#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian)); require_git 2.6; require_ok 'PublicInbox::LeiStore'; require_ok 'PublicInbox::ExtSearch'; my ($home, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $opt = { 1 => \(my $out = ''), 2 => \(my $err = '') }; my $store_dir = "$home/lst"; my $lst = PublicInbox::LeiStore->new($store_dir, { creat => 1 }); ok($lst, '->new'); my $smsg = $lst->add_eml(eml_load('t/data/0001.patch')); like($smsg->{blob}, qr/\A[0-9a-f]+\z/, 'add returned OID'); my $eml = eml_load('t/data/0001.patch'); is($lst->add_eml($eml), undef, 'idempotent'); $lst->done; is_deeply([$lst->mbox_keywords($eml)], [], 'no keywords'); $eml->header_set('Status', 'RO'); is_deeply([$lst->mbox_keywords($eml)], ['seen'], 'seen extracted'); $eml->header_set('X-Status', 'A'); is_deeply([$lst->mbox_keywords($eml)], [qw(answered seen)], 'seen+answered extracted'); $eml->header_set($_) for qw(Status X-Status); is_deeply([$lst->maildir_keywords('/foo:2,')], [], 'Maildir no keywords'); is_deeply([$lst->maildir_keywords('/foo:2,S')], ['seen'], 'Maildir seen'); is_deeply([$lst->maildir_keywords('/foo:2,RS')], ['answered', 'seen'], 'Maildir answered + seen'); is_deeply([$lst->maildir_keywords('/foo:2,RSZ')], ['answered', 'seen'], 'Maildir answered + seen w/o Z'); { my $es = $lst->search; my $msgs = $es->over->query_xover(0, 1000); is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'one message'); is($msgs->[0]->{blob}, $smsg->{blob}, 'blob matches'); my $mset = $es->mset("mid:$msgs->[0]->{mid}"); is($mset->size, 1, 'search works'); is_deeply($es->mset_to_artnums($mset), [ $msgs->[0]->{num} ], 'mset_to_artnums'); my @kw = $es->msg_keywords(($mset->items)[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [], 'no flags'); } for my $parallel (0, 1) { $lst->{priv_eidx}->{parallel} = $parallel; my $docids = $lst->set_eml_keywords($eml, qw(seen draft)); is(scalar @$docids, 1, 'set keywords on one doc'); $lst->done; my @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($docids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [qw(draft seen)], 'kw matches'); $docids = $lst->add_eml_keywords($eml, qw(seen draft)); $lst->done; is(scalar @$docids, 1, 'idempotently added keywords to doc'); @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($docids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [qw(draft seen)], 'kw matches after noop'); $docids = $lst->remove_eml_keywords($eml, qw(seen draft)); is(scalar @$docids, 1, 'removed from one doc'); $lst->done; @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($docids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [], 'kw matches after remove'); $docids = $lst->remove_eml_keywords($eml, qw(answered)); is(scalar @$docids, 1, 'removed from one doc (idempotently)'); $lst->done; @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($docids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [], 'kw matches after remove (idempotent)'); $docids = $lst->add_eml_keywords($eml, qw(answered)); is(scalar @$docids, 1, 'added to empty doc'); $lst->done; @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($docids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, ['answered'], 'kw matches after add'); $docids = $lst->set_eml_keywords($eml); is(scalar @$docids, 1, 'set to clobber'); $lst->done; @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($docids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [], 'set clobbers all'); my $set = eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml'); $set->header_set('Message-ID', ""); my $ret = $lst->set_eml($set, 'seen'); is(ref $ret, 'PublicInbox::Smsg', 'initial returns smsg'); my $ids = $lst->set_eml($set, qw(seen)); is_deeply($ids, [ $ret->{num} ], 'set_eml idempotent'); $ids = $lst->set_eml($set, qw(seen answered)); is_deeply($ids, [ $ret->{num} ], 'set_eml to change kw'); $lst->done; @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($ids->[0]); is_deeply(\@kw, [qw(answered seen)], 'set changed kw'); } SKIP: { require_mods(qw(Storable), 1); ok($lst->can('ipc_do'), 'ipc_do works if we have Storable'); $eml->header_set('Message-ID', ''); my $pid = $lst->ipc_worker_spawn('lei-store'); ok($pid > 0, 'got a worker'); my $smsg = $lst->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, qw(seen)); is(ref($smsg), 'PublicInbox::Smsg', 'set_eml works over ipc'); my $ids = $lst->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, qw(seen)); is_deeply($ids, [ $smsg->{num} ], 'docid returned'); $eml->header_set('Message-ID'); my $no_mid = $lst->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, qw(seen)); my $wait = $lst->ipc_do('done'); my @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($no_mid->{num}); is_deeply(\@kw, [qw(seen)], 'ipc set changed kw'); is(ref($smsg), 'PublicInbox::Smsg', 'no mid works ipc'); $ids = $lst->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, qw(seen)); is_deeply($ids, [ $no_mid->{num} ], 'docid returned w/o mid w/ ipc'); $lst->ipc_do('done'); $lst->ipc_worker_stop; $ids = $lst->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, qw(seen answered)); is_deeply($ids, [ $no_mid->{num} ], 'docid returned w/o mid w/o ipc'); $wait = $lst->ipc_do('done'); @kw = $lst->search->msg_keywords($no_mid->{num}); is_deeply(\@kw, [qw(answered seen)], 'set changed kw w/o ipc'); } done_testing;