#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use POSIX qw(WTERMSIG WIFSIGNALED SIGPIPE); require_mods(qw(json DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian)); # XXX this needs an already configured lei instance with many messages my $do_test = sub { my $env = shift // {}; for my $out ([], [qw(-f mboxcl2)]) { pipe(my ($r, $w)) or BAIL_OUT $!; open my $err, '+>', undef or BAIL_OUT $!; my $opt = { run_mode => 0, 1 => $w, 2 => $err }; my $cmd = [qw(lei q -q -t), @$out, 'z:1..']; my $tp = start_script($cmd, $env, $opt); close $w; sysread($r, my $buf, 1); close $r; # trigger SIGPIPE $tp->join; ok(WIFSIGNALED($?), "signaled @$out"); is(WTERMSIG($?), SIGPIPE, "got SIGPIPE @$out"); seek($err, 0, 0); my @err = grep(!m{mkdir /dev/null\b}, <$err>); is_deeply(\@err, [], "no errors @$out"); } }; my ($tmp, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $pid; my $opt = { run_mode => 0, 1 => \(my $out = '') }; if (run_script([qw(lei daemon-pid)], undef, $opt)) { chomp($pid = $out); mkdir "$tmp/d" or BAIL_OUT $!; local $ENV{TMPDIR} = "$tmp/d"; $do_test->(); $out = ''; ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-pid)], undef, $opt), 'daemon-pid again'); chomp($out); is($out, $pid, 'daemon-pid unchanged'); ok(kill(0, $pid), 'daemon still running'); $out = ''; } { mkdir "$tmp/1" or BAIL_OUT $!; local $ENV{TMPDIR} = "$tmp/1"; $do_test->({XDG_RUNTIME_DIR => '/dev/null'}); is(unlink(glob("$tmp/1/*")), 0, 'nothing left over w/ oneshot'); } # the one-shot test should be slow enough that the daemon has cleaned # up in the background: is_deeply([glob("$tmp/d/*")], [], 'nothing left over with daemon'); done_testing;