#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::Inbox; require_mods(qw(-httpd lei)); require_cmd('curl'); my $sock = tcp_server(); my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $http = 'http://'.tcp_host_port($sock); my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes; my $cmd = [ qw(-httpd -W0 ./t/lei-mirror.psgi), "--stdout=$tmpdir/out", "--stderr=$tmpdir/err" ]; my $td = start_script($cmd, { PI_CONFIG => $cfg_path }, { 3 => $sock }); test_lei({ tmpdir => $tmpdir }, sub { my $home = $ENV{HOME}; my $t1 = "$home/t1-mirror"; lei_ok('add-external', $t1, '--mirror', "$http/t1/", \'--mirror v1'); ok(-f "$t1/public-inbox/msgmap.sqlite3", 't1-mirror indexed'); is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat("$t1/description"), "mirror of $http/t1/\n", 'description set'); ok(-f "$t1/Makefile", 'convenience Makefile added (v1)'); lei_ok('ls-external'); like($lei_out, qr!\Q$t1\E!, 't1 added to ls-externals'); my $t2 = "$home/t2-mirror"; lei_ok('add-external', $t2, '--mirror', "$http/t2/", \'--mirror v2'); ok(-f "$t2/msgmap.sqlite3", 't2-mirror indexed'); ok(-f "$t2/description", 't2 description'); ok(-f "$t2/Makefile", 'convenience Makefile added (v2)'); is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat("$t2/description"), "mirror of $http/t2/\n", 'description set'); lei_ok('ls-external'); like($lei_out, qr!\Q$t2\E!, 't2 added to ls-externals'); ok(!lei('add-external', $t2, '--mirror', "$http/t2/"), '--mirror fails if reused') or diag "$lei_err.$lei_out = $?"; like($lei_err, qr/\Q$t2\E' already exists/, 'destination in error'); ok(!lei('add-external', "$home/t2\nnewline", '--mirror', "$http/t2/"), '--mirror fails on newline'); like($lei_err, qr/`\\n' not allowed/, 'newline noted in error'); lei_ok('ls-external'); like($lei_out, qr!\Q$t2\E!, 'still in ls-externals'); unlike($lei_out, qr!\Qnewline\E!, 'newline entry not added'); ok(!lei('add-external', "$t2-fail", '-Lmedium'), '--mirror v2'); like($lei_err, qr/not a directory/, 'non-directory noted'); ok(!-d "$t2-fail", 'destination not created on failure'); lei_ok('ls-external'); unlike($lei_out, qr!\Q$t2-fail\E!, 'not added to ls-external'); lei_ok('add-external', "$t1-pfx", '--mirror', "$http/pfx/t1/", \'--mirror v1 w/ PSGI prefix'); ok(!-e "$t1-pfx/mirror.done", 'no leftover mirror.done'); my $d = "$home/404"; ok(!lei(qw(add-external --mirror), "$http/404", $d), 'mirror 404'); unlike($lei_err, qr!unlink.*?404/mirror\.done!, 'no unlink failure message'); ok(!-d $d, "`404' dir not created"); lei_ok('ls-external'); unlike($lei_out, qr!\Q$d\E!s, 'not added to ls-external'); my %phail = ( HTTPS => 'https://public-inbox.org/' . 'phail', ONION => 'http://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/' . 'phail,' ); for my $t (qw(HTTPS ONION)) { SKIP: { my $k = "TEST_LEI_EXTERNAL_$t"; $ENV{$k} or skip "$k unset", 1; my $url = $phail{$t}; my $dir = "phail-$t"; ok(!lei(qw(add-external -Lmedium --mirror), $url, $dir), '--mirror non-existent v2'); is($? >> 8, 22, 'curl 404'); ok(!-d $dir, 'directory not created'); unlike($lei_err, qr/# mirrored/, 'no success message'); like($lei_err, qr/curl.*404/, "curl 404 shown for $k"); } # SKIP } # for }); SKIP: { undef $sock; my $d = "$tmpdir/d"; mkdir $d or xbail "mkdir $d $!"; my $opt = { -C => $d, 2 => \(my $err) }; ok(!run_script([qw(-clone -q), "$http/404"], undef, $opt), '404 fails'); ok(!-d "$d/404", 'destination not created'); ok(run_script([qw(-clone -q -C), $d, "$http/t2"], undef, $opt), '-clone succeeds on v2'); ok(-f "$d/t2/git/0.git/config", 'epoch cloned'); # writeBitmaps is the default for bare repos in git 2.22+, # so we may stop setting it ourselves. 0 and is(xqx(['git', "--git-dir=$d/t2/git/0.git", 'config', qw(--bool repack.writeBitmaps)]), "true\n", 'write bitmaps set (via include.path=all.git/config'); is(xqx(['git', "--git-dir=$d/t2/git/0.git", 'config', qw(include.path)]), "../../all.git/config\n", 'include.path set'); ok(-s "$d/t2/all.git/objects/info/alternates", 'all.git alternates created'); ok(-f "$d/t2/manifest.js.gz", 'manifest saved'); ok(!-e "$d/t2/mirror.done", 'no leftover mirror.done'); ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t2"], undef, $opt), '-fetch succeeds w/ manifest.js.gz'); is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127'); unlike($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'no fetch done w/ manifest'); unlink("$d/t2/manifest.js.gz") or xbail "unlink $!"; ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t2"], undef, $opt), '-fetch succeeds w/o manifest.js.gz'); is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127'); like($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'fetch forced w/o manifest'); ok(run_script([qw(-clone -q -C), $d, "$http/t1"], undef, $opt), 'cloning v1 works'); ok(-d "$d/t1", 'v1 cloned'); ok(!-e "$d/t1/mirror.done", 'no leftover file'); ok(-f "$d/t1/manifest.js.gz", 'manifest saved'); ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t1"], undef, $opt), 'fetching v1 works'); is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127'); unlike($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'no fetch done w/ manifest'); unlink("$d/t1/manifest.js.gz") or xbail "unlink $!"; my $before = [ glob("$d/t1/*") ]; ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t1"], undef, $opt), 'fetching v1 works w/o manifest.js.gz'); is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127'); unlink("$d/t1/FETCH_HEAD"); # git internal like($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'no fetch done w/ manifest'); ok(unlink("$d/t1/manifest.js.gz"), 'manifest created'); my $after = [ glob("$d/t1/*") ]; is_deeply($before, $after, 'no new files created'); } ok($td->kill, 'killed -httpd'); $td->join; { require_ok 'PublicInbox::LeiMirror'; my $mrr = { src => 'https://example.com/src/', dst => $tmpdir }; my $exp = "mirror of https://example.com/src/\n"; my $f = "$tmpdir/description"; PublicInbox::LeiMirror::set_description($mrr); is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat($f), $exp, 'description set on ENOENT'); my $fh; (open($fh, '>', $f) and close($fh)) or xbail $!; PublicInbox::LeiMirror::set_description($mrr); is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat($f), $exp, 'description set on empty'); (open($fh, '>', $f) and print $fh "x\n" and close($fh)) or xbail $!; is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat($f), "x\n", 'description preserved if non-default'); } done_testing;