zeasypki -- easy PKI This is helper script for managing X.509 TLS PKI. ECDSA and EdDSA keypairs are handled with GnuTLS'es certtool. GOST keypairs are handled with GoGOST'es utilities (http://www.gogost.cypherpunks.ru). CA certificates have 10 years validity lifetime. EE certificates have 365 days one. EE certificates contain only domain name and optionally a country. Edit zeasypki to suit your needs and working environment. Probably you want to change path-variable setting, that points to GoGOST'es built utilities. * Create CA keypairs: $ mkdir mypki && cd mypki $ zeasypki ca ecdsa ecdsa-root.com $ zeasypki ca gost gost-root.ru $ zeasypki list-ca ca/ecdsa/ecdsa-root.com ca/gost/gost-root.ru $ print ca/ecdsa/ecdsa-root.com/* cer.pem key.pem * Optionally encrypt them (that also can be done with EE keypairs too): $ zeasypki encrypt ca/ecdsa/ecdsa-root.com [GnuPG is invoked here] $ print ca/ecdsa/ecdsa-root.com/* cer.pem key.pem.enc * Create EE keypairs: $ zeasypki new ee/ecdsa/ecdsa-root.com/some.domain.com * Renew then EE keypairs: $ zeasypki renew ee/ecdsa/ecdsa-root.com/some.domain.com * To get DANE SHA256 fingerprint: $ zeasypki dane KEY * To get full PEM-encoded keypair: $ zeasypki keypair KEY * To get remind (https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/) compatible calendar of certificates expiration times: $ zeasypki rem