#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use Test::More; use Time::HiRes (); use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which); require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Mail::IMAPClient Linux::Inotify2)); my $level = '-Lbasic'; SKIP: { require_mods('Search::Xapian', 1); $level = '-Lmedium'; }; my @V = (1); push(@V, 2) if require_git('2.6', 1); my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $home = "$tmpdir/home"; local $ENV{HOME} = $home; for my $V (@V) { my $addr = "i$V\@example.com"; my $name = "i$V"; my $url = "http://example.com/i$V"; my $inboxdir = "$tmpdir/$name"; my $folder = "inbox.i$V"; my $cmd = ['-init', "-V$V", $level, $name, $inboxdir, $url, $addr]; run_script($cmd) or BAIL_OUT("init $name"); xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$ENV{HOME}/.public-inbox/config", "publicinbox.$name.newsgroup", $folder) == 0 or BAIL_OUT("setting newsgroup $V"); if ($V == 1) { xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$ENV{HOME}/.public-inbox/config", 'publicinboxmda.spamcheck', 'none') == 0 or BAIL_OUT("config: $?"); } open(my $fh, '<', 't/utf8.eml') or BAIL_OUT("open t/utf8.eml: $!"); my $env = { ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT => $addr }; run_script(['-mda', '--no-precheck'], $env, { 0 => $fh }) or BAIL_OUT('-mda delivery'); if ($V == 1) { run_script(['-index', $inboxdir]) or BAIL_OUT("index $?"); } } my $sock = tcp_server(); my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log"; my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log"; my $cmd = [ '-imapd', '-W0', "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ]; my $td = start_script($cmd, undef, { 3 => $sock }) or BAIL_OUT("-imapd: $?"); my %mic_opt = ( Server => $sock->sockhost, Port => $sock->sockport, Uid => 1, ); my $mic = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%mic_opt); my $pre_login_capa = $mic->capability; is(grep(/\AAUTH=ANONYMOUS\z/, @$pre_login_capa), 1, 'AUTH=ANONYMOUS advertised pre-login'); $mic->User('lorelei'); $mic->Password('Hunter2'); ok($mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, 'LOGIN works'); my $post_login_capa = $mic->capability; ok(join("\n", @$pre_login_capa) ne join("\n", @$post_login_capa), 'got different capabilities post-login'); $mic_opt{Authmechanism} = 'ANONYMOUS'; $mic_opt{Authcallback} = sub { '' }; $mic = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%mic_opt); ok($mic && $mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, 'AUTHENTICATE ANONYMOUS'); my $post_auth_anon_capa = $mic->capability; is_deeply($post_auth_anon_capa, $post_login_capa, 'auth anon has same capabilities'); my $e; ok(!$mic->examine('foo') && ($e = $@), 'EXAMINE non-existent'); like($e, qr/\bNO\b/, 'got a NO on EXAMINE for non-existent'); ok(!$mic->select('foo') && ($e = $@), 'EXAMINE non-existent'); like($e, qr/\bNO\b/, 'got a NO on EXAMINE for non-existent'); ok($mic->select('inbox.i1'), 'SELECT succeeds'); ok($mic->examine('inbox.i1'), 'EXAMINE succeeds'); my $ret = $mic->search('all') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@"; is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search all works'); $ret = $mic->search('uid 1') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@"; is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1 works'); $ret = $mic->search('uid 1:1') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@"; is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1:1 works'); $ret = $mic->search('uid 1:*') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@"; is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1:* works'); is_deeply(scalar $mic->flags('1'), [], '->flags works'); for my $r ('1:*', '1') { $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'RFC822') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@"; is_deeply([keys %$ret], [1]); like($ret->{1}->{RFC822}, qr/\r\n\r\nThis is a test/, 'read full'); # ensure Mail::IMAPClient behaves my $str = $mic->message_string($r) or BAIL_OUT "->message_string: $@"; is($str, $ret->{1}->{RFC822}, '->message_string works as expected'); my $sz = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'RFC822.size') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@"; is($sz->{1}->{'RFC822.SIZE'}, length($ret->{1}->{RFC822}), 'RFC822.SIZE'); $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'RFC822.HEADER') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@"; is_deeply([keys %$ret], [1]); like($ret->{1}->{'RFC822.HEADER'}, qr/^Message-ID: /ms, 'read header'); $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'INTERNALDATE') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@"; is($ret->{1}->{'INTERNALDATE'}, '01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 +0000', 'internaldate matches'); ok(!$mic->fetch_hash($r, 'INFERNALDATE'), 'bogus attribute fails'); my $envelope = $mic->get_envelope($r) or BAIL_OUT("get_envelope: $@"); is($envelope->{bcc}, 'NIL', 'empty bcc'); is($envelope->{messageid}, '', 'messageid'); is(scalar @{$envelope->{to}}, 1, 'one {to} header'); # *sigh* too much to verify... #use Data::Dumper; diag Dumper($envelope); $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'FLAGS') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@"; is_deeply($ret->{1}->{FLAGS}, '', 'no flags'); } # Mail::IMAPClient ->compress creates cyclic reference: # https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132654 my $compress_logout = sub { my ($c) = @_; ok($c->logout, 'logout ok after ->compress'); # all documented in Mail::IMAPClient manpage: for (qw(Readmoremethod Readmethod Prewritemethod)) { $c->$_(undef); } }; is_deeply([$mic->has_capability('COMPRESS')], ['DEFLATE'], 'deflate cap'); ok($mic->compress, 'compress enabled'); $compress_logout->($mic); my $have_inotify = eval { require Linux::Inotify2; 1 }; my $pi_config = PublicInbox::Config->new; $pi_config->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; my $env = { ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT => $ibx->{-primary_address} }; my $name = $ibx->{name}; my $ng = $ibx->{newsgroup}; my $mic = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%mic_opt); ok($mic && $mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, "authed $name"); is_deeply([$mic->has_capability('IDLE')], ['IDLE'], "IDLE capa $name"); ok(!$mic->idle, "IDLE fails w/o SELECT/EXAMINE $name"); ok($mic->examine($ng), "EXAMINE $ng succeeds"); ok($mic->idle, "IDLE succeeds on $ng"); open(my $fh, '<', 't/data/message_embed.eml') or BAIL_OUT("open: $!"); run_script(['-mda', '--no-precheck'], $env, { 0 => $fh }) or BAIL_OUT('-mda delivery'); my $t0 = Time::HiRes::time(); ok(my @res = $mic->idle_data(11), "IDLE succeeds on $ng"); is(grep(/\A\* [0-9] EXISTS\b/, @res), 1, 'got EXISTS message'); ok((Time::HiRes::time() - $t0) < 10, 'IDLE client notified'); my (@ino_info, $ino_fdinfo); SKIP: { skip 'no inotify support', 1 unless $have_inotify; skip 'missing /proc/$PID/fd', 1 if !-d "/proc/$td->{pid}/fd"; my @ino = grep { readlink($_) =~ /\binotify\b/ } glob("/proc/$td->{pid}/fd/*"); is(scalar(@ino), 1, 'only one inotify FD'); my $ino_fd = (split('/', $ino[0]))[-1]; $ino_fdinfo = "/proc/$td->{pid}/fdinfo/$ino_fd"; if (open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo) { local $/ = "\n"; @ino_info = grep(/^inotify wd:/, <$fh>); ok(scalar(@ino_info), 'inotify has watches'); } else { skip "$ino_fdinfo missing: $!", 1; } }; # ensure IDLE persists across HUP, w/o extra watches or FDs $td->kill('HUP') or BAIL_OUT "failed to kill -imapd: $!"; SKIP: { skip 'no inotify fdinfo (or support)', 2 if !@ino_info; my (@tmp, %prev); local $/ = "\n"; my $end = time + 5; until (time > $end) { select undef, undef, undef, 0.01; open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or BAIL_OUT "$ino_fdinfo: $!"; %prev = map { $_ => 1 } @ino_info; @tmp = grep(/^inotify wd:/, <$fh>); if (scalar(@tmp) == scalar(@ino_info)) { delete @prev{@tmp}; last if scalar(keys(%prev)) == @ino_info; } } is(scalar @tmp, scalar @ino_info, 'old inotify watches replaced'); is(scalar keys %prev, scalar @ino_info, 'no previous watches overlap'); }; open($fh, '<', 't/data/0001.patch') or BAIL_OUT("open: $!"); run_script(['-mda', '--no-precheck'], $env, { 0 => $fh }) or BAIL_OUT('-mda delivery'); $t0 = Time::HiRes::time(); ok(@res = $mic->idle_data(11), "IDLE succeeds on $ng after HUP"); is(grep(/\A\* [0-9] EXISTS\b/, @res), 1, 'got EXISTS message'); ok((Time::HiRes::time() - $t0) < 10, 'IDLE client notified'); }); $td->kill; $td->join; is($?, 0, 'no error in exited process'); open my $fh, '<', $err or BAIL_OUT("open $err failed: $!"); my $eout = do { local $/; <$fh> }; unlike($eout, qr/wide/i, 'no Wide character warnings'); done_testing;