# Copyright (C) 2014, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Email::MIME; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use Cwd; use IPC::Run qw/run/; use constant CGI => "blib/script/public-inbox.cgi"; my $mda = "blib/script/public-inbox-mda"; my $index = "blib/script/public-inbox-index"; my $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $home = "$tmpdir/pi-home"; my $pi_home = "$home/.public-inbox"; my $pi_config = "$pi_home/config"; my $maindir = "$tmpdir/main.git"; my $main_bin = getcwd()."/t/main-bin"; my $main_path = "$main_bin:$ENV{PATH}"; # for spamc ham mock my $addr = 'test-public@example.com'; my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.test"; { ok(-x "$main_bin/spamc", "spamc ham mock found (run in top of source tree"); ok(-x $mda, "$mda is executable"); is(1, mkdir($home, 0755), "setup ~/ for testing"); is(1, mkdir($pi_home, 0755), "setup ~/.public-inbox"); is(0, system(qw(git init -q --bare), $maindir), "git init (main)"); open my $fh, '>', "$maindir/description" or die "open: $!\n"; print $fh "test for public-inbox\n"; close $fh or die "close: $!\n"; my %cfg = ( "$cfgpfx.address" => $addr, "$cfgpfx.mainrepo" => $maindir, ); while (my ($k,$v) = each %cfg) { is(0, system(qw(git config --file), $pi_config, $k, $v), "setup $k"); } } my $failbox = "$home/fail.mbox"; local $ENV{PI_EMERGENCY} = $failbox; { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; local $ENV{ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT} = $addr; # ensure successful message delivery { my $simple = Email::Simple->new(< To: You Cc: $addr Message-Id: Subject: hihi Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 zzzzzz EOF my $in = $simple->as_string; run_with_env({PATH => $main_path}, [$mda], \$in); local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $maindir; my $rev = `git rev-list HEAD`; like($rev, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}/, "good revision committed"); } # deliver a reply, too { my $reply = Email::Simple->new(< To: Me Cc: $addr In-Reply-To: Message-Id: Subject: Re: hihi Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 +0000 Me wrote: > zzzzzz what? EOF my $in = $reply->as_string; run_with_env({PATH => $main_path}, [$mda], \$in); local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $maindir; my $rev = `git rev-list HEAD`; like($rev, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}/, "good revision committed"); } } # obvious failures, first { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $res = cgi_run("/", "", "PUT"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status:\s*405/i, "PUT not allowed"); $res = cgi_run("/"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status:\s*404/i, "index returns 404"); } # atom feeds { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $res = cgi_run("/test/atom.xml"); like($res->{body}, qr/test for public-inbox/, "set title in XML feed"); like($res->{body}, qr!http://test\.example\.com/test/m/blah%40example\.com!, "link id set"); like($res->{body}, qr/what\?/, "reply included"); } # indices { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $res = cgi_run("/test/"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 200 OK/, "index returns 200"); my $idx = cgi_run("/test/index.html"); $idx->{body} =~ s!/index.html(\?r=)!/$1!g; # dirty... $idx->{body} = [ split(/\n/, $idx->{body}) ]; $res->{body} = [ split(/\n/, $res->{body}) ]; is_deeply($res, $idx, '/$LISTNAME/ and /$LISTNAME/index.html are nearly identical'); # more checks in t/feed.t } # message-id pages { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $slashy_mid = 'slashy/asdf@example.com'; my $reply = Email::Simple->new(<<EOF); From: You <you\@example.com> To: Me <me\@example.com> Cc: $addr Message-Id: <$slashy_mid> Subject: Re: hihi Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 +0000 slashy EOF my $in = $reply->as_string; { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; local $ENV{ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT} = $addr; run_with_env({PATH => $main_path}, [$mda], \$in); } local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $maindir; my $res = cgi_run("/test/m/slashy%2fasdf%40example.com/raw"); like($res->{body}, qr/Message-Id: <\Q$slashy_mid\E>/, "slashy mid raw hit"); $res = cgi_run("/test/m/blahblah\@example.com/raw"); like($res->{body}, qr/Message-Id: <blahblah\@example\.com>/, "mid raw hit"); $res = cgi_run("/test/m/blahblah\@example.con/raw"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 404 Not Found/, "mid raw miss"); $res = cgi_run("/test/m/blahblah\@example.com/"); like($res->{body}, qr/\A<html>/, "mid html hit"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 200 OK/, "200 response"); $res = cgi_run("/test/m/blahblah\@example.con/"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 404 Not Found/, "mid html miss"); $res = cgi_run("/test/f/blahblah\@example.com/"); like($res->{body}, qr/\A<html>/, "mid html"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 200 OK/, "200 response"); $res = cgi_run("/test/f/blahblah\@example.con/"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 404 Not Found/, "mid html miss"); $res = cgi_run("/test/"); like($res->{body}, qr/slashy%2Fasdf%40example\.com/, "slashy URL generated correctly"); } # retrieve thread as an mbox { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; local $ENV{PATH} = $main_path; my $path = "/test/t/blahblah%40example.com/mbox.gz"; my $res = cgi_run($path); like($res->{head}, qr/^Status: 501 /, "search not-yet-enabled"); my $indexed = system($index, $maindir) == 0; if ($indexed) { $res = cgi_run($path); like($res->{head}, qr/^Status: 200 /, "search returned mbox"); eval { require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; my $in = $res->{body}; my $out; IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip(\$in => \$out); like($out, qr/^From /m, "From lines in mbox"); }; } else { like($res->{head}, qr/^Status: 501 /, "search not available"); } } # redirect list-name-only URLs { local $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $res = cgi_run("/test"); like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 301 Moved/, "redirected status"); like($res->{head}, qr!/test/!, "redirected with slash"); } done_testing(); sub run_with_env { my ($env, @args) = @_; my $init = sub { foreach my $k (keys %$env) { $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k} } }; run(@args, init => $init); } sub cgi_run { my %env = ( PATH_INFO => $_[0], QUERY_STRING => $_[1] || "", REQUEST_METHOD => $_[2] || "GET", GATEWAY_INTERFACE => 'CGI/1.1', HTTP_ACCEPT => '*/*', HTTP_HOST => 'test.example.com', ); my ($in, $out, $err) = ("", "", ""); my $rc = run_with_env(\%env, [CGI], \$in, \$out, \$err); my ($head, $body) = split(/\r\n\r\n/, $out, 2); { head => $head, body => $body, rc => $rc, err => $err } }