# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Provide an HTTP-accessible listing of inboxes. # Used by PublicInbox::WWW package PublicInbox::WwwListing; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(prurl fmt_ts ascii_html); use PublicInbox::Linkify; use PublicInbox::GzipFilter qw(gzf_maybe); use PublicInbox::ConfigIter; use PublicInbox::WwwStream; sub ibx_entry { my ($ctx, $ibx, $ce) = @_; $ce->{description} //= $ibx->description; my $ts = fmt_ts($ce->{-modified} //= $ibx->modified); my $url = prurl($ctx->{env}, $ibx->{url}); my $tmp = <<""; * $ts - $url $ce->{description} if (defined(my $info_url = $ibx->{infourl})) { $tmp .= ' ' . prurl($ctx->{env}, $info_url) . "\n"; } push(@{$ctx->{-list}}, (scalar(@_) == 3 ? # $misc in use, already sorted $tmp : [ $ce->{-modified}, $tmp ] )); } sub list_match_i { # ConfigIter callback my ($cfg, $section, $re, $ctx) = @_; if (defined($section)) { return if $section !~ m!\Apublicinbox\.([^/]+)\z!; my $ibx = $cfg->lookup_name($1) or return; if (!$ibx->{-hide}->{$ctx->hide_key} && grep(/$re/, @{$ibx->{url}})) { $ctx->ibx_entry($ibx); } } else { # undef == "EOF" $ctx->{-wcb}->($ctx->psgi_triple); } } sub url_filter { my ($ctx, $key, $default) = @_; $key //= 'publicInbox.wwwListing'; $default //= '404'; my $v = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->{lc $key} // $default; again: if ($v eq 'match=domain') { my $h = $ctx->{env}->{HTTP_HOST} // $ctx->{env}->{SERVER_NAME}; $h =~ s/:[0-9]+\z//; (qr!\A(?:https?:)?//\Q$h\E(?::[0-9]+)?/!i, "url:$h"); } elsif ($v eq 'all') { (qr/./, undef); } elsif ($v eq '404') { (undef, undef); } else { warn <retry_reopen callback my ($misc, $ctx, $re, $qs) = @_; require PublicInbox::SearchQuery; my $q = $ctx->{-sq} = PublicInbox::SearchQuery->new($ctx->{qp}); my $o = $q->{o}; my ($asc, $min, $max); if ($o < 0) { $asc = 1; $o = -($o + 1); # so [-1] is the last element, like Perl lists } my $r = $q->{r}; my $opt = { offset => $o, asc => $asc, relevance => $r, limit => $q->{l} }; $qs .= ' type:inbox'; if (my $user_query = $q->{'q'}) { $qs = "( $qs ) AND ( $user_query )"; } my $mset = $misc->mset($qs, $opt); # sorts by $MODIFIED (mtime) delete $ctx->{-list}; # reset if retried my $pi_cfg = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}; for my $mi ($mset->items) { my $doc = $mi->get_document; my ($eidx_key) = PublicInbox::Search::xap_terms('Q', $doc); $eidx_key // next; my $ibx = $pi_cfg->lookup_eidx_key($eidx_key) // next; next if $ibx->{-hide}->{$ctx->hide_key}; grep(/$re/, @{$ibx->{url}}) or next; $ctx->ibx_entry($ibx, $misc->doc2ibx_cache_ent($doc)); if ($r) { # for descriptions in search_nav_bot my $pct = PublicInbox::Search::get_pct($mi); # only when sorting by relevance, ->items is always # ordered descending: $max //= $pct; $min = $pct; } } if ($r) { # for descriptions in search_nav_bot $q->{-min_pct} = $min; $q->{-max_pct} = $max; } $ctx->{-mset} = $mset; psgi_triple($ctx); } sub response { my ($class, $ctx) = @_; bless $ctx, $class; my ($re, $qs) = $ctx->url_filter; $re // return $ctx->psgi_triple; if (my $ALL = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->ALL) { # fast path # FIXME: test this in t/ $ALL->misc->reopen->retry_reopen(\&add_misc_ibx, $ctx, $re, $qs); } else { # slow path, no [extindex "all"] configured my $iter = PublicInbox::ConfigIter->new($ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}, \&list_match_i, $re, $ctx); sub { $ctx->{-wcb} = $_[0]; # HTTP server callback $ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'} ? $iter->event_step : $iter->each_section; } } } sub mset_footer ($$) { my ($ctx, $mset) = @_; # no footer if too few matches return '' if $mset->get_matches_estimated == $mset->size; require PublicInbox::SearchView; PublicInbox::SearchView::search_nav_bot($mset, $ctx->{-sq}); } sub mset_nav_top { my ($ctx, $mset) = @_; my $q = $ctx->{-sq}; my $qh = $q->{'q'} // ''; utf8::decode($qh); $qh = ascii_html($qh); $qh = qq[\nvalue="$qh"] if $qh ne ''; my $rv = <
	chomp $rv;
	if (defined($q->{'q'})) {
		my $initial_q = $ctx->{-uxs_retried};
		if (defined $initial_q) {
			my $rewritten = $q->{'q'};
			$initial_q = ascii_html($initial_q);
			$rewritten = ascii_html($rewritten);
			$rv .= " Warning: Initial query:\n $initial_q\n";
			$rv .= " returned no results, used:\n";
			$rv .= " $rewritten\n instead\n\n";
		$rv .= 'Search results ordered by [';
		if ($q->{r}) {
			my $d = $q->qs_html(r => 0);
			$rv .= qq{updated|relevance};
		} else {
			my $d = $q->qs_html(r => 1);
			$rv .= qq{updated|relevance};
		$rv .= ']';
	$rv .= qq{
}; } sub psgi_triple { my ($ctx) = @_; my $h = [ 'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length', undef ]; my $gzf = gzf_maybe($h, $ctx->{env}); $gzf->zmore('public-inbox listing' . $ctx->{www}->style('+/') . ''); my $code = 404; if (my $list = delete $ctx->{-list}) { my $mset = delete $ctx->{-mset}; $code = 200; if ($mset) { # already sorted, so search bar: $gzf->zmore(mset_nav_top($ctx, $mset)); } else { # sort config dump by ->modified @$list = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @$list; } $list = join("\n", @$list); my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; $gzf->zmore('
		$gzf->zmore(mset_footer($ctx, $mset)) if $mset;
	} else {
no inboxes, yet');
	my $out = $gzf->zflush('

			PublicInbox::WwwStream::code_footer($ctx->{env}) .
'); $h->[3] = length($out); [ $code, $h, [ $out ] ]; } 1;