# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 all contributors # Licensed the same as Danga::Socket (and Perl5) # License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0-Perl # # # # kqueue support via IO::KQueue XS module. This makes kqueue look # like epoll to simplify the code in DS.pm. This is NOT meant to be # an all encompassing emulation of epoll via IO::KQueue, but just to # support cases public-inbox-nntpd/httpd care about. # # It also implements signalfd(2) emulation via "tie". package PublicInbox::DSKQXS; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(Exporter); use Symbol qw(gensym); use IO::KQueue; use Errno qw(EAGAIN); use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLONESHOT EPOLLIN EPOLLOUT EPOLLET EPOLL_CTL_ADD EPOLL_CTL_MOD EPOLL_CTL_DEL); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(epoll_ctl epoll_wait); sub EV_DISPATCH () { 0x0080 } # map EPOLL* bits to kqueue EV_* flags for EV_SET sub kq_flag ($$) { my ($bit, $ev) = @_; if ($ev & $bit) { my $fl = EV_ENABLE; $fl |= EV_CLEAR if $fl & EPOLLET; # EV_DISPATCH matches EPOLLONESHOT semantics more closely # than EV_ONESHOT, in that EV_ADD is not required to # re-enable a disabled watch. ($ev & EPOLLONESHOT) ? ($fl | EV_DISPATCH) : $fl; } else { EV_DISABLE; } } sub new { my ($class) = @_; bless { kq => IO::KQueue->new, owner_pid => $$ }, $class; } # returns a new instance which behaves like signalfd on Linux. # It's wasteful in that it uses another FD, but it simplifies # our epoll-oriented code. sub signalfd { my ($class, $signo, $nonblock) = @_; my $sym = gensym; tie *$sym, $class, $signo, $nonblock; # calls TIEHANDLE $sym } sub TIEHANDLE { # similar to signalfd() my ($class, $signo, $nonblock) = @_; my $self = $class->new; $self->{timeout} = $nonblock ? 0 : -1; my $kq = $self->{kq}; $kq->EV_SET($_, EVFILT_SIGNAL, EV_ADD) for @$signo; $self; } sub READ { # called by sysread() for signalfd compatibility my ($self, undef, $len, $off) = @_; # $_[1] = buf die "bad args for signalfd read" if ($len % 128) // defined($off); my $timeout = $self->{timeout}; my $sigbuf = $self->{sigbuf} //= []; my $nr = $len / 128; my $r = 0; $_[1] = ''; while (1) { while ($nr--) { my $signo = shift(@$sigbuf) or last; # caller only cares about signalfd_siginfo.ssi_signo: $_[1] .= pack('L', $signo) . ("\0" x 124); $r += 128; } return $r if $r; my @events = eval { $self->{kq}->kevent($timeout) }; # workaround https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=116615 if ($@) { next if $@ =~ /Interrupted system call/; die; } if (!scalar(@events) && $timeout == 0) { $! = EAGAIN; return; } # Grab the kevent.ident (signal number). The kevent.data # field shows coalesced signals, and maybe we'll use it # in the future... @$sigbuf = map { $_->[0] } @events; } } # for fileno() calls in PublicInbox::DS sub FILENO { ${$_[0]->{kq}} } sub epoll_ctl { my ($self, $op, $fd, $ev) = @_; my $kq = $self->{kq}; if ($op == EPOLL_CTL_MOD) { $kq->EV_SET($fd, EVFILT_READ, kq_flag(EPOLLIN, $ev)); eval { $kq->EV_SET($fd, EVFILT_WRITE, kq_flag(EPOLLOUT, $ev)) }; } elsif ($op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL) { $kq->EV_SET($fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_DISABLE); eval { $kq->EV_SET($fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DISABLE) }; } else { # EPOLL_CTL_ADD $kq->EV_SET($fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD|kq_flag(EPOLLIN, $ev)); # we call this blindly for read-only FDs such as tied # DSKQXS (signalfd emulation) and Listeners eval { $kq->EV_SET($fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD | kq_flag(EPOLLOUT, $ev)); }; } 0; } sub epoll_wait { my ($self, $maxevents, $timeout_msec, $events) = @_; @$events = eval { $self->{kq}->kevent($timeout_msec) }; if (my $err = $@) { # workaround https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=116615 if ($err =~ /Interrupted system call/) { @$events = (); } else { die $err; } } # caller only cares for $events[$i]->[0] $_ = $_->[0] for @$events; } # kqueue is close-on-fork (not exec), so we must not close it # in forked processes: sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; my $kq = delete $self->{kq} or return; if (delete($self->{owner_pid}) == $$) { POSIX::close($$kq); } } 1;