# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # The "lei rediff" sub-command, regenerates diffs with new options package PublicInbox::LeiRediff; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC PublicInbox::LeiInput); use File::Temp 0.19 (); # 0.19 for ->newdir use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn which); use PublicInbox::MsgIter qw(msg_part_text); use PublicInbox::ViewDiff; use PublicInbox::LeiBlob; use PublicInbox::Git qw(git_quote git_unquote); use PublicInbox::Import; use PublicInbox::LEI; use PublicInbox::SolverGit; my $MODE = '(100644|120000|100755|160000)'; sub rediff_user_cb { # called by solver when done my ($res, $self) = @_; my $lei = $self->{lei}; my $log_buf = delete $lei->{log_buf}; $$log_buf =~ s/^/# /sgm; ref($res) eq 'ARRAY' or return $lei->child_error(1 << 8, $$log_buf); $lei->qerr($$log_buf); my ($git, $oid, $type, $size, $di) = @$res; my $oid_want = delete $self->{cur_oid_want}; # don't try to support all the git-show(1) options for non-blob, # this is just a convenience: $type ne 'blob' and return $lei->err(<{git_dir} (wanted: $oid_want) EOF $self->{blob}->{$oid_want} = $oid; push @{$self->{gits}}, $git if $git->{-tmp}; } # returns a full blob for oid_want sub solve_1 ($$$) { my ($self, $oid_want, $hints) = @_; return if $oid_want =~ /\A0+\z/; $self->{cur_oid_want} = $oid_want; my $solver = bless { gits => $self->{gits}, user_cb => \&rediff_user_cb, uarg => $self, inboxes => [ $self->{lxs}->locals, @{$self->{rmt}} ], }, 'PublicInbox::SolverGit'; open my $log, '+>', \(my $log_buf = '') or die "PerlIO::scalar: $!"; $self->{lei}->{log_buf} = \$log_buf; local $PublicInbox::DS::in_loop = 0; # waitpid synchronously $solver->solve($self->{lei}->{env}, $log, $oid_want, $hints); $self->{blob}->{$oid_want}; # full OID } sub diff_ctxq ($$) { my ($self, $ctxq) = @_; return unless $ctxq; my $blob = $self->{blob}; my $ta = <<'EOM'; reset refs/heads/A commit refs/heads/A author 0 +0000 committer 0 +0000 data 0 EOM my $tb = $ta; $tb =~ tr!A!B!; my $lei = $self->{lei}; while (my ($oid_a, $oid_b, $pa, $pb, $ma, $mb) = splice(@$ctxq, 0, 6)) { my $xa = $blob->{$oid_a} //= solve_1($self, $oid_a, { path_b => $pa }); my $xb = $blob->{$oid_b} //= solve_1($self, $oid_b, { oid_a => $oid_a, path_a => $pa, path_b => $pb }); $ta .= "M $ma $xa ".git_quote($pa)."\n" if $xa; $tb .= "M $mb $xb ".git_quote($pb)."\n" if $xb; } my $rw = $self->{gits}->[-1]; # has all known alternates if (!$rw->{-tmp}) { my $d = "$self->{rdtmp}/for_tree.git"; -d $d or PublicInbox::Import::init_bare($d); my $f = "$d/objects/info/alternates"; # always overwrite open my $fh, '>', $f or die "open $f: $!"; for my $git (@{$self->{gits}}) { print $fh $git->git_path('objects'),"\n"; } close $fh or die "close $f: $!"; $rw = PublicInbox::Git->new($d); } pipe(my ($r, $w)) or die "pipe: $!"; my $pid = spawn(['git', "--git-dir=$rw->{git_dir}", qw(fast-import --quiet --done --date-format=raw)], $lei->{env}, { 2 => $lei->{2}, 0 => $r }); close $r or die "close r fast-import: $!"; print $w $ta, "\n", $tb, "\ndone\n" or die "print fast-import: $!"; close $w or die "close w fast-import: $!"; waitpid($pid, 0); die "fast-import failed: \$?=$?" if $?; my @cmd = qw(diff); my $opt = $lei->{opt}; push @cmd, '--'.($opt->{color} && !$opt->{'no-color'} ? '' : 'no-'). 'color'; for my $o (@PublicInbox::LEI::diff_opt) { $o =~ s/\|([a-z0-9])\b//i; # remove single char short option my $c = $1; if ($o =~ s/=[is]@\z//) { my $v = $opt->{$o} or next; push @cmd, map { $c ? "-$c$_" : "--$o=$_" } @$v; } elsif ($o =~ s/=[is]\z//) { my $v = $opt->{$o} // next; push @cmd, $c ? "-$c$v" : "--$o=$v"; } elsif ($o =~ s/:[is]\z//) { my $v = $opt->{$o} // next; push @cmd, $c ? "-$c$v" : ($v eq '' ? "--$o" : "--$o=$v"); } elsif ($o =~ s/!\z//) { my $v = $opt->{$o} // next; push @cmd, $v ? "--$o" : "--no-$o"; } elsif ($opt->{$o}) { push @cmd, $c ? "-$c" : "--$o"; } } $lei->qerr("# git @cmd"); push @cmd, qw(A B); unshift @cmd, 'git', "--git-dir=$rw->{git_dir}"; $pid = spawn(\@cmd, $lei->{env}, { 2 => $lei->{2}, 1 => $lei->{1} }); waitpid($pid, 0); $lei->child_error($?) if $?; # for git diff --exit-code } sub extract_oids { # Eml each_part callback my ($ary, $self) = @_; my ($p, undef, $idx) = @$ary; $self->{lei}->out($p->header_obj->as_string, "\n"); my ($s, undef) = msg_part_text($p, $p->content_type || 'text/plain'); defined $s or return; my @top = split($PublicInbox::ViewDiff::EXTRACT_DIFFS, $s); undef $s; my $blobs = $self->{blobs}; # blobs to resolve my $ctxq; while (defined(my $x = shift @top)) { if (scalar(@top) >= 4 && $top[1] =~ $PublicInbox::ViewDiff::IS_OID && $top[0] =~ $PublicInbox::ViewDiff::IS_OID) { my ($ma, $mb); $x =~ /^old mode $MODE/sm and $ma = $1; $x =~ /^new mode $MODE/sm and $mb = $1; if (!defined($ma) && $x =~ /^index [a-z0-9]+\.\.[a-z0-9]+ $MODE/sm) { $ma = $mb = $1; } $ma //= '100644'; $mb //= $ma; my ($oid_a, $oid_b, $pa, $pb) = splice(@top, 0, 4); $pa eq '/dev/null' or $pa = (split(m'/', git_unquote($pa), 2))[1]; $pb eq '/dev/null' or $pb = (split(m'/', git_unquote($pb), 2))[1]; $blobs->{$oid_a} //= undef; $blobs->{$oid_b} //= undef; push @$ctxq, $oid_a, $oid_b, $pa, $pb, $ma, $mb; } elsif ($ctxq) { my @out; for (split(/^/sm, $x)) { if (/\A-- \r?\n/s) { # email sig starts push @out, $_; $ctxq = diff_ctxq($self, $ctxq); } elsif ($ctxq && (/\A[\+\- ]/ || /\A@@ / || # allow totally blank lines w/o leading # SP, git-apply does: /\A\r?\n/s)) { next; } else { push @out, $_; } } $self->{lei}->out(@out) if @out; } else { $ctxq = diff_ctxq($self, $ctxq); $self->{lei}->out($x); } } $ctxq = diff_ctxq($self, $ctxq); } sub input_eml_cb { # callback for all emails my ($self, $eml) = @_; $self->{tmp_sto}->add_eml($eml); $self->{tmp_sto}->done; $eml->each_part(\&extract_oids, $self, 1); } sub lei_rediff { my ($lei, @inputs) = @_; $lei->_lei_store(1)->write_prepare($lei); $lei->{opt}->{stdin} = 1 if !@inputs; $lei->{opt}->{'in-format'} //= 'eml'; # maybe it's a non-email (code) blob from a coderepo my $git_dirs = $lei->{opt}->{'git-dir'} //= []; if ($lei->{opt}->{cwd} // 1) { my $cgd = PublicInbox::LeiBlob::get_git_dir($lei, '.'); unshift(@$git_dirs, $cgd) if defined $cgd; } return $lei->fail('no --git-dir to try') unless @$git_dirs; my $lxs = $lei->lxs_prepare; if ($lxs->remotes) { require PublicInbox::LeiRemote; $lei->{curl} //= which('curl') or return $lei->fail('curl needed for', $lxs->remotes); } $lei->ale->refresh_externals($lxs); my $self = bless { -force_eml => 1, # for LeiInput->input_fh lxs => $lxs, }, __PACKAGE__; $self->prepare_inputs($lei, \@inputs) or return; my $isatty = -t $lei->{1}; $lei->{opt}->{color} //= $isatty; $lei->start_pager if $isatty; my ($op_c, $ops) = $lei->workers_start($self, 1); $lei->{wq1} = $self; net_merge_all_done($self) unless $lei->{auth}; $op_c->op_wait_event($ops); } sub ipc_atfork_child { my ($self) = @_; PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_only_atfork_child(@_); my $lei = $self->{lei}; $lei->{1}->autoflush(1); binmode $lei->{1}, ':utf8'; $self->{blobs} = {}; # oidhex => filename $self->{rdtmp} = File::Temp->newdir('lei-rediff-XXXX', TMPDIR => 1); $self->{tmp_sto} = PublicInbox::LeiStore->new( "$self->{rdtmp}/tmp.store", { creat => 1 }); $self->{rmt} = [ $self->{tmp_sto}->search, map { PublicInbox::LeiRemote->new($lei, $_) } $self->{lxs}->remotes ]; $self->{gits} = [ map { PublicInbox::Git->new($lei->rel2abs($_)) } @{$self->{lei}->{opt}->{'git-dir'}} ]; $lei->{env}->{'psgi.errors'} = $lei->{2}; # ugh... $lei->{env}->{TMPDIR} = $self->{rdtmp}->dirname; undef; } no warnings 'once'; *net_merge_all_done = \&PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_only_net_merge_all_done; *net_merge_all = \&PublicInbox::LeiAuth::net_merge_all; 1;