]> Sergey Matveev's repositories
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Project Description Last Change
btrtrc.git Better BitTorrent client 8 days ago
codecomm.git Vim plugin: code comments preparation helper 6 months ago
dht-bootstrap.git Fork of github.com/jech/dht-bootstrap 20 months ago
dmon.git DTrace-backed IP network real-time monitoring utility 6 months ago
dotfiles.git Stargrave's dotfiles 40 hours ago
feeder.git Newsfeeds aggregator 5 months ago
galgen.git Static images gallery generator 5 months ago
gerrvim.git Vim plugin: Gerrit review's comments preparation helper (Herr Vim) 6 months ago
glocate.git ZFS-diff-friendly locate-like utility 3 weeks ago
go-opus.git Fork of https://github.com/hraban/opus with Decoder.SetComplexity 3 months ago
godlighty.git Highly-customizable HTTP, HTTP/2, HTTPS server written on pure Go 4 months ago
godwmstat.git Go dwm status bar 10 months ago
gofingerd.git UCSPI-TCP finger daemon 20 months ago
goproxy.git Go proxy 4 months ago
gosha3.git SHAKE* CLI 14 months ago
keyrings.git OpenPGP keyrings 10 days ago
leapsecs.git My libtai-friendly leap seconds database 3 years ago
linksexp.git Texinfo/XBEL/OPML/urls autogeneration from recfile bookmark 3 days ago
lynx-patches.git My patches for Lynx browser 19 months ago
meta4ra.git Metalink 4.0 utility 3 days ago
mirror.git Website mirroring tools 2 years ago
mlmmj-listtexts.git Russian translation patches to mlmmj 2 years ago
mmc.git Mattermost client 3 days ago
mmfileget.git Mattermost files fetcher 16 months ago
ndproxy.git My patches to ndproxy 8 months ago
nnn.git My patches to nnn 7 months ago
nose_gnuerrorformat.git Nose GNU errorformat-compatible tracebacks output 7 years ago
passman.git Simple password manager 6 months ago
paster.git Paste service daemon 3 days ago
path-extractor.git My patches to github.com/edi9999/path-extractor 3 years ago
pem.git Personal Expenses Manager 3 years ago
public-inbox.git My patches to https://public-inbox.org/public-inbox.git 17 months ago
pyimportcan.git Python imports canonical format filter 6 months ago
randomart.git Drunken-bishop algorithm for visualizing random art of the digest 5 years ago
releases-feed.git releases.atom generator 5 months ago
rutrackerer.git Index and search through Rutracker's XML 8 months ago
schwabrak.git Simple flat file based issue tracker 5 weeks ago
sfloader.git Seafile download/upload utilities 16 months ago
sgblog.git Minimalistic, simple Git-backed CGI/UCSPI blog/phlog/gemlog engine 3 days ago
sgmon.git Simple stargrave's monitoring system 8 months ago
sgodup.git File deduplication utility 3 days ago
st.git My patches to suckless terminal 2 months ago
stargrave-blog.git Blog 13 hours ago
syncer.git Stateful file/device data syncer 18 months ago
t.git Simple notes manager 5 months ago
tofuproxy.git Flexible HTTP/HTTPS proxy, TLS terminator, X.509 TOFU manager, WARC/geminispace browser 2 days ago
torn.git Musical files renaming with russian language transliteration 2 months ago
uploader.git Simplest form file uploader 3 days ago
vim-lsp.git Fork of github.com/yegappan/lsp Vim LSP plugin 8 months ago
vimslides.git Presentation inside Vim 6 months ago
vors.git Vo(IP) Really Simple 3 days ago
zdns.git DNS zones creator 16 months ago
zeasypki.git Easy PKI 5 months ago
zk.zsh.git Zettelkästen/wiki/static website helper/generator 6 months ago
zsh-autoenv.git My simplified github.com/Tarrasch/zsh-autoenv 2 years ago
zws.git Z Shell-based Web server 4 months ago