# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # used for displaying help texts and other non-mail content package PublicInbox::WwwText; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::Linkify; use PublicInbox::WwwStream; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html prurl); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8); use PublicInbox::GzipFilter qw(gzf_maybe); our $QP_URL = 'https://xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html'; our $WIKI_URL = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki'; my $hl = eval { require PublicInbox::HlMod; PublicInbox::HlMod->new }; # /$INBOX/_/text/$KEY/ # KEY may contain slashes # For now, "help" is the only supported $KEY sub get_text { my ($ctx, $key) = @_; my $code = 200; $key //= 'help'; # this 302s to _/text/help/ # get the raw text the same way we get mboxrds my $raw = ($key =~ s!/raw\z!!); my $have_tslash = ($key =~ s!/\z!!) if !$raw; my $txt = ''; my $hdr = [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain', 'Content-Length', undef ]; if (!_default_text($ctx, $key, $hdr, \$txt)) { $code = 404; $txt = "404 Not Found ($key)\n"; } my $env = $ctx->{env}; if ($raw) { if ($code == 200) { my $gzf = gzf_maybe($hdr, $env); $txt = $gzf->translate($txt); $txt .= $gzf->zflush; } $hdr->[3] = length($txt); return [ $code, $hdr, [ $txt ] ] } # enforce trailing slash for "wget -r" compatibility if (!$have_tslash && $code == 200) { my $url = $ctx->{ibx}->base_url($env); $url .= "_/text/$key/"; return [ 302, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain', 'Location', $url ], [ "Redirecting to $url\n" ] ]; } # Follow git commit message conventions, # first line is the Subject/title my ($title) = ($txt =~ /\A([^\n]*)/s); $ctx->{-title_html} = ascii_html($title); my $nslash = ($key =~ tr!/!/!); $ctx->{-upfx} = '../../../' . ('../' x $nslash); my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; $l->linkify_1($txt); if ($hl) { $hl->do_hl_text(\$txt); } else { $txt = ascii_html($txt); } $txt = '
' . $l->linkify_2($txt) . '
'; PublicInbox::WwwStream::html_oneshot($ctx, $code, \$txt); } sub _srch_prefix ($$) { my ($srch, $txt) = @_; my $pad = 0; my $htxt = ''; my $help = $srch->help; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @$help; $i += 2) { my $pfx = $help->[$i]; my $n = length($pfx); $pad = $n if $n > $pad; $htxt .= $pfx . "\0"; $htxt .= $help->[$i + 1]; $htxt .= "\f\n"; } $pad += 2; my $padding = ' ' x ($pad + 8); $htxt =~ s/^/$padding/gms; $htxt =~ s/^$padding(\S+)\0/" $1". (' ' x ($pad - length($1)))/egms; $htxt =~ s/\f\n/\n/gs; $$txt .= $htxt; 1; } sub _colors_help ($$) { my ($ctx, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my $env = $ctx->{env}; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($env); $$txt .= "color customization for $base_url\n"; $$txt .= <{ibx}->{coderepo} // return; # note: this doesn't preserve cgitrc layout, since we parse cgitrc # and drop the original structure $$txt .= "\tcoderepo = $_\n" for @$cr; $$txt .= <<'EOF'; ; `coderepo' entries allows blob reconstruction via patch emails if ; the inbox is indexed with Xapian. `@@ @@' ; line number ranges in `[PATCH]' emails link to /$INBOX_NAME/$OID/s/, ; an HTTP endpoint which reconstructs git blobs via git-apply(1). EOF my $pi_cfg = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}; for my $cr_name (@$cr) { my $urls = $pi_cfg->get_all("coderepo.$cr_name.cgiturl"); my $path = "/path/to/$cr_name"; $cr_name = dq_escape($cr_name); $$txt .= qq([coderepo "$cr_name"]\n); if ($urls && scalar(@$urls)) { $$txt .= "\t; "; $$txt .= join(" ||\n\t;\t", map {; my $dst = $path; if ($path !~ m![a-z0-9_/\.\-]!i) { $dst = '"'.dq_escape($dst).'"'; } qq(git clone $_ $dst); } @$urls); $$txt .= "\n"; } $$txt .= "\tdir = $path\n"; $$txt .= "\tcgiturl = https://example.com/"; $$txt .= uri_escape_utf8($cr_name, '^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/')."\n"; } } # n.b. this is a perfect candidate for memoization sub inbox_config ($$$) { my ($ctx, $hdr, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; push @$hdr, 'Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename=inbox.config'; my $t = eval { $ibx->mm->created_at }; push(@$hdr, 'Last-Modified', time2str($t)) if $t; my $name = dq_escape($ibx->{name}); my $inboxdir = '/path/to/top-level-inbox'; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); $$txt .= <{$k}) or next; $$txt .= "\t$k = $_\n" for @$v; } if (my $altid = $ibx->{altid}) { my $altid_map = $ibx->altid_map; $$txt .= <{$k}) or next; $$txt .= "\t$k = $v\n"; } $$txt .= "\tnntpmirror = $_\n" for (@{$ibx->nntp_url($ctx)}); $$txt .= "\timapmirror = $_\n" for (@{$ibx->imap_url($ctx)}); _coderepo_config($ctx, $txt); 1; } # n.b. this is a perfect candidate for memoization sub extindex_config ($$$) { my ($ctx, $hdr, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; push @$hdr, 'Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename=extindex.config'; my $name = dq_escape($ibx->{name}); my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); $$txt .= <{$k}) or next; $$txt .= "\t$k = $v\n"; } _coderepo_config($ctx, $txt); 1; } sub coderepos_raw ($$) { my ($ctx, $top_url) = @_; my $cr = $ctx->{ibx}->{coderepo} // return (); my $cfg = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}; my @ret; for my $cr_name (@$cr) { $ret[0] //= do { my $thing = $ctx->{ibx}->can('cloneurl') ? 'public inbox' : 'external index'; <get_all("coderepo.$cr_name.cgiturl"); if ($urls) { for (@$urls) { # relative or absolute URL?, prefix relative # "foo.git" with appropriate number of "../" my $u = m!\A(?:[a-z\+]+:)?//!i ? $_ : $top_url.$_; $ret[0] .= "\n\t" . prurl($ctx->{env}, $u); } } else { $ret[0] .= qq[\n\t$cr_name.git (no URL configured)]; } } @ret; # may be empty, this sub is called as an arg for join() } sub _mirror_help ($$) { my ($ctx, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); chop $base_url; # no trailing slash for "git clone" my $dir = (split(m!/!, $base_url))[-1]; my %seen = ($base_url => 1); my $top_url = $base_url; $top_url =~ s!/[^/]+\z!/!; $$txt .= "public-inbox mirroring instructions\n\n"; if ($ibx->can('cloneurl')) { # PublicInbox::Inbox $$txt .= "This public inbox may be cloned and mirrored by anyone:\n"; my @urls; my $max = $ibx->max_git_epoch; # TODO: some of these URLs may be too long and we may need to # do something like code_footer() above, but these are local # admin-defined if (defined($max)) { # v2 for my $i (0..$max) { # old epochs my be deleted: -d "$ibx->{inboxdir}/git/$i.git" or next; my $url = "$base_url/$i"; $seen{$url} = 1; push @urls, "$url $dir/git/$i.git"; } my $nr = scalar(@urls); if ($nr > 1) { $$txt .= "\n\t"; $$txt .= "# this inbox consists of $nr epochs:"; $urls[0] .= " # oldest"; $urls[-1] .= " # newest"; } } else { # v1 push @urls, $base_url; } # FIXME: epoch splits can be different in other repositories, # use the "cloneurl" file as-is for now: for my $u (@{$ibx->cloneurl}) { next if $seen{$u}++; push @urls, $u; } $$txt .= "\n"; $$txt .= join('', map { "\tgit clone --mirror $_\n" } @urls); if (my $addrs = $ibx->{address}) { $addrs = join(' ', @$addrs) if ref($addrs) eq 'ARRAY'; my $v = defined $max ? '-V2' : '-V1'; $$txt .= <{name} $dir/ $base_url \\ $addrs public-inbox-index $dir EOF } } else { # PublicInbox::ExtSearch $$txt .= <{www}->{pi_cfg}->{lc('publicInbox.wwwListing')}; if (($v // '') =~ /\A(?:all|match=domain)\z/) { $$txt .= <can('imap_url')) { my $imap = $ibx->imap_url($ctx); if (@$imap) { $$txt .= "\n"; $$txt .= 'IMAP subfolder(s) available under:'; $$txt .= "\n\t" . join("\n\t", @$imap) . "\n"; $$txt .= <can('nntp_url')) { my $nntp = $ibx->nntp_url($ctx); if (scalar @$nntp) { $$txt .= "\n"; $$txt .= @$nntp == 1 ? 'Newsgroup' : 'Newsgroups are'; $$txt .= ' available over NNTP:'; $$txt .= "\n\t" . join("\n\t", @$nntp) . "\n"; } } if ($$txt =~ m!\b[^:]+://\w+\.onion/!) { $$txt .= <{env}, $PublicInbox::WwwStream::CODE_URL); $$txt .= join("\n\n", coderepos_raw($ctx, $top_url), # may be empty "AGPL code for this site:\n\tgit clone $code_url"); 1; } sub _default_text ($$$$) { my ($ctx, $key, $hdr, $txt) = @_; if ($key eq 'mirror') { return _mirror_help($ctx, $txt); } elsif ($key eq 'color') { return _colors_help($ctx, $txt); } elsif ($key eq 'config') { return $ctx->{ibx}->can('cloneurl') ? inbox_config($ctx, $hdr, $txt) : extindex_config($ctx, $hdr, $txt); } return if $key ne 'help'; # TODO more keys? my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); $$txt .= "public-inbox help for $base_url\n"; $$txt .= <') into the URL. Forward slash ('/') characters in the Message-IDs need to be escaped as "%2F" (without quotes). Thus, it is possible to retrieve any message by its Message-ID by going to: $base_url/ (without the '<' or '>') Message-IDs are described at: $WIKI_URL/Message-ID EOF # n.b. we use the Xapian DB for any regeneratable, # order-of-arrival-independent data. my $srch = $ibx->isrch; if ($srch) { $$txt .= <over; if ($over) { $$txt .= </T/#u Loads the thread belonging to the given in flat chronological order. The "#u" anchor focuses the browser on the given . * $base_url/t/#u Loads the thread belonging to the given in threaded order with nesting. For deep threads, this requires a wide display or horizontal scrolling. Both of these HTML endpoints are suitable for offline reading using the thread overview at the bottom of each page. Users of feed readers may follow a particular thread using: * $base_url/t.atom Which loads the thread in Atom Syndication Standard described at Wikipedia and RFC4287: $WIKI_URL/Atom_(standard) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287 Atom Threading Extensions (RFC4685) is supported: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4685 Finally, the gzipped mbox for a thread is available for downloading and importing into your favorite mail client: * $base_url/t.mbox.gz We use the mboxrd variant of the mbox format described at: $WIKI_URL/Mbox EOF } # $over $$txt .= <