#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use v5.12; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP SOL_SOCKET); # Net::POP3 is part of the standard library, but distros may split it off... require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Net::POP3 IO::Socket::SSL)); require_git('2.6'); # for v2 require_mods(qw(File::FcntlLock)) if $^O !~ /\A(?:linux|freebsd)\z/; use_ok 'IO::Socket::SSL'; use_ok 'PublicInbox::TLS'; my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); mkdir("$tmpdir/p3state") or xbail "mkdir: $!"; my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log"; my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log"; my $olderr = "$tmpdir/plain.err"; my $group = 'test-pop3'; my $addr = $group . '@example.com'; my $stls = tcp_server(); my $plain = tcp_server(); my $pop3s = tcp_server(); my $patch = eml_load('t/data/0001.patch'); my $ibx = create_inbox 'pop3d', version => 2, -primary_address => $addr, indexlevel => 'basic', sub { my ($im, $ibx) = @_; $im->add(eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml')) or BAIL_OUT '->add'; $im->add($patch) or BAIL_OUT '->add'; }; my $pi_config = "$tmpdir/pi_config"; open my $fh, '>', $pi_config or BAIL_OUT "open: $!"; print $fh <{inboxdir} address = $addr indexlevel = basic newsgroup = $group EOF close $fh or BAIL_OUT "close: $!\n"; my $pop3s_addr = tcp_host_port($pop3s); my $stls_addr = tcp_host_port($stls); my $plain_addr = tcp_host_port($plain); my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $pi_config }; my $cert = 'certs/server-cert.pem'; my $key = 'certs/server-key.pem'; unless (-r $key && -r $cert) { plan skip_all => "certs/ missing for $0, run $^X ./create-certs.perl in certs/"; } my $old = start_script(['-pop3d', '-W0', "--stdout=$tmpdir/plain.out", "--stderr=$olderr" ], $env, { 3 => $plain }); my @old_args = ($plain->sockhost, Port => $plain->sockport); my $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); my $locked_mb = ('e'x32)."\@$group"; ok($oldc->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP to old'); { # locking within the same process my $x = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok(!$x->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock failure'); like($x->message, qr/unable to lock/, 'diagnostic message'); $x = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($x->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock acquire'); my $y = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok(!$y->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock fails once'); undef $x; $y = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($y->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock works after release'); } for my $args ( [ "--cert=$cert", "--key=$key", "-lpop3s://$pop3s_addr", "-lpop3://$stls_addr" ], ) { for ($out, $err) { open my $fh, '>', $_ or BAIL_OUT "truncate: $!" } my $cmd = [ '-netd', '-W0', @$args, "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ]; my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $stls, 4 => $pop3s }); my %o = ( SSL_hostname => 'server.local', SSL_verifycn_name => 'server.local', SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(), SSL_ca_file => 'certs/test-ca.pem', ); # start negotiating a slow TLS connection my $slow = tcp_connect($pop3s, Blocking => 0); $slow = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($slow, SSL_startHandshake => 0, %o); my $slow_done = $slow->connect_SSL; my @poll; if ($slow_done) { diag('W: connect_SSL early OK, slow client test invalid'); use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLOUT); @poll = (fileno($slow), EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT); } else { @poll = (fileno($slow), PublicInbox::TLS::epollbit()); } my @p3s_args = ($pop3s->sockhost, Port => $pop3s->sockport, SSL => 1, %o); my $p3s = Net::POP3->new(@p3s_args); my $capa = $p3s->capa; ok(!exists $capa->{STLS}, 'no STLS CAPA for POP3S'); ok($p3s->quit, 'QUIT works w/POP3S'); { $p3s = Net::POP3->new(@p3s_args); ok(!$p3s->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock failure w/ another daemon'); like($p3s->message, qr/unable to lock/, 'diagnostic message'); } # slow TLS connection did not block the other fast clients while # connecting, finish it off: until ($slow_done) { IO::Poll::_poll(-1, @poll); $slow_done = $slow->connect_SSL and last; @poll = (fileno($slow), PublicInbox::TLS::epollbit()); } $slow->blocking(1); ok(sysread($slow, my $greet, 4096) > 0, 'slow got a greeting'); my @np3_args = ($stls->sockhost, Port => $stls->sockport); my $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok($np3->quit, 'plain QUIT works'); $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args, %o); $capa = $np3->capa; ok(exists $capa->{STLS}, 'STLS CAPA advertised before STLS'); ok($np3->starttls, 'STLS works'); $capa = $np3->capa; ok(!exists $capa->{STLS}, 'STLS CAPA not advertised after STLS'); ok($np3->quit, 'QUIT works after STLS'); for my $mailbox (('x'x32)."\@$group", $group, ('a'x32)."\@z.$group") { $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok(!$np3->user($mailbox), "USER $mailbox reject"); ok($np3->quit, 'QUIT after USER fail'); $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok(!$np3->apop($mailbox, 'anonymous'), "APOP $mailbox reject"); ok($np3->quit, "QUIT after APOP fail $mailbox"); } for my $mailbox ($group, "$group.0") { my $u = ('f'x32)."\@$mailbox"; $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok($np3->user($u), "UUID\@$mailbox accept"); ok($np3->pass('anonymous'), 'pass works'); $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok($np3->user($u), "UUID\@$mailbox accept"); ok($np3->pass('anonymous'), 'pass works'); my $list = $np3->list; my $uidl = $np3->uidl; is_deeply([sort keys %$list], [sort keys %$uidl], 'LIST and UIDL keys match'); ok($_ > 0, 'bytes in LIST result') for values %$list; like($_, qr/\A[a-z0-9]{40,}\z/, 'blob IDs in UIDL result') for values %$uidl; $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok(!$np3->apop($u, 'anonumuss'), 'APOP wrong pass reject'); $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args); ok($np3->apop($u, 'anonymous'), "APOP UUID\@$mailbox"); my @res = $np3->popstat; is($res[0], 2, 'STAT knows about 2 messages'); my $msg = $np3->get(2); $msg = join('', @$msg); $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; is_deeply(PublicInbox::Eml->new($msg), $patch, 't/data/0001.patch round-tripped'); ok(!$np3->get(22), 'missing message'); $msg = $np3->top(2, 0); $msg = join('', @$msg); $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; is($msg, $patch->header_obj->as_string . "\n", 'TOP numlines=0'); ok(!$np3->top(2, -1), 'negative TOP numlines'); $msg = $np3->top(2, 1); $msg = join('', @$msg); $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; is($msg, $patch->header_obj->as_string . <top(2, 10000); $msg = join('', @$msg); $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; is_deeply(PublicInbox::Eml->new($msg), $patch, 'TOP numlines=10000 (excess)'); $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args, %o); ok($np3->starttls, 'STLS works before APOP'); ok($np3->apop($u, 'anonymous'), "APOP UUID\@$mailbox w/ STLS"); # undocumented: ok($np3->_NOOP, 'NOOP works') if $np3->can('_NOOP'); } SKIP: { skip 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is Linux-only', 2 if $^O ne 'linux'; my $var = eval { Socket::TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT() } // 9; my $x = getsockopt($pop3s, IPPROTO_TCP, $var) // xbail "IPPROTO_TCP: $!"; ok(unpack('i', $x) > 0, 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT set on POP3S'); $x = getsockopt($stls, IPPROTO_TCP, $var) // xbail "IPPROTO_TCP: $!"; is(unpack('i', $x), 0, 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is 0 on plain POP3'); }; SKIP: { skip 'SO_ACCEPTFILTER is FreeBSD-only', 2 if $^O ne 'freebsd'; system('kldstat -m accf_data >/dev/null') and skip 'accf_data not loaded? kldload accf_data', 2; require PublicInbox::Daemon; my $x = getsockopt($pop3s, SOL_SOCKET, $PublicInbox::Daemon::SO_ACCEPTFILTER); like($x, qr/\Adataready\0+\z/, 'got dataready accf for pop3s'); $x = getsockopt($stls, IPPROTO_TCP, $PublicInbox::Daemon::SO_ACCEPTFILTER); is($x, undef, 'no BSD accept filter for plain IMAP'); }; $td->kill; $td->join; is($?, 0, 'no error in exited -netd'); open my $fh, '<', $err or BAIL_OUT "open $err failed: $!"; my $eout = do { local $/; <$fh> }; unlike($eout, qr/wide/i, 'no Wide character warnings in -netd'); } { my $capa = $oldc->capa; ok(defined($capa->{PIPELINING}), 'pipelining supported by CAPA'); is($capa->{EXPIRE}, 0, 'EXPIRE 0 set'); ok(!exists $capa->{STLS}, 'STLS unset w/o daemon certs'); # ensure TOP doesn't trigger "EXPIRE 0" like RETR does (cf. RFC2449) my $list = $oldc->list; ok(scalar keys %$list, 'got a listing of messages'); ok($oldc->top($_, 1), "TOP $_ 1") for keys %$list; ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT after TOP'); # clients which see "EXPIRE 0" can elide DELE requests $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($oldc->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP for RETR'); is_deeply($oldc->capa, $capa, 'CAPA unchanged'); is_deeply($oldc->list, $list, 'LIST unchanged by previous TOP'); ok($oldc->get($_), "RETR $_") for keys %$list; ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT after RETR'); $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($oldc->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP reconnect'); my $cont = $oldc->list; is_deeply($cont, {}, 'no messages after implicit DELE from EXPIRE 0'); ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT on noop'); # test w/o checking CAPA to trigger EXPIRE 0 $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($oldc->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP on latest slice'); my $l2 = $oldc->list; is_deeply($l2, $list, 'different mailbox, different deletes'); ok($oldc->get($_), "RETR $_") for keys %$list; ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT w/o EXPIRE nor DELE'); $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($oldc->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP again on latest'); $l2 = $oldc->list; is_deeply($l2, $list, 'no DELE nor EXPIRE preserves messages'); ok($oldc->delete(2), 'explicit DELE on latest'); ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT w/ highest DELE'); # this is non-standard behavior, but necessary if we expect hundreds # of thousands of users on cheap HW $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args); ok($oldc->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP yet again on latest'); is_deeply($oldc->list, {}, 'highest DELE deletes older messages, too'); } # TODO: more tests, but mpop was really helpful in helping me # figure out bugs with larger newsgroups (>50K messages) which # probably isn't suited for this test suite. $old->kill; $old->join; is($?, 0, 'no error in exited -pop3d'); open $fh, '<', $olderr or BAIL_OUT "open $olderr failed: $!"; my $eout = do { local $/; <$fh> }; unlike($eout, qr/wide/i, 'no Wide character warnings in -pop3d'); done_testing;