" Nose-compatible test name preparer " Maintainer: Sergey Matveev " License: GNU General Public License version 3 of the License or later " " When standing inside TestCase's test method, type t and full " Python (your.project.tests:TestCaseName.test_method_name) path will be " copied to clipboard ("*) register. function! TestName() normal mm normal ?.*\s*def .*[Tt]est normal ^f(Byw let postfix = @" normal [[f(Byw let postfix = @" . "." . postfix normal `m let base = join([""] + split(getcwd(), "/")[:-1], "/") let prefix = substitute(expand("%:p:r")[len(base)+1:], "/", ".", "g") let name = prefix . ":" . postfix let @* = name echomsg name endfunction nmap t :call TestName()