#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::Config; use File::Path qw(rmtree); require_git 2.6; require_mods(qw(json DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian)); my $opt = { 1 => \(my $out = ''), 2 => \(my $err = '') }; my $lei = sub { my ($cmd, $env, $xopt) = @_; $out = $err = ''; if (!ref($cmd)) { ($env, $xopt) = grep { (!defined) || ref } @_; $cmd = [ grep { defined && !ref } @_ ]; } run_script(['lei', @$cmd], $env, $xopt // $opt); }; my ($home, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); delete local $ENV{XDG_DATA_HOME}; delete local $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME}; local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = 'lei@example.com'; local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = 'lei user'; local $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} = "$home/xdg_run"; local $ENV{HOME} = $home; local $ENV{FOO} = 'BAR'; mkdir "$home/xdg_run", 0700 or BAIL_OUT "mkdir: $!"; my $home_trash = [ "$home/.local", "$home/.config" ]; my $cleanup = sub { rmtree([@$home_trash, @_]) }; my $config_file = "$home/.config/lei/config"; my $store_dir = "$home/.local/share/lei"; my $test_help = sub { ok(!$lei->(), 'no args fails'); is($? >> 8, 1, '$? is 1'); is($out, '', 'nothing in stdout'); like($err, qr/^usage:/sm, 'usage in stderr'); for my $arg (['-h'], ['--help'], ['help'], [qw(daemon-pid --help)]) { ok($lei->($arg), "lei @$arg"); like($out, qr/^usage:/sm, "usage in stdout (@$arg)"); is($err, '', "nothing in stderr (@$arg)"); } for my $arg ([''], ['--halp'], ['halp'], [qw(daemon-pid --halp)]) { ok(!$lei->($arg), "lei @$arg"); is($? >> 8, 1, '$? set correctly'); isnt($err, '', 'something in stderr'); is($out, '', 'nothing in stdout'); } ok($lei->(qw(init -h)), 'init -h'); like($out, qr! \Q$home\E/\.local/share/lei/store\b!, 'actual path shown in init -h'); ok($lei->(qw(init -h), { XDG_DATA_HOME => '/XDH' }), 'init with XDG_DATA_HOME'); like($out, qr! /XDH/lei/store\b!, 'XDG_DATA_HOME in init -h'); is($err, '', 'no errors from init -h'); ok($lei->(qw(config -h)), 'config-h'); like($out, qr! \Q$home\E/\.config/lei/config\b!, 'actual path shown in config -h'); ok($lei->(qw(config -h), { XDG_CONFIG_HOME => '/XDC' }), 'config with XDG_CONFIG_HOME'); like($out, qr! /XDC/lei/config\b!, 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME in config -h'); is($err, '', 'no errors from config -h'); }; my $ok_err_info = sub { my ($msg) = @_; is(grep(!/^I:/, split(/^/, $err)), 0, $msg) or diag "$msg: err=$err"; }; my $test_init = sub { $cleanup->(); ok($lei->('init'), 'init w/o args'); $ok_err_info->('after init w/o args'); ok($lei->('init'), 'idempotent init w/o args'); $ok_err_info->('after idempotent init w/o args'); ok(!$lei->('init', "$home/x"), 'init conflict'); is(grep(/^E:/, split(/^/, $err)), 1, 'got error on conflict'); ok(!-e "$home/x", 'nothing created on conflict'); $cleanup->(); ok($lei->('init', "$home/x"), 'init conflict resolved'); $ok_err_info->('init w/ arg'); ok($lei->('init', "$home/x"), 'init idempotent w/ path'); $ok_err_info->('init idempotent w/ arg'); ok(-d "$home/x", 'created dir'); $cleanup->("$home/x"); ok(!$lei->('init', "$home/x", "$home/2"), 'too many args fails'); like($err, qr/too many/, 'noted excessive'); ok(!-e "$home/x", 'x not created on excessive'); for my $d (@$home_trash) { my $base = (split(m!/!, $d))[-1]; ok(!-d $d, "$base not created"); } is($out, '', 'nothing in stdout on init failure'); }; my $test_config = sub { $cleanup->(); ok($lei->(qw(config a.b c)), 'config set var'); is($out.$err, '', 'no output on var set'); ok($lei->(qw(config -l)), 'config -l'); is($err, '', 'no errors on listing'); is($out, "a.b=c\n", 'got expected output'); ok(!$lei->(qw(config -f), "$home/.config/f", qw(x.y z)), 'config set var with -f fails'); like($err, qr/not supported/, 'not supported noted'); ok(!-f "$home/config/f", 'no file created'); }; my $setup_publicinboxes = sub { state $done = ''; return if $done eq $home; use PublicInbox::InboxWritable; for my $V (1, 2) { run_script([qw(-init), "-V$V", "t$V", '--newsgroup', "t.$V", "$home/t$V", "http://example.com/t$V", "t$V\@example.com" ]) or BAIL_OUT "init v$V"; } my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; my $seen = 0; $cfg->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; my $im = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx)->importer(0); my $V = $ibx->version; my @eml = glob('t/*.eml'); push(@eml, 't/data/0001.patch') if $V == 2; for (@eml) { next if $_ eq 't/psgi_v2-old.eml'; # dup mid $im->add(eml_load($_)) or BAIL_OUT "v$V add $_"; $seen++; } $im->done; if ($V == 1) { run_script(['-index', $ibx->{inboxdir}]) or BAIL_OUT 'index v1'; } }); $done = $home; $seen || BAIL_OUT 'no imports'; }; my $test_external = sub { $setup_publicinboxes->(); $cleanup->(); $lei->('ls-external'); is($out.$err, '', 'ls-external no output, yet'); ok(!-e $config_file && !-e $store_dir, 'nothing created by ls-external'); my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; $cfg->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; ok($lei->(qw(add-external -q), $ibx->{inboxdir}), 'added external'); is($out.$err, '', 'no output'); }); ok(-s $config_file && -e $store_dir, 'add-external created config + store'); my $lcfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($config_file); $cfg->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; is($lcfg->{"external.$ibx->{inboxdir}.boost"}, 0, "configured boost on $ibx->{name}"); }); $lei->('ls-external'); like($out, qr/boost=0\n/s, 'ls-external has output'); # note, on a Bourne shell users should be able to use either: # s:"use boolean prefix" # "s:use boolean prefix" # or use single quotes, it should not matter. Users only need # to know shell quoting rules, not Xapian quoting rules. # No double-quoting should be imposed on users on the CLI $lei->('q', 's:use boolean prefix'); like($out, qr/search: use boolean prefix/, 'phrase search got result'); }; my $test_lei_common = sub { $test_help->(); $test_config->(); $test_init->(); $test_external->(); }; if ($ENV{TEST_LEI_ONESHOT}) { require_ok 'PublicInbox::LEI'; # force sun_path[108] overflow, "IO::FDPass" avoids warning local $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} = "$home/IO::FDPass".('.sun_path' x 108); $test_lei_common->(); } SKIP: { # real socket require_mods(qw(Cwd), my $nr = 105); my $nfd = eval { require IO::FDPass; 1 } // do { require PublicInbox::Spawn; PublicInbox::Spawn->can('send_3fds') ? 3 : undef; } // skip 'IO::FDPass missing or Inline::C not installed/configured', $nr; local $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} = "$home/xdg_run"; my $sock = "$ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/lei/$nfd.sock"; ok($lei->('daemon-pid'), 'daemon-pid'); is($err, '', 'no error from daemon-pid'); like($out, qr/\A[0-9]+\n\z/s, 'pid returned') or BAIL_OUT; chomp(my $pid = $out); ok(kill(0, $pid), 'pid is valid'); ok(-S $sock, 'sock created'); $test_lei_common->(); ok($lei->('daemon-pid'), 'daemon-pid'); chomp(my $pid_again = $out); is($pid, $pid_again, 'daemon-pid idempotent'); ok($lei->(qw(daemon-kill)), 'daemon-kill'); is($out, '', 'no output from daemon-kill'); is($err, '', 'no error from daemon-kill'); for (0..100) { kill(0, $pid) or last; tick(); } ok(!-S $sock, 'sock gone'); ok(!kill(0, $pid), 'pid gone after stop'); ok($lei->(qw(daemon-pid)), 'daemon-pid'); chomp(my $new_pid = $out); ok(kill(0, $new_pid), 'new pid is running'); ok(-S $sock, 'sock exists again'); for my $sig (qw(-0 -CHLD)) { ok($lei->('daemon-kill', $sig), "handles $sig"); } is($out.$err, '', 'no output on innocuous signals'); ok($lei->('daemon-pid'), 'daemon-pid'); chomp $out; is($out, $new_pid, 'PID unchanged after -0/-CHLD'); if ('socket inaccessible') { chmod 0000, $sock or BAIL_OUT "chmod 0000: $!"; ok($lei->('help'), 'connect fail, one-shot fallback works'); like($err, qr/\bconnect\(/, 'connect error noted'); like($out, qr/^usage: /, 'help output works'); chmod 0700, $sock or BAIL_OUT "chmod 0700: $!"; } if ('oneshot on cwd gone') { my $cwd = Cwd::fastcwd() or BAIL_OUT "fastcwd: $!"; my $d = "$home/to-be-removed"; my $lei_path = 'lei'; # we chdir, so we need an abs_path fur run_script if (($ENV{TEST_RUN_MODE}//2) != 2) { $lei_path = PublicInbox::TestCommon::key2script('lei'); $lei_path = Cwd::abs_path($lei_path); } mkdir $d or BAIL_OUT "mkdir($d) $!"; chdir $d or BAIL_OUT "chdir($d) $!"; if (rmdir($d)) { $out = $err = ''; ok(run_script([$lei_path, 'help'], undef, $opt), 'cwd fail, one-shot fallback works'); } else { $err = "rmdir=$!"; } chdir $cwd or BAIL_OUT "chdir($cwd) $!"; like($err, qr/cwd\(/, 'cwd error noted'); like($out, qr/^usage: /, 'help output still works'); } unlink $sock or BAIL_OUT "unlink($sock) $!"; for (0..100) { kill('CHLD', $new_pid) or last; tick(); } ok(!kill(0, $new_pid), 'daemon exits after unlink'); # success over socket, can't test without }; done_testing;