# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use Fcntl qw(FD_CLOEXEC F_SETFD F_GETFD); use POSIX qw(dup2); use strict; use warnings; sub stream_to_string { my ($res) = @_; my $body = $res->[2]; my $str = ''; while (defined(my $chunk = $body->getline)) { $str .= $chunk; } $body->close; $str; } sub tcp_server () { IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => '', ReuseAddr => 1, Proto => 'tcp', Type => Socket::SOCK_STREAM(), Listen => 1024, Blocking => 0, ) } sub unix_server ($) { my $s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new( Listen => 1024, Type => Socket::SOCK_STREAM(), Local => $_[0], ); $s->blocking(0); $s; } sub spawn_listener { my ($env, $cmd, $socks) = @_; my $pid = fork; defined $pid or die "fork failed: $!\n"; if ($pid == 0) { # pretend to be systemd (cf. sd_listen_fds(3)) my $fd = 3; # 3 == SD_LISTEN_FDS_START foreach my $s (@$socks) { my $fl = fcntl($s, F_GETFD, 0); if (($fl & FD_CLOEXEC) != FD_CLOEXEC) { warn "got FD:".fileno($s)." w/o CLOEXEC\n"; } fcntl($s, F_SETFD, $fl &= ~FD_CLOEXEC); dup2(fileno($s), $fd++) or die "dup2 failed: $!\n"; } $ENV{LISTEN_PID} = $$; $ENV{LISTEN_FDS} = scalar @$socks; %ENV = (%ENV, %$env) if $env; exec @$cmd; die "FAIL: ",join(' ', @$cmd), ": $!\n"; } $pid; } sub require_git ($;$) { my ($req, $maybe) = @_; my ($req_maj, $req_min) = split(/\./, $req); my ($cur_maj, $cur_min) = (`git --version` =~ /version (\d+)\.(\d+)/); my $req_int = ($req_maj << 24) | ($req_min << 16); my $cur_int = ($cur_maj << 24) | ($cur_min << 16); if ($cur_int < $req_int) { return 0 if $maybe; plan skip_all => "git $req+ required, have $cur_maj.$cur_min"; } 1; } 1;