#!perl -w # Copyright all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree); require_mods('lei'); my $have_fast_inotify = eval { require Linux::Inotify2 } || eval { require IO::KQueue }; $have_fast_inotify or diag("$0 IO::KQueue or Linux::Inotify2 missing, test will be slow"); my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes; test_lei(sub { my $md = "$ENV{HOME}/md"; my $cfg_f = "$ENV{HOME}/.config/lei/config"; my $md2 = $md.'2'; lei_ok 'ls-watch'; is($lei_out, '', 'nothing in ls-watch, yet'); my ($ino_fdinfo, $ino_contents); SKIP: { $have_fast_inotify && $^O eq 'linux' or skip 'Linux/inotify-only internals check', 1; lei_ok 'daemon-pid'; chomp(my $pid = $lei_out); skip 'missing /proc/$PID/fd', 1 if !-d "/proc/$pid/fd"; my @ino = grep { (readlink($_) // '') =~ /\binotify\b/ } glob("/proc/$pid/fd/*"); is(scalar(@ino), 1, 'only one inotify FD'); my $ino_fd = (split('/', $ino[0]))[-1]; $ino_fdinfo = "/proc/$pid/fdinfo/$ino_fd"; open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or xbail "open $ino_fdinfo: $!"; $ino_contents = [ <$fh> ]; } if (0) { # TODO my $url = 'imaps://example.com/foo.bar.0'; lei_ok([qw(add-watch --state=pause), $url], undef, {}); lei_ok 'ls-watch'; is($lei_out, "$url\n", 'ls-watch shows added watch'); ok(!lei(qw(add-watch --state=pause), 'bogus'.$url), 'bogus URL rejected'); } # first, make sure tag-ro works make_path("$md/new", "$md/cur", "$md/tmp"); lei_ok qw(add-watch --state=tag-ro), $md; lei_ok 'ls-watch'; like($lei_out, qr/^\Qmaildir:$md\E$/sm, 'maildir shown'); lei_ok qw(q mid:testmessage@example.com -o), $md, '-I', "$ro_home/t1"; my @f = glob("$md/cur/*:2,"); is(scalar(@f), 1, 'got populated maildir with one result'); rename($f[0], "$f[0]S") or xbail "rename $!"; # set (S)een tick($have_fast_inotify ? 0.2 : 2.2); # always needed for 1 CPU systems lei_ok qw(note-event done); # flushes immediately (instead of 5s) lei_ok qw(q mid:testmessage@example.com -o), $md2, '-I', "$ro_home/t1"; my @f2 = glob("$md2/*/*"); is(scalar(@f2), 1, 'got one result'); like($f2[0], qr/S\z/, 'seen set from rename') or diag explain(\@f2); my $e2 = eml_load($f2[0]); my $e1 = eml_load("$f[0]S"); is_deeply($e2, $e1, 'results match'); SKIP: { $ino_fdinfo or skip 'Linux/inotify-only watch check', 1; open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or xbail "open $ino_fdinfo: $!"; my $cmp = [ <$fh> ]; ok(scalar(@$cmp) > scalar(@$ino_contents), 'inotify has Maildir watches'); } lei_ok 'rm-watch', $md; lei_ok 'ls-watch', \'refresh watches'; is($lei_out, '', 'no watches left'); lei_ok 'add-watch', $md2; remove_tree($md2); lei_ok 'rm-watch', "maildir:".$md2, \'with maildir: prefix'; lei_ok 'ls-watch', \'refresh watches'; is($lei_out, '', 'no watches left'); lei_ok 'add-watch', $md; remove_tree($md); lei_ok 'rm-watch', $md, \'absolute path w/ missing dir'; lei_ok 'ls-watch', \'refresh watches'; is($lei_out, '', 'no watches left'); SKIP: { $ino_fdinfo or skip 'Linux/inotify-only removal removal', 1; open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or xbail "open $ino_fdinfo: $!"; my $cmp = [ <$fh> ]; is_xdeeply($cmp, $ino_contents, 'inotify Maildir watches gone'); }; }); done_testing;