#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_ok 'PublicInbox::IPC'; state $once = eval <<''; package PublicInbox::IPC; use strict; sub test_array { qw(test array) } sub test_scalar { 'scalar' } sub test_scalarref { \'scalarref' } sub test_undef { undef } sub test_die { shift; die @_; 'unreachable' } sub test_pid { $$ } 1; my $ipc = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::IPC'; my @t = qw(array scalar scalarref undef); my $test = sub { my $x = shift; my @res; for my $type (@t) { my $m = "test_$type"; my @ret = $ipc->ipc_do($m); my @exp = $ipc->$m; is_deeply(\@ret, \@exp, "wantarray $m $x"); $ipc->ipc_do($m); $ipc->ipc_async($m, [], sub { push @res, \@_ }, \$m); my $ret = $ipc->ipc_do($m); my $exp = $ipc->$m; is_deeply($ret, $exp, "!wantarray $m $x"); is_deeply(\@res, [ [ \$m, \@exp ] ], "async $m $x"); @res = (); } $ipc->ipc_async_wait(-1); is_deeply(\@res, [], 'no leftover results'); $ipc->ipc_async('test_die', ['die test'], sub { push @res, \@_ }, 'die arg'); $ipc->ipc_async_wait(1); is(scalar(@res), 1, 'only one result'); is(scalar(@{$res[0]}), 2, 'result has 2-element array'); is($res[0]->[0], 'die arg', 'got async die arg '.$x); is(ref($res[0]->[1]), 'PublicInbox::IPC::Die', "exception type $x"); { my $nr = PublicInbox::IPC::PIPE_BUF(); my $count = 0; my $cb = sub { ++$count }; $ipc->ipc_async('test_undef', [], $cb) for (1..$nr); $ipc->ipc_async_wait(-1); is($count, $nr, "$x async runs w/o deadlock"); } my $ret = eval { $ipc->test_die('phail') }; my $exp = $@; $ret = eval { $ipc->ipc_do('test_die', 'phail') }; my $err = $@; my %lines; for ($err, $exp) { s/ line (\d+).*//s and $lines{$1}++; } is(scalar keys %lines, 1, 'line numbers match'); is((values %lines)[0], 2, '2 hits on same line number'); is($err, $exp, "$x die matches"); is($ret, undef, "$x die did not return"); eval { $ipc->test_die(['arrayref']) }; $exp = $@; $ret = eval { $ipc->ipc_do('test_die', ['arrayref']) }; $err = $@; is_deeply($err, $exp, 'die with unblessed ref'); is(ref($err), 'ARRAY', 'got an array ref'); $exp = bless ['blessed'], 'PublicInbox::WTF'; $ret = eval { $ipc->ipc_do('test_die', $exp) }; $err = $@; is_deeply($err, $exp, 'die with blessed ref'); is(ref($err), 'PublicInbox::WTF', 'got blessed ref'); }; $test->('local'); SKIP: { require_mods(qw(Storable||Sereal), 16); my $pid = $ipc->ipc_worker_spawn('test worker'); ok($pid > 0 && kill(0, $pid), 'worker spawned and running'); defined($pid) or BAIL_OUT 'no spawn, no test'; is($ipc->ipc_do('test_pid'), $pid, 'worker pid returned'); $test->('worker'); { my ($tmp, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); $ipc->ipc_lock_init("$tmp/lock"); is($ipc->ipc_do('test_pid'), $pid, 'worker pid returned'); } $ipc->ipc_worker_stop; ok(!kill(0, $pid) && $!{ESRCH}, 'worker stopped'); } $ipc->ipc_worker_stop; # idempotent done_testing;