]> Sergey Matveev's repositories - btrtrc.git/blob - cmd/torrent/main.go
Support plaintext crypto method for protocol header encryption
[btrtrc.git] / cmd / torrent / main.go
1 // Downloads torrents from the command-line.
2 package main
4 import (
5         "expvar"
6         "fmt"
7         "log"
8         "net"
9         "net/http"
10         "os"
11         "strings"
12         "time"
14         "github.com/anacrolix/dht"
15         "github.com/anacrolix/envpprof"
16         "github.com/anacrolix/tagflag"
17         "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
18         "github.com/gosuri/uiprogress"
19         "golang.org/x/time/rate"
21         "github.com/anacrolix/torrent"
22         "github.com/anacrolix/torrent/metainfo"
23         "github.com/anacrolix/torrent/storage"
24 )
26 func torrentBar(t *torrent.Torrent) {
27         bar := uiprogress.AddBar(1)
28         bar.AppendCompleted()
29         bar.AppendFunc(func(*uiprogress.Bar) (ret string) {
30                 select {
31                 case <-t.GotInfo():
32                 default:
33                         return "getting info"
34                 }
35                 if t.Seeding() {
36                         return "seeding"
37                 } else if t.BytesCompleted() == t.Info().TotalLength() {
38                         return "completed"
39                 } else {
40                         return fmt.Sprintf("downloading (%s/%s)", humanize.Bytes(uint64(t.BytesCompleted())), humanize.Bytes(uint64(t.Info().TotalLength())))
41                 }
42         })
43         bar.PrependFunc(func(*uiprogress.Bar) string {
44                 return t.Name()
45         })
46         go func() {
47                 <-t.GotInfo()
48                 tl := int(t.Info().TotalLength())
49                 if tl == 0 {
50                         bar.Set(1)
51                         return
52                 }
53                 bar.Total = tl
54                 for {
55                         bc := t.BytesCompleted()
56                         bar.Set(int(bc))
57                         time.Sleep(time.Second)
58                 }
59         }()
60 }
62 func addTorrents(client *torrent.Client) {
63         for _, arg := range flags.Torrent {
64                 t := func() *torrent.Torrent {
65                         if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "magnet:") {
66                                 t, err := client.AddMagnet(arg)
67                                 if err != nil {
68                                         log.Fatalf("error adding magnet: %s", err)
69                                 }
70                                 return t
71                         } else if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "https://") {
72                                 response, err := http.Get(arg)
73                                 if err != nil {
74                                         log.Fatalf("Error downloading torrent file: %s", err)
75                                 }
77                                 metaInfo, err := metainfo.Load(response.Body)
78                                 defer response.Body.Close()
79                                 if err != nil {
80                                         fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error loading torrent file %q: %s\n", arg, err)
81                                         os.Exit(1)
82                                 }
83                                 t, err := client.AddTorrent(metaInfo)
84                                 if err != nil {
85                                         log.Fatal(err)
86                                 }
87                                 return t
88                         } else if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "infohash:") {
89                                 t, _ := client.AddTorrentInfoHash(metainfo.NewHashFromHex(strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "infohash:")))
90                                 return t
91                         } else {
92                                 metaInfo, err := metainfo.LoadFromFile(arg)
93                                 if err != nil {
94                                         fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error loading torrent file %q: %s\n", arg, err)
95                                         os.Exit(1)
96                                 }
97                                 t, err := client.AddTorrent(metaInfo)
98                                 if err != nil {
99                                         log.Fatal(err)
100                                 }
101                                 return t
102                         }
103                 }()
104                 torrentBar(t)
105                 t.AddPeers(func() (ret []torrent.Peer) {
106                         for _, ta := range flags.TestPeer {
107                                 ret = append(ret, torrent.Peer{
108                                         IP:   ta.IP,
109                                         Port: ta.Port,
110                                 })
111                         }
112                         return
113                 }())
114                 go func() {
115                         <-t.GotInfo()
116                         t.DownloadAll()
117                 }()
118         }
119 }
121 var flags = struct {
122         Mmap         bool           `help:"memory-map torrent data"`
123         TestPeer     []*net.TCPAddr `help:"addresses of some starting peers"`
124         Seed         bool           `help:"seed after download is complete"`
125         Addr         *net.TCPAddr   `help:"network listen addr"`
126         UploadRate   tagflag.Bytes  `help:"max piece bytes to send per second"`
127         DownloadRate tagflag.Bytes  `help:"max bytes per second down from peers"`
128         Debug        bool
129         tagflag.StartPos
130         Torrent []string `arity:"+" help:"torrent file path or magnet uri"`
131 }{
132         UploadRate:   -1,
133         DownloadRate: -1,
134 }
136 func main() {
137         log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)
138         tagflag.Parse(&flags)
139         clientConfig := torrent.Config{
140                 DHTConfig: dht.ServerConfig{
141                         StartingNodes: dht.GlobalBootstrapAddrs,
142                 },
143         }
144         if flags.Mmap {
145                 clientConfig.DefaultStorage = storage.NewMMap("")
146         }
147         if flags.Addr != nil {
148                 clientConfig.ListenAddr = flags.Addr.String()
149         }
150         if flags.Seed {
151                 clientConfig.Seed = true
152         }
153         if flags.UploadRate != -1 {
154                 clientConfig.UploadRateLimiter = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(flags.UploadRate), 256<<10)
155         }
156         if flags.DownloadRate != -1 {
157                 clientConfig.DownloadRateLimiter = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(flags.DownloadRate), 1<<20)
158         }
160         client, err := torrent.NewClient(&clientConfig)
161         if err != nil {
162                 log.Fatalf("error creating client: %s", err)
163         }
164         defer client.Close()
165         // Write status on the root path on the default HTTP muxer. This will be
166         // bound to localhost somewhere if GOPPROF is set, thanks to the envpprof
167         // import.
168         http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
169                 client.WriteStatus(w)
170         })
171         uiprogress.Start()
172         addTorrents(client)
173         if client.WaitAll() {
174                 log.Print("downloaded ALL the torrents")
175         } else {
176                 log.Fatal("y u no complete torrents?!")
177         }
178         if flags.Seed {
179                 select {}
180         }
181         expvar.Do(func(kv expvar.KeyValue) {
182                 fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", kv.Key, kv.Value)
183         })
184         envpprof.Stop()
185 }