#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::MsgIter qw(msg_part_text); my @classes = qw(PublicInbox::Eml); SKIP: { require_mods('Email::MIME', 1); push @classes, 'PublicInbox::MIME'; }; use_ok $_ for @classes; { my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\(my $str = "a: b\n\nhi\n")); is($str, "hi\n", '->new modified body like Email::Simple'); is($eml->body, "hi\n", '->body works'); is($eml->as_string, "a: b\n\nhi\n", '->as_string'); } for my $cls (@classes) { my $mime = $cls->new(my $orig = "From: x\n\nb"); is($mime->as_string, $orig, '->as_string works'); is($mime->header_obj->as_string, "From: x\n", 'header ->as_string works'); # headers is($mime->header_raw('From'), 'x', 'header_raw scalar context'); $mime = $cls->new("R:\n\tx\nR:\n 1\n"); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], [ 'x', '1' ], 'multi-value'); $mime = $cls->new("R:x\nR: 1\n"); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], [ 'x', '1' ], 'multi-value header'); $mime = $cls->new("R:x\n R: 1\nR:\n f\n"); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], [ 'x R: 1', 'f' ], 'multi-line, multi-value header'); $mime->header_set('r'); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], [], 'header_set clears'); $mime->header_set('r'); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], [], 'header_set clears idempotent'); $mime->header_set('r', 'h'); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], ['h'], 'header_set'); $mime->header_set('r', 'h', 'i'); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], ['h', 'i'], 'header_set ary'); $mime->header_set('rr', 'b'); is_deeply([$mime->header_raw('r')], ['h', 'i'], "header_set `rr' did not clobber `r'"); is($mime->header_raw('rr'), 'b', 'got set scalar'); $mime->header_set('rr', 'b'x100); is($mime->header_raw('rr'), 'b'x100, 'got long set scalar'); if ($cls eq 'PublicInbox::Eml') { like($mime->as_string, qr/^rr: b{100}\n(?:\n|\z)/sm, 'single token not wrapped'); } $mime->header_set('rr', ('b'x100) . ' wrap me'); if ($cls eq 'PublicInbox::Eml') { like($mime->as_string, qr/^rr: b{100}\n\twrap me\n/sm, 'wrapped after long token'); } my $exp = "pre\tformatted\n with\n breaks"; $mime->header_set('r', $exp); like($mime->as_string, qr/^r: \Q$exp\E/sm, 'preformatted preserved'); } # for @classes for my $cls (@classes) { # make sure we don't add quotes if not needed my $eml = $cls->new("From: John Smith \n\n"); is($eml->header('From'), 'John Smith ', "name not unnecessarily quoted $cls"); } for my $cls (@classes) { my $eml = $cls->new("Subject: foo\n\n"); $eml->header_str_set('Subject', "\x{100}"); like($eml->header_raw('Subject'), qr/utf-8\?B\?/i, 'MIME-B encoded UTF-8 Subject'); is_deeply([$eml->header_str('Subject')], [ "\x{100}" ], 'got wide character back'); } # linux-mips apparently got some messages injected w/o Message-ID # and long Subject: lines w/o leading whitespace. # What appears in the blobs was generated by V2Writable. for my $cls (@classes) { my $eml = $cls->new(<<'EOF'); Message-ID: <20101130193431@z> Subject: something really long and really wrong From: linux-mips archive injection Object-Id: 8c56b7abdd551b1264e6522ededbbed9890cccd0 EOF is_deeply([ $eml->header('Subject') ], [ 'something really long and really wrong' ], 'continued long line w/o leading spaces '.$cls); is_deeply([ $eml->header('From') ], [ 'linux-mips archive injection' ], 'subsequent line not corrupted'); is_deeply([ $eml->header('Message-ID') ], ['<20101130193431@z>'], 'preceding line readable'); } # for @classes { my $eml = eml_load 't/msg_iter-order.eml'; my @parts; my $orig = $eml->as_string; $eml->each_part(sub { my ($part, $level, @ex) = @{$_[0]}; my $s = $part->body_str; $s =~ s/\s+//sg; push @parts, [ $s, $level, @ex ]; }); is_deeply(\@parts, [ [ qw(a 1 1) ], [ qw(b 1 2) ] ], 'order is fine'); is($eml->as_string, $orig, 'unchanged by ->each_part'); $eml->each_part(sub {}, undef, 1); is(defined($eml) ? $eml->body_raw : '', # old msg_iter clobbers $eml '', 'each_part can clobber body'); } if ('descend into message/rfc822') { my $eml = eml_load 't/data/message_embed.eml'; my @parts; $eml->each_part(sub { my ($part, $level, @ex) = @{$_[0]}; push @parts, [ $part, $level, @ex ]; }); is(scalar(@parts), 6, 'got all parts'); like($parts[0]->[0]->body, qr/^testing embedded message harder\n/sm, 'first part found'); is_deeply([ @{$parts[0]}[1..2] ], [ 1, '1' ], 'got expected depth and level for part #0'); is($parts[1]->[0]->filename, 'embed2x.eml', 'attachment filename found'); is_deeply([ @{$parts[1]}[1..2] ], [ 1, '2' ], 'got expected depth and level for part #1'); is_deeply([ @{$parts[2]}[1..2] ], [ 2, '2.1' ], 'got expected depth and level for part #2'); is_deeply([ @{$parts[3]}[1..2] ], [ 3, '2.1.1' ], 'got expected depth and level for part #3'); is_deeply([ @{$parts[4]}[1..2] ], [ 3, '2.1.2' ], 'got expected depth and level for part #4'); is($parts[4]->[0]->filename, 'test.eml', 'another attachment filename found'); is_deeply([ @{$parts[5]}[1..2] ], [ 4, '' ], 'got expected depth and level for part #5'); } # body-less, boundary-less for my $cls (@classes) { my $call = 0; $cls->new(<<'EOF')->each_part(sub { $call++ }, 0, 1); Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="body-less" EOF is($call, 1, 'called on bodyless multipart'); my @tmp; $cls->new(<<'EOF')->each_part(sub { push @tmp, \@_; }, 0, 1); Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="boundary-less" hello world EOF is(scalar(@tmp), 1, 'got one part even w/o boundary'); is($tmp[0]->[0]->[0]->body, "hello world\n", 'body preserved'); is($tmp[0]->[0]->[1], 0, '$depth is zero'); is($tmp[0]->[0]->[2], 0, '@idx is zero'); } # I guess the following only worked in PI::M because of a happy accident # involving inheritance: for my $cls (@classes) { my @tmp; my $header_less = <<'EOF'; Archived-At: <85k5su9k59.fsf_-_@lola.goethe.zz> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="header-less" --header-less this is the body --header-less i-haz: header something else --header-less-- EOF my $expect = "this is the body\n"; $cls->new($header_less)->each_part(sub { push @tmp, \@_ }, 0, 1); my $body = $tmp[0]->[0]->[0]->body; if ($cls eq 'PublicInbox::Eml') { is($body, $expect, 'body-only subpart in '.$cls); } elsif ($body ne $expect) { diag "W: $cls `$body' != `$expect'"; } is($tmp[1]->[0]->[0]->body, "something else\n"); is(scalar(@tmp), 2, 'two parts'); } if ('one newline before headers') { my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("\nNewline: no Header \n"); my @v = $eml->header_raw('Newline'); is_deeply(\@v, ['no Header'], 'no header'); is($eml->crlf, "\n", 'got CRLF as "\n"'); is($eml->body, ""); } for my $cls (@classes) { # XXX: matching E::M, but not sure about this my $s = <new(\$s); my $nr = 0; my @v; $eml->each_part(sub { @v = $_[0]->[0]->header_raw('Header'); $nr++; }); is($nr, 1, 'only one part'); is_deeply(\@v, [], "nothing w/o body $cls"); } for my $cls (@classes) { my $s = <new(\$s); my $nr = 0; $eml->each_part(sub { my $part = $_[0]->[0]; is_deeply([$part->header_raw('should')], ['appear'], 'only got one header'); is($part->body, "yes\n", 'got expected body'); $nr++; }); is($nr, 1, 'only one part'); } for my $cls (@classes) { my $s = <new(\$s); my ($str, $err) = msg_part_text($eml, $eml->content_type); is($str, "\x{100}\n", "got wide character by assuming utf-8"); } if ('we differ from Email::MIME with final "\n" on missing epilogue') { my $s = <new(\$s); is(($eml->subparts)[-1]->body, "no epilogue\n", 'final "\n" preserved on missing epilogue'); } if ('header_size_limit stolen from postfix') { local $PublicInbox::Eml::header_size_limit = 4; my @w; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ }; my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("a:b\na:d\n\nzz"); is_deeply([$eml->header('a')], ['b'], 'no overrun header'); is($eml->body_raw, 'zz', 'body not damaged'); is($eml->header_obj->as_string, "a:b\n", 'header truncated'); is(grep(/truncated/, @w), 1, 'truncation warned'); $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("a:b\na:d\n"); is_deeply([$eml->header('a')], ['b'], 'no overrun header w/o body'); local $PublicInbox::Eml::header_size_limit = 5; $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("a:b\r\na:d\r\n\nzz"); is_deeply([$eml->header('a')], ['b'], 'no overrun header on CRLF'); is($eml->body_raw, 'zz', 'body not damaged'); @w = (); $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("too:long\n"); $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("too:long\n\n"); $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new("too:long\r\n\r\n"); is(grep(/ignored/, @w), 3, 'ignored header warned'); } if ('maxparts is a feature unique to us') { my $eml = eml_load 't/psgi_attach.eml'; my @orig; $eml->each_part(sub { push @orig, $_[0]->[0] }); local $PublicInbox::Eml::mime_parts_limit = scalar(@orig); my $i = 0; $eml->each_part(sub { my $cur = $_[0]->[0]; my $prv = $orig[$i++]; is($cur->body_raw, $prv->body_raw, "part #$i matches"); }); is($i, scalar(@orig), 'maxparts honored'); $PublicInbox::Eml::mime_parts_limit--; my @ltd; $eml->each_part(sub { push @ltd, $_[0]->[0] }); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ltd; $i++) { is($ltd[$i]->body_raw, $orig[$i]->body_raw, "part[$i] matches"); } is(scalar(@ltd), scalar(@orig) - 1, 'maxparts honored'); } SKIP: { require_mods('PublicInbox::MIME', 1); my $eml = eml_load 't/utf8.eml'; my $mime = mime_load 't/utf8.eml'; for my $h (qw(Subject From To)) { my $v = $eml->header($h); my $m = $mime->header($h); is($v, $m, "decoded -8 $h matches Email::MIME"); ok(utf8::is_utf8($v), "$h is UTF-8"); ok(utf8::valid($v), "UTF-8 valid $h"); } my $s = $eml->body_str; ok(utf8::is_utf8($s), 'body_str is UTF-8'); ok(utf8::valid($s), 'UTF-8 valid body_str'); my $ref = \(my $x = 'ref'); for my $msg ($eml, $mime) { $msg->body_str_set($s .= "\nHI\n"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($msg->body_raw), 'raw octets after body_str_set'); $s = $msg->body_str; ok(utf8::is_utf8($s), 'body_str is UTF-8 after set'); ok(utf8::valid($s), 'UTF-8 valid body_str after set'); $msg->body_set($ref); is($msg->body_raw, $$ref, 'body_set worked on scalar ref'); $msg->body_set($$ref); is($msg->body_raw, $$ref, 'body_set worked on scalar'); } $eml = eml_load 't/iso-2202-jp.eml'; $mime = mime_load 't/iso-2202-jp.eml'; $s = $eml->body_str; is($s, $mime->body_str, 'ISO-2202-JP body_str'); ok(utf8::is_utf8($s), 'ISO-2202-JP => UTF-8 body_str'); ok(utf8::valid($s), 'UTF-8 valid body_str'); $eml = eml_load 't/psgi_attach.eml'; $mime = mime_load 't/psgi_attach.eml'; is_deeply([ map { $_->body_raw } $eml->subparts ], [ map { $_->body_raw } $mime->subparts ], 'raw ->subparts match deeply'); is_deeply([ map { $_->body } $eml->subparts ], [ map { $_->body } $mime->subparts ], '->subparts match deeply'); for my $msg ($eml, $mime) { my @old = $msg->subparts; $msg->parts_set([]); is_deeply([$msg->subparts], [], 'parts_set can clear'); $msg->parts_set([$old[-1]]); is(scalar $msg->subparts, 1, 'only last remains'); } is($eml->as_string, $mime->as_string, 'as_string matches after parts_set'); } for my $cls (@classes) { my $s = <<'EOF'; Content-Type: text/x-patch; name="=?utf-8?q?vtpm-fakefile.patch?=" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?utf-8?q?vtpm-makefile.patch?=" EOF is($cls->new($s)->filename, 'vtpm-makefile.patch', 'filename decoded'); $s =~ s/^Content-Disposition:.*$//sm; is($cls->new($s)->filename, 'vtpm-fakefile.patch', 'filename fallback'); is($cls->new($s)->content_type, 'text/x-patch; name="vtpm-fakefile.patch"', 'matches Email::MIME output, "correct" or not'); $s = <<'EOF'; Content-Type: multipart/foo; boundary=b --b Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?utf-8?q?vtpm-makefile.patch?=" a --b Content-Type: text/x-patch; name="=?utf-8?q?vtpm-fakefile.patch?=" b --b-- EOF my @tmp; $cls->new($s)->each_part(sub { push @tmp, $_[0]->[0]->filename }); is_deeply(['vtpm-makefile.patch', 'vtpm-fakefile.patch'], \@tmp, 'got filename for both attachments'); } done_testing;