# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # handles "lei mark" command package PublicInbox::LeiMark; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC PublicInbox::LeiInput); # JMAP RFC 8621 4.1.1 my @KW = (qw(seen answered flagged draft), # system qw(forwarded phishing junk notjunk)); # reserved # note: RFC 8621 states "Users may add arbitrary keywords to an Email", # but is it good idea? Stick to the system and reserved ones, for now. # The "system" ones map to Maildir flags and mbox Status/X-Status headers. my %KW = map { $_ => 1 } @KW; my $L_MAX = 244; # Xapian term limit - length('L') # RFC 8621, sec 2 (Mailboxes) a "label" for us is a JMAP Mailbox "name" # "Servers MAY reject names that violate server policy" my %ERR = ( L => sub { my ($label) = @_; length($label) >= $L_MAX and return "`$label' too long (must be <= $L_MAX)"; $label =~ m{\A[a-z0-9_](?:[a-z0-9_\-\./\@,]*[a-z0-9])?\z}i ? undef : "`$label' is invalid"; }, kw => sub { my ($kw) = @_; $KW{$kw} ? undef : < update_vmd sub vmd_mod_extract { my $argv = $_[-1]; my $vmd_mod = {}; my @new_argv; for my $x (@$argv) { if ($x =~ /\A(\+|\-)(kw|L):(.+)\z/) { my ($op, $pfx, $val) = ($1, $2, $3); if (my $err = $ERR{$pfx}->($val)) { push @{$vmd_mod->{err}}, $err; } else { # set "+kw", "+L", "-L", "-kw" push @{$vmd_mod->{$op.$pfx}}, $val; } } else { push @new_argv, $x; } } @$argv = @new_argv; $vmd_mod; } sub input_eml_cb { # used by PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_fh my ($self, $eml) = @_; if (my $xoids = $self->{lei}->{ale}->xoids_for($eml)) { $self->{lei}->{sto}->ipc_do('update_xvmd', $xoids, $eml, $self->{vmd_mod}); } else { ++$self->{missing}; } } sub input_mbox_cb { input_eml_cb($_[1], $_[0]) } sub mark_done_wait { # dwaitpid callback my ($arg, $pid) = @_; my ($mark, $lei) = @$arg; $lei->child_error($?, 'non-fatal errors during mark') if $?; my $sto = delete $lei->{sto}; my $wait = $sto->ipc_do('done') if $sto; # PublicInbox::LeiStore::done $lei->dclose; } sub mark_done { # EOF callback for main daemon my ($lei) = @_; my $mark = delete $lei->{mark} or return; $mark->wq_wait_old(\&mark_done_wait, $lei); } sub net_merge_complete { # callback used by LeiAuth my ($self) = @_; for my $input (@{$self->{inputs}}) { $self->wq_io_do('input_path_url', [], $input); } $self->wq_close(1); } sub input_maildir_cb { # maildir_each_eml cb my ($f, $kw, $eml, $self) = @_; input_eml_cb($self, $eml); } sub input_net_cb { # imap_each, nntp_each cb my ($url, $uid, $kw, $eml, $self) = @_; input_eml_cb($self, $eml); } sub lei_mark { # the "lei mark" method my ($lei, @argv) = @_; my $sto = $lei->_lei_store(1); $sto->write_prepare($lei); my $self = bless { missing => 0 }, __PACKAGE__; $lei->ale; # refresh and prepare my $vmd_mod = vmd_mod_extract(\@argv); return $lei->fail(join("\n", @{$vmd_mod->{err}})) if $vmd_mod->{err}; $self->prepare_inputs($lei, \@argv) or return; grep(defined, @$vmd_mod{qw(+kw +L -L -kw)}) or return $lei->fail('no keywords or labels specified'); my $ops = { '' => [ \&mark_done, $lei ] }; $lei->{auth}->op_merge($ops, $self) if $lei->{auth}; $self->{vmd_mod} = $vmd_mod; my $op = $lei->workers_start($self, 'lei_mark', 1, $ops); $lei->{mark} = $self; $self->wq_io_do('input_stdin', []) if $self->{0}; net_merge_complete($self) unless $lei->{auth}; while ($op && $op->{sock}) { $op->event_step } } sub note_missing { my ($self) = @_; $self->{lei}->child_error(1 << 8) if $self->{missing}; } sub ipc_atfork_child { my ($self) = @_; PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_only_atfork_child($self); # this goes out-of-scope at worker process exit: PublicInbox::OnDestroy->new($$, \¬e_missing, $self); } # Workaround bash word-splitting s to ['kw', ':', 'keyword' ...] # Maybe there's a better way to go about this in # contrib/completion/lei-completion.bash sub _complete_mark_common ($) { my ($argv) = @_; # Workaround bash word-splitting URLs to ['https', ':', '//' ...] # Maybe there's a better way to go about this in # contrib/completion/lei-completion.bash my $re = ''; my $cur = pop(@$argv) // ''; if (@$argv) { my @x = @$argv; if ($cur eq ':' && @x) { push @x, $cur; $cur = ''; } while (@x > 2 && $x[0] !~ /\A[+\-](?:kw|L)\z/ && $x[1] ne ':') { shift @x; } if (@x >= 2) { # qw(kw : $KEYWORD) or qw(kw :) $re = join('', @x); } else { # just return everything and hope for the best $re = join('', @$argv); } $re = quotemeta($re); } ($cur, $re); } # FIXME: same problems as _complete_forget_external and similar sub _complete_mark { my ($self, @argv) = @_; my @L = eval { $self->_lei_store->search->all_terms('L') }; my @all = ((map { ("+kw:$_", "-kw:$_") } @KW), (map { ("+L:$_", "-L:$_") } @L)); return @all if !@argv; my ($cur, $re) = _complete_mark_common(\@argv); map { # only return the part specified on the CLI # don't duplicate if already 100% completed /\A$re(\Q$cur\E.*)/ ? ($cur eq $1 ? () : $1) : (); } grep(/$re\Q$cur/, @all); } 1;