# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Email::MIME; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use PublicInbox::Config; my @mods = qw(HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test URI::Escape DBD::SQLite); foreach my $mod (@mods) { eval "require $mod"; plan skip_all => "$mod missing for psgi_scan_all.t" if $@; } use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable'; foreach my $mod (@mods) { use_ok $mod; } my $tmp = tempdir('pi-scan_all-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); my $cfg = ''; foreach my $i (1..2) { my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.test-$i"; my $addr = "test-$i\@example.com"; my $mainrepo = "$tmp/$i"; $cfg .= "$cfgpfx.address=$addr\n"; $cfg .= "$cfgpfx.mainrepo=$mainrepo\n"; $cfg .= "$cfgpfx.url=http://example.com/$i\n"; my $opt = { mainrepo => $mainrepo, name => "test-$i", version => 2, indexlevel => 'basic', -primary_address => $addr, }; my $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($opt); my $im = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx, 1); $im->{parallel} = 0; $im->init_inbox(0); my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new(< Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000 hello world EOF ok($im->add($mime), "added message to $i"); $im->done; } my $config = PublicInbox::Config->new(\$cfg); use_ok 'PublicInbox::WWW'; my $www = PublicInbox::WWW->new($config); test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, sub { my ($cb) = @_; foreach my $i (1..2) { foreach my $end ('', '/') { my $res = $cb->(GET("/a-mid-$i\@b$end")); is($res->code, 302, 'got 302'); is($res->header('Location'), "http://example.com/$i/a-mid-$i\@b/", "redirected OK to $i"); } } foreach my $x (qw(inv@lid inv@lid/ i/v/a l/i/d/)) { my $res = $cb->(GET("/$x")); is($res->code, 404, "404 on $x"); } }); done_testing();