# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # "lei inspect" general purpose inspector for stuff in SQLite and # Xapian. Will eventually be useful with plain public-inboxes, # not just lei/store. This is totally half-baked at the moment # but useful for testing. package PublicInbox::LeiInspect; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::Config; sub inspect_blob ($$) { my ($lei, $oidhex) = @_; my $ent = {}; if (my $lse = $lei->{lse}) { my @docids = $lse ? $lse->over->blob_exists($oidhex) : (); $ent->{'lei/store'} = \@docids if @docids; my $lms = $lse->lms; if (my $loc = $lms ? $lms->locations_for($oidhex) : undef) { $ent->{'mail-sync'} = $loc; } } $ent; } sub inspect_sync_folder ($$) { my ($lei, $folder) = @_; my $ent = {}; my $lse = $lei->{lse} or return $ent; my $lms = $lse->lms or return $ent; my @folders; if ($folder =~ m!\Aimaps?://!i) { @folders = map { $_->as_string } $lms->match_imap_url($folder); } elsif ($folder =~ m!\A(maildir|mh):(.+)!i) { my $type = lc $1; $folders[0] = "$type:".$lei->abs_path($2); } elsif (-d $folder) { $folders[0] = 'maildir:'.$lei->abs_path($folder); } else { $lei->fail("$folder not understood"); } $lei->qerr("# no folders match $folder (non-fatal)") if !@folders; for my $f (@folders) { $ent->{$f} = $lms->location_stats($f); # may be undef } $ent } sub inspect1 ($$$) { my ($lei, $item, $more) = @_; my $ent; if ($item =~ /\Ablob:(.+)/) { $ent = inspect_blob($lei, $1); } elsif ($item =~ m!\Aimaps?://!i || $item =~ m!\A(?:maildir|mh):!i || -d $item) { $ent = inspect_sync_folder($lei, $item); } else { # TODO: more things return $lei->fail("$item not understood"); } $lei->out($lei->{json}->encode($ent)); $lei->out(',') if $more; 1; } sub lei_inspect { my ($lei, @argv) = @_; $lei->{1}->autoflush(0); my $multi = scalar(@argv) > 1; $lei->out('[') if $multi; $lei->{json} = ref(PublicInbox::Config::json())->new->utf8->canonical; $lei->{lse} = ($lei->{opt}->{external} // 1) ? do { my $sto = $lei->_lei_store; $sto ? $sto->search : undef; } : undef; if ($lei->{opt}->{pretty} || -t $lei->{1}) { $lei->{json}->pretty(1)->indent(2); } while (defined(my $x = shift @argv)) { inspect1($lei, $x, scalar(@argv)) or return; } $lei->out(']') if $multi; } 1;