $repo->{reference} = $abs2urlpath->{$abs}; } my $out; IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip(\(($json ||= _json())->encode($manifest)) => \$out); $manifest = undef; [ 200, [ qw(Content-Type application/gzip), 'Last-Modified', time2str($mtime), 'Content-Length', bytes::length($out) ], [ $out ] ]; } # not really a stand-alone PSGI app, but maybe it could be... sub call { my ($self, $env) = @_; if ($env->{PATH_INFO} eq '/manifest.js.gz') { # grokmirror uses relative paths, so it's domain-dependent my $list = $self->{manifest_cb}->($self, $env, 'manifest'); js($env, $list); } else { # / my $list = $self->{www_cb}->($self, $env, 'www'); html($env, $list); } } 1;