*gerrvim.txt* Gerrit review's comments preparation helper OVERVIEW *gerrvim-overview* Gerrit (https://www.gerritcodereview.com/) code review system by default has Web-based interface for creating comments for review. It requires to be online, with enabled JavaScript. It does not play well with some browsers that captures keystrokes. IT has no ability to change interface to something more convenient and comfortable to work with. Fortunately it has some API that provides ability to post bunch of comments for review in JSON format and you can use it to publish comments created with convenient offline tools. Gerrvim is a free software (see |gerrvim-license|) collection of helper utilities: * Converter (gerrvim2json.pl) from simple plain text human readable and editable |gerrvim-format| itself to JSON suitable to be send to Gerrit. * Vim plugin to prepare that Gerrvim file by commenting the source code added for review. It works together with Fugitive (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2975). * Simple gerrcommget.sh shell/Perl script that downloads comments and converts them to Gerrvim file. Gerrvim file is intended to be edited by human in any editor, in offline mode, with the whole everything aggregated in it at once. It is replacement for JavaScript online Web-based native Gerrite interface when you need to publish comments for the source code and replies to other one. WORKFLOW *gerrvim-workflow* So you received a notify about review request. At first you need to download that patch (this is only an example): > % git fetch gerrit changes/92/92/1 Then you open this commit in Vim's Fugitive plugin: > :Gedit FETCH_HEAD You can navigate through the files and diffs in it. Read Fugitive documentation for more information. For example you want to add a comment about some lines in the patch. Open that file inside the commit, select required lines, call code commenting (see |gerrvim-usage|), enter the comments in newly appeared window, close it by pressing . Repeat that step to add all the comments. They are aggregated in temporary Gerrvim file (/tmp/gerrvim.txt by default). When you finished with it, you can edit and correct Gerrvim file without any Fugitive later. Possibly to add a comment for the whole review, not related to any of the files. At last you want to publish all your writings. Use converter to create JSON from Gerrvim and send it directly to Gerrit. > % gerrvim2json.pl /tmp/gerrvim.txt | ssh gerrit gerrit review --json Soon you may receive notification about someone replied to your comments. You can use gerrcommget.sh script to retrieve them and save as a Gerrvim file: > % gerrcommget.sh 92 1 > /tmp/gerrvim.txt Be sure to precoconfigure |gerrvim-config| it and specify URL to your Gerrit's REST-API, your username and password. Edit that Gerrvim file and convert to JSON with sending to the server again. It has slightly different headers and you comments will be published as a reply to other ones. INSTALLATION *gerrvim-install* * Install Fugitive plugin for the Vim * Install Perl JSON (https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) and Encode modules * Copy plugin/gerrvim.vim to ~/.vim/plugin * Optionally copy that readme to ~/.vim/doc/gerrvim.txt CONFIGURATION *gerrvim-config* The only option for the Vim plugin is the placement of temporary file with aggregated comments. By default it is /tmp/gerrvim.txt. You can override it in your .vimrc: > let g:gerrvim_file = "/another/path.txt" Edit gerrcommget.sh and specify necessary GERRADDR (Gerrit's server URL), GERRUSER (your username) and GERRPASS (password) variables. You can override them anytime with environment variables. PLUGIN USAGE *gerrvim-usage* * Open necessary commit using Fugitive (:Gedit) and file inside it * Visually select a bunch of code lines you want to comment * Press cc (usually "\cc") or call :Gerrvim command specifying the range * You will see an additional small window with your code * Add necessary comment message below -----END----- line * Either press in normal mode, or save buffer and exit * Comment window will be closed, saving your consolidated changes in temporary file * To wipe out all your comments either call :GerrvimClear or remove that temporary file) GERRVIM FILE FORMAT *gerrvim-format* Gerrvim's file includes blocks of text separated by BEGIN/END lines. > Some main review message. It can be multilined. -----BEGIN 2c5405c8145e61b738953b4e Makefile 27 29----- foo: bar make -C some thing -----END----- You must replace make with $(MAKE). And I could write it multiline too. -----BEGIN 2c5405c8145e61b738953b4e Makefile 1 2----- #/usr/bin/make -----END----- Remove that. -----BEGIN R1a014df3_5b8de330 README 20 22----- Vasyliy Pupkin: I am not sure about that corrections. What do you think? -----END----- Seems you are right. BEGIN line contains: * Either commit's hash, or comment's id with "R" prefix. If R-prefixed comment's id is specified, then you will be replying to it * Path to the file inside source code tree * Linenumber where comment begins * Linenumber where comment ends You are capable to comment either range of lines, or the single one. Everything between BEGIN and END lines is just for convenience and won't be published anywhere, it is cut. The text between END and next BEGIN line is the comment itself. It can be multilined. All empty lines at the end are removed. Optional text before the very first BEGIN line will be review's main message, not related to any file. LICENCE *gerrvim-license* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Sergey Matveev This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . vim:filetype=help