#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2013-2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Mail delivery agent for public-inbox, run from your MTA upon mail delivery my $help = < \$precheck, 'help|h' => \$show_help) or do { print STDERR $help; exit 1 }; my $do_exit = sub { my ($code) = shift; $emm = $ems = undef; # trigger DESTROY exit $code; }; use PublicInbox::Eml; use PublicInbox::MDA; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::Emergency; use PublicInbox::Filter::Base; use PublicInbox::InboxWritable; use PublicInbox::Spamcheck; # n.b: hopefully we can setup the emergency path without bailing due to # user error, we really want to setup the emergency destination ASAP # in case there's bugs in our code or user error. my $emergency = $ENV{PI_EMERGENCY} || "$ENV{HOME}/.public-inbox/emergency/"; $ems = PublicInbox::Emergency->new($emergency); my $str = do { local $/; }; $str =~ s/\A[\r\n]*From [^\r\n]*\r?\n//s; $ems->prepare(\$str); my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$str); my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; my $key = 'publicinboxmda.spamcheck'; my $default = 'PublicInbox::Spamcheck::Spamc'; my $spamc = PublicInbox::Spamcheck::get($cfg, $key, $default); my $dests = []; my $recipient = $ENV{ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT}; if (defined $recipient) { my $ibx = $cfg->lookup($recipient); # first check push @$dests, $ibx if $ibx; } if (!scalar(@$dests)) { $dests = PublicInbox::MDA->inboxes_for_list_id($cfg, $eml); if (!scalar(@$dests) && !defined($recipient)) { die "ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT not defined in ENV\n"; } scalar(@$dests) or $do_exit->(67); # EX_NOUSER 5.1.1 user unknown } my $err; @$dests = grep { my $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($_); eval { $ibx->assert_usable_dir }; if ($@) { warn $@; $err = 1; 0; # pre-check, MDA has stricter rules than an importer might; } elsif ($precheck) { !!PublicInbox::MDA->precheck($eml, $ibx->{address}); } else { 1; } } @$dests; $do_exit->(67) if $err && scalar(@$dests) == 0; $eml = undef; my $spam_ok; if ($spamc) { $str = ''; $spam_ok = $spamc->spamcheck($ems->fh, \$str); # update the emergency dump with the new message: $emm = PublicInbox::Emergency->new($emergency); $emm->prepare(\$str); $ems = $ems->abort; } else { # no spam checking configured: $spam_ok = 1; $emm = $ems; my $fh = $emm->fh; read($fh, $str, -s $fh); } $do_exit->(0) unless $spam_ok; # -mda defaults to the strict base filter which we won't use anywhere else sub mda_filter_adjust ($) { my ($ibx) = @_; my $fcfg = $ibx->{filter} || ''; if ($fcfg eq '') { $ibx->{filter} = 'PublicInbox::Filter::Base'; } elsif ($fcfg eq 'scrub') { # legacy alias, undocumented, remove? $ibx->{filter} = 'PublicInbox::Filter::Mirror'; } } my @rejects; for my $ibx (@$dests) { mda_filter_adjust($ibx); my $filter = $ibx->filter; my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new($str); my $ret = $filter->delivery($mime); if (ref($ret) && ($ret->isa('PublicInbox::Eml') || $ret->isa('Email::MIME'))) { # filter altered message $mime = $ret; } elsif ($ret == PublicInbox::Filter::Base::IGNORE) { next; # nothing, keep looping } elsif ($ret == PublicInbox::Filter::Base::REJECT) { push @rejects, $filter->err; next; } PublicInbox::MDA->set_list_headers($mime, $ibx); my $im = $ibx->importer(0); if (defined $im->add($mime)) { # ->abort is idempotent, no emergency if a single # destination succeeds $emm->abort; } else { # v1-only my $mid = $mime->header_raw('Message-ID'); # this message is similar to what ssoma-mda shows: print STDERR "CONFLICT: Message-ID: $mid exists\n"; } $im->done; } if (scalar(@rejects) && scalar(@rejects) == scalar(@$dests)) { $! = 65; # EX_DATAERR 5.6.0 data format error die join("\n", @rejects, ''); } $do_exit->(0);