#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_mods(qw(lei)); use File::Path qw(remove_tree); my $stop_daemon = sub { # needed since we don't have inotify lei_ok qw(daemon-pid); chomp(my $pid = $lei_out); $pid > 0 or xbail "bad pid: $pid"; kill('TERM', $pid) or xbail "kill: $!"; for (0..10) { tick; kill(0, $pid) or last; } kill(0, $pid) and xbail "daemon still running (PID:$pid)"; }; test_lei({ daemon_only => 1 }, sub { my $d = "$ENV{HOME}/d"; my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes; lei_ok qw(daemon-pid); lei_ok qw(add-external), "$ro_home/t2"; lei_ok qw(q mid:testmessage@example.com -o), "Maildir:$d"; my (@o) = glob("$d/*/*"); scalar(@o) == 1 or xbail('multiple results', \@o); my ($bn0) = ($o[0] =~ m!/([^/]+)\z!); my $oid = '9bf1002c49eb075df47247b74d69bcd555e23422'; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; my $before = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); my $exp0 = { 'mail-sync' => { "maildir:$d" => [ $bn0 ] } }; is_deeply($before, $exp0, 'inspect shows expected'); $stop_daemon->(); my $dst = $o[0]; $dst =~ s/:2,.*\z// and $dst =~ s!/cur/!/new/! and rename($o[0], $dst) or xbail "rename($o[0] => $dst): $!"; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out), $before, 'inspect unchanged immediately after restart'); lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', '--all'; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; my ($bn1) = ($dst =~ m!/([^/]+)\z!); my $exp1 = { 'mail-sync' => { "maildir:$d" => [ $bn1 ] } }; is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out), $exp1, 'refresh-mail-sync updated location'); $stop_daemon->(); rename($dst, "$d/unwatched") or xbail "rename $dst out-of-the-way $!"; lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', $d; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; is($lei_out, '{}', 'no known locations after "removal"'); lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', "Maildir:$d"; $stop_daemon->(); rename("$d/unwatched", $dst) or xbail "rename $dst back"; lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', "Maildir:$d"; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out), $exp1, 'replaced file noted again'); $stop_daemon->(); remove_tree($d); lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', '--all'; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; is($lei_out, '{}', 'no known locations after "removal"'); lei_ok 'ls-mail-sync'; is($lei_out, '', 'no sync left when folder is gone'); SKIP: { require_mods(qw(-imapd -nntpd Mail::IMAPClient Net::NNTP), 1); require File::Copy; # stdlib my $home = $ENV{HOME}; my $srv; my $cfg_path2 = "$home/cfg2"; File::Copy::cp($cfg_path, $cfg_path2); my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $cfg_path2 }; for my $x (qw(imapd)) { my $s = tcp_server; my $cmd = [ "-$x", '-W0', "--stdout=$home/$x.out", "--stderr=$home/$x.err" ]; my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $s}) or xbail("-$x"); $srv->{$x} = { addr => (my $scalar = tcp_host_port($s)), td => $td, cmd => $cmd, }; } my $url = "imap://$srv->{imapd}->{addr}/t.v1.0"; lei_ok 'import', $url, '+L:v1'; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; $before = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); my @f = grep(m!\Aimap://;AUTH=ANONYMOUS\@\Q$srv->{imapd}->{addr}\E!, keys %{$before->{'mail-sync'}}); is(scalar(@f), 1, 'got IMAP folder') or xbail(\@f); xsys([qw(git config), '-f', $cfg_path2, qw(--unset publicinbox.t1.newsgroup)]) and xbail "git config $?"; $stop_daemon->(); # drop IMAP IDLE $srv->{imapd}->{td}->kill('HUP'); tick; # wait for HUP lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', $url; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; my $after = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); ok(!$after->{'mail-sync'}, 'no sync info for non-existent mailbox'); lei_ok 'ls-mail-sync'; unlike $lei_out, qr!^\Q$f[0]\E!, 'IMAP folder gone from mail_sync'; # simulate server downtime $url = "imap://$srv->{imapd}->{addr}/t.v2.0"; lei_ok 'import', $url, '+L:v2'; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; $before = $lei_out; delete $srv->{imapd}->{td}; # kill + join daemon ok(!(lei 'refresh-mail-sync', $url), 'URL fails on dead -imapd'); ok(!(lei 'refresh-mail-sync', '--all'), '--all fails on dead -imapd'); # restart server (somewhat dangerous since we released the socket) my $cmd = $srv->{imapd}->{cmd}; push @$cmd, '-l', $srv->{imapd}->{addr}; $srv->{imapd}->{td} = start_script($cmd, $env) or xbail "@$cmd"; lei_ok 'refresh-mail-sync', '--all'; lei_ok 'inspect', "blob:$oid"; is($lei_out, $before, 'no changes when server was down'); }; # imapd+nntpd stuff }); done_testing;