#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::Config; use Fcntl qw(:seek); my $json = PublicInbox::Config::json() or plan skip_all => 'JSON missing'; require_git(2.6); require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian)); use_ok 'PublicInbox::ExtSearch'; use_ok 'PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx'; my $sock = tcp_server(); my $host_port = $sock->sockhost . ':' . $sock->sockport; my ($home, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); local $ENV{HOME} = $home; mkdir "$home/.public-inbox" or BAIL_OUT $!; my $cfg_path = "$home/.public-inbox/config"; open my $fh, '>', $cfg_path or BAIL_OUT $!; print $fh < $v2addr }; my $eml = eml_load('t/utf8.eml'); $eml->header_set('List-Id', ''); open($fh, '+>', undef) or BAIL_OUT $!; $fh->autoflush(1); print $fh $eml->as_string or BAIL_OUT $!; seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or BAIL_OUT $!; run_script(['-mda', '--no-precheck'], $env, { 0 => $fh }) or BAIL_OUT '-mda'; ok(run_script([qw(-init -V1 v1test --newsgroup v1.example), "$home/v1test", 'http://example.com/v1test', $v1addr ]), 'v1test init'); $eml->header_set('List-Id', ''); seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or BAIL_OUT $!; truncate($fh, 0) or BAIL_OUT $!; print $fh $eml->as_string or BAIL_OUT $!; seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or BAIL_OUT $!; $env = { ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT => $v1addr }; run_script(['-mda', '--no-precheck'], $env, { 0 => $fh }) or BAIL_OUT '-mda'; run_script([qw(-index -Lbasic), "$home/v1test"]) or BAIL_OUT "index $?"; ok(run_script([qw(-extindex --all), "$home/extindex"]), 'extindex init'); { my $es = PublicInbox::ExtSearch->new("$home/extindex"); ok($es->has_threadid, '->has_threadid'); } { # TODO: -extindex should write this to config open $fh, '>>', $cfg_path or BAIL_OUT $!; print $fh <ALL [extindex "all"] topdir = $home/extindex EOF close $fh or BAIL_OUT $!; my $pi_cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; $pi_cfg->fill_all; ok($pi_cfg->ALL, '->ALL'); my $ibx = $pi_cfg->{-by_newsgroup}->{'v2.example'}; my $ret = $pi_cfg->ALL->nntp_xref_for($ibx, $ibx->over->get_art(1)); is_deeply($ret, { 'v1.example' => 1, 'v2.example' => 1 }, '->nntp_xref_for'); } SKIP: { require_mods(qw(Net::NNTP), 1); my ($out, $err) = ("$home/nntpd.out.log", "$home/nntpd.err.log"); my $cmd = [ '-nntpd', '-W0', "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ]; my $td = start_script($cmd, undef, { 3 => $sock }); my $n = Net::NNTP->new($host_port); my @xp = $n->xpath(''); is_deeply(\@xp, [ qw(v1.example/1 v2.example/1) ]); $n->group('v1.example'); my $res = $n->head(1); @$res = grep(/^Xref: /, @$res); like($res->[0], qr/ v1\.example:1 v2\.example:1/, 'nntp_xref works'); } my $es = PublicInbox::ExtSearch->new("$home/extindex"); { my $smsg = $es->over->get_art(1); ok($smsg, 'got first article'); is($es->over->get_art(2), undef, 'only one added'); my $xref3 = $es->over->get_xref3(1); like($xref3->[0], qr/\A\Qv2.example\E:1:/, 'order preserved 1'); like($xref3->[1], qr/\A\Qv1.example\E:1:/, 'order preserved 2'); is(scalar(@$xref3), 2, 'only to entries'); } { my ($in, $out, $err); $in = $out = $err = ''; my $opt = { 0 => \$in, 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err }; my $env = { MAIL_EDITOR => "$^X -i -p -e 's/test message/BEST MSG/'" }; my $cmd = [ qw(-edit -Ft/utf8.eml), "$home/v2test" ]; ok(run_script($cmd, $env, $opt), '-edit'); ok(run_script([qw(-extindex --all), "$home/extindex"], undef, $opt), 'extindex again'); like($err, qr/discontiguous range/, 'warned about discontiguous range'); my $msg1 = $es->over->get_art(1) or BAIL_OUT 'msg1 missing'; my $msg2 = $es->over->get_art(2) or BAIL_OUT 'msg2 missing'; is($msg1->{mid}, $msg2->{mid}, 'edited message indexed'); isnt($msg1->{blob}, $msg2->{blob}, 'blobs differ'); my $eml2 = $es->smsg_eml($msg2); like($eml2->body, qr/BEST MSG/, 'edited body in #2'); unlike($eml2->body, qr/test message/, 'old body discarded in #2'); my $eml1 = $es->smsg_eml($msg1); like($eml1->body, qr/test message/, 'original body in #1'); my $x1 = $es->over->get_xref3(1); my $x2 = $es->over->get_xref3(2); is(scalar(@$x1), 1, 'original only has one xref3'); is(scalar(@$x2), 1, 'new message has one xref3'); isnt($x1->[0], $x2->[0], 'xref3 differs'); my $mset = $es->mset('b:"BEST MSG"'); is($mset->size, 1, 'new message found'); $mset = $es->mset('b:"test message"'); is($mset->size, 1, 'old message found'); delete @$es{qw(git over xdb)}; # fork preparation my $pi_cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; $pi_cfg->fill_all; is(scalar($pi_cfg->ALL->mset('s:Testing')->items), 2, '2 results in ->ALL'); my $res = {}; my $nr = 0; $pi_cfg->each_inbox(sub { $nr++; my ($ibx) = @_; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; # FIXME support --reindex my $mset = $ibx->isrch->mset('s:Testing'); $res->{$ibx->eidx_key} = $ibx->isrch->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset); }); is($nr, 2, 'two inboxes'); my $exp = {}; for my $v (qw(v1 v2)) { my $ibx = $pi_cfg->lookup_newsgroup("$v.example"); my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art(1); $smsg->psgi_cull; $exp->{"$v.example"} = [ $smsg ]; } is_deeply($res, $exp, 'isearch limited results'); $pi_cfg = $res = $exp = undef; open my $rmfh, '+>', undef or BAIL_OUT $!; $rmfh->autoflush(1); print $rmfh $eml2->as_string or BAIL_OUT $!; seek($rmfh, 0, SEEK_SET) or BAIL_OUT $!; $opt->{0} = $rmfh; ok(run_script([qw(-learn rm --all)], undef, $opt), '-learn rm'); ok(run_script([qw(-extindex --all), "$home/extindex"], undef, undef), 'extindex after rm'); is($es->over->get_art(2), undef, 'doc #2 gone'); $mset = $es->mset('b:"BEST MSG"'); is($mset->size, 0, 'new message gone'); } my $misc = $es->misc; my @it = $misc->mset('')->items; is(scalar(@it), 2, 'two inboxes'); like($it[0]->get_document->get_data, qr/v2test/, 'docdata matched v2'); like($it[1]->get_document->get_data, qr/v1test/, 'docdata matched v1'); if ('inject w/o indexing') { use PublicInbox::Import; use PublicInbox::Search; my $schema_version = PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION(); my $v1ibx = PublicInbox::Config->new->lookup_name('v1test'); my $last_v1_commit = $v1ibx->mm->last_commit; my $v2ibx = PublicInbox::Config->new->lookup_name('v2test'); my $last_v2_commit = $v2ibx->mm->last_commit_xap($schema_version, 0); my $git0 = PublicInbox::Git->new("$v2ibx->{inboxdir}/git/0.git"); chomp(my $cmt = $git0->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD^0))); is($last_v2_commit, $cmt, 'v2 index up-to-date'); my $v2im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git0, undef, undef, $v2ibx); $v2im->{lock_path} = undef; $v2im->{path_type} = 'v2'; $v2im->add(eml_load('t/mda-mime.eml')); $v2im->done; chomp(my $tip = $git0->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD^0))); isnt($tip, $cmt, '0.git v2 updated'); # inject a message w/o updating index rename("$home/v1test/public-inbox", "$home/v1test/skip-index") or BAIL_OUT $!; open(my $eh, '<', 't/iso-2202-jp.eml') or BAIL_OUT $!; run_script(['-mda', '--no-precheck'], $env, { 0 => $eh}) or BAIL_OUT '-mda'; rename("$home/v1test/skip-index", "$home/v1test/public-inbox") or BAIL_OUT $!; my ($in, $out, $err); $in = $out = $err = ''; my $opt = { 0 => \$in, 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err }; ok(run_script([qw(-extindex -v -v --all), "$home/extindex"], undef, undef), 'extindex noop'); $es->{xdb}->reopen; my $mset = $es->mset('mid:199707281508.AAA24167@hoyogw.example'); is($mset->size, 0, 'did not attempt to index unindexed v1 message'); $mset = $es->mset('mid:multipart-html-sucks@11'); is($mset->size, 0, 'did not attempt to index unindexed v2 message'); ok(run_script([qw(-index --all)]), 'indexed v1 and v2 inboxes'); isnt($v1ibx->mm->last_commit, $last_v1_commit, '-index v1 worked'); isnt($v2ibx->mm->last_commit_xap($schema_version, 0), $last_v2_commit, '-index v2 worked'); ok(run_script([qw(-extindex --all), "$home/extindex"]), 'extindex updates'); $es->{xdb}->reopen; $mset = $es->mset('mid:199707281508.AAA24167@hoyogw.example'); is($mset->size, 1, 'got v1 message'); $mset = $es->mset('mid:multipart-html-sucks@11'); is($mset->size, 1, 'got v2 message'); } if ('remove v1test and test gc') { xsys([qw(git config --unset publicinbox.v1test.inboxdir)], { GIT_CONFIG => $cfg_path }); my $opt = { 2 => \(my $err = '') }; ok(run_script([qw(-extindex --gc), "$home/extindex"], undef, $opt), 'extindex --gc'); like($err, qr/^I: remove #1 v1\.example /ms, 'removed v1 message'); is(scalar(grep(!/^I:/, split(/^/m, $err))), 0, 'no non-informational messages'); $misc->{xdb}->reopen; @it = $misc->mset('')->items; is(scalar(@it), 1, 'only one inbox left'); } done_testing;