1 # Copyright (C) 2014-2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
2 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
6 use PublicInbox::Config;
7 use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
8 my $tmpdir = tempdir('pi-config-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
11 is(system(qw(git init -q --bare), $tmpdir), 0, "git init successful");
12 my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$tmpdir", qw(config foo.bar hihi));
13 is(system(@cmd), 0, "set config");
15 my $tmp = PublicInbox::Config->new("$tmpdir/config");
17 is("hihi", $tmp->{"foo.bar"}, "config read correctly");
18 is("true", $tmp->{"core.bare"}, "used --bare repo");
22 my $f = "examples/public-inbox-config";
23 ok(-r $f, "$f is readable");
25 my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($f);
26 is_deeply($cfg->lookup('meta@public-inbox.org'), {
27 'mainrepo' => '/home/pi/meta-main.git',
28 'address' => [ 'meta@public-inbox.org' ],
29 'domain' => 'public-inbox.org',
30 'url' => 'http://example.com/meta',
31 -primary_address => 'meta@public-inbox.org',
34 -httpbackend_limiter => undef,
36 }, "lookup matches expected output");
38 is($cfg->lookup('blah@example.com'), undef,
39 "non-existent lookup returns undef");
41 my $test = $cfg->lookup('test@public-inbox.org');
43 'address' => ['try@public-inbox.org',
44 'sandbox@public-inbox.org',
45 'test@public-inbox.org'],
46 -primary_address => 'try@public-inbox.org',
47 'mainrepo' => '/home/pi/test-main.git',
48 'domain' => 'public-inbox.org',
51 'url' => 'http://example.com/test',
52 -httpbackend_limiter => undef,
54 }, "lookup matches expected output for test");
59 my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.test";
60 my @altid = qw(serial:gmane:file=a serial:enamg:file=b);
61 my $config = PublicInbox::Config->new({
62 "$cfgpfx.address" => 'test@example.com',
63 "$cfgpfx.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
64 "$cfgpfx.altid" => [ @altid ],
66 my $ibx = $config->lookup_name('test');
67 is_deeply($ibx->{altid}, [ @altid ]);
71 my $pfx = "publicinbox.test";
73 "$pfx.address" => 'test@example.com',
74 "$pfx.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
75 "publicinbox.nntpserver" => 'news.example.com',
78 my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\%tmp);
79 my $ibx = $cfg->lookup_name('test');
80 is($ibx->{nntpserver}, 'news.example.com', 'global NNTP server');
82 delete $h{'publicinbox.nntpserver'};
83 $h{"$pfx.nntpserver"} = 'news.alt.example.com';
84 $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\%h);
85 $ibx = $cfg->lookup_name('test');
86 is($ibx->{nntpserver}, 'news.alt.example.com','per-inbox NNTP server');
89 # no obfuscate domains
91 my $pfx = "publicinbox.test";
92 my $pfx2 = "publicinbox.foo";
94 "$pfx.address" => 'test@example.com',
95 "$pfx.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
96 "$pfx2.address" => 'foo@example.com',
97 "$pfx2.mainrepo" => '/path/to/foo',
98 lc("publicinbox.noObfuscate") =>
99 'public-inbox.org @example.com z@EXAMPLE.com',
100 "$pfx.obfuscate" => 'true', # :<
103 my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\%tmp);
104 my $ibx = $cfg->lookup_name('test');
105 my $re = $ibx->{-no_obfuscate_re};
106 like('meta@public-inbox.org', $re,
107 'public-inbox.org address not to be obfuscated');
108 like('t@example.com', $re, 'example.com address not to be obfuscated');
109 unlike('t@example.comM', $re, 'example.comM address does not match');
110 is_deeply($ibx->{-no_obfuscate}, {
111 'test@example.com' => 1,
112 'foo@example.com' => 1,
113 'z@example.com' => 1,
114 }, 'known addresses populated');
118 # git rejects this because it locks refnames, but we don't have
119 # this problem with inbox names:
123 '', '..', '.', 'stash@{9}', 'inbox.', '^caret', '~tilde',
124 '*asterisk', 's p a c e s', ' leading-space', 'trailing-space ',
125 'question?', 'colon:', '[square-brace]', "\fformfeed",
126 "\0zero", "\bbackspace",
130 my %X = ("\0" => '\\0', "\b" => '\\b', "\f" => '\\f', "'" => "\\'");
131 my $xre = join('|', keys %X);
133 for my $s (@invalid) {
135 $d =~ s/($xre)/$X{$1}/g;
136 ok(!PublicInbox::Config::valid_inbox_name($s), "`$d' name rejected");
139 # obviously-valid examples
140 my @valid = qw(a a@example a@example.com);
142 # Rejecting more was considered, but then it dawned on me that
143 # people may intentionally use inbox names which are not URL-friendly
144 # to prevent the PSGI interface from displaying them...
146 # '<', '>', '%', '#', '?', '&', '(', ')',
148 # maybe these aren't so bad, they're common in Message-IDs, even:
150 push @valid, qw[bang! ca$h less< more> 1% (parens) &more eql= +plus], '#hash';
152 ok(PublicInbox::Config::valid_inbox_name($s), "`$s' name accepted");
156 my $f = "$tmpdir/ordered";
157 open my $fh, '>', $f or die "open: $!";
159 foreach my $i (0..3) {
161 print $fh <<"" or die "print: $!";
163 mainrepo = /path/to/$i.git
164 address = $i\@example.com
167 close $fh or die "close: $!";
168 my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($f);
170 $cfg->each_inbox(sub { push @result, $_[0]->{name} });
171 is_deeply(\@result, \@expect);
175 my $pfx1 = "publicinbox.test1";
176 my $pfx2 = "publicinbox.test2";
178 "$pfx1.address" => 'test@example.com',
179 "$pfx1.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
180 "$pfx2.address" => 'foo@example.com',
181 "$pfx2.mainrepo" => '/path/to/foo',
182 "$pfx1.coderepo" => 'project',
183 "$pfx2.coderepo" => 'project',
184 "coderepo.project.dir" => '/path/to/project.git',
186 my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($h);
187 my $t1 = $cfg->lookup_name('test1');
188 my $t2 = $cfg->lookup_name('test2');
189 is($t1->{-repo_objs}->[0], $t2->{-repo_objs}->[0],
190 'inboxes share ::Git object');
194 my $check_git = !!$ENV{CHECK_GIT_BOOL};
195 for my $t (qw(TRUE true yes on 1 +1 -1 13 0x1 0x12 0X5)) {
196 is(PublicInbox::Config::_git_config_bool($t), 1, "$t is true");
198 is(`git -c test.val=$t config --bool test.val`,
199 "true\n", "$t matches git-config behavior");
202 for my $f (qw(FALSE false no off 0 +0 +000 00 0x00 0X0)) {
203 is(PublicInbox::Config::_git_config_bool($f), 0, "$f is false");
205 is(`git -c test.val=$f config --bool test.val`,
206 "false\n", "$f matches git-config behavior");
209 is(PublicInbox::Config::_git_config_bool('bogus'), undef,