2 # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
3 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
4 use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
5 use PublicInbox::Inbox;
6 require_mods(qw(-httpd lei DBD::SQLite));
8 require PublicInbox::Msgmap;
9 my $sock = tcp_server();
10 my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
11 my $http = 'http://'.tcp_host_port($sock);
12 my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes;
13 my $cmd = [ qw(-httpd -W0 ./t/lei-mirror.psgi),
14 "--stdout=$tmpdir/out", "--stderr=$tmpdir/err" ];
15 my $td = start_script($cmd, { PI_CONFIG => $cfg_path }, { 3 => $sock });
17 test_lei({ tmpdir => $tmpdir }, sub {
18 my $home = $ENV{HOME};
19 my $t1 = "$home/t1-mirror";
20 my $mm_orig = "$ro_home/t1/public-inbox/msgmap.sqlite3";
21 $created{v1} = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file($mm_orig)->created_at;
22 lei_ok('add-external', $t1, '--mirror', "$http/t1/", \'--mirror v1');
23 my $mm_dup = "$t1/public-inbox/msgmap.sqlite3";
24 ok(-f $mm_dup, 't1-mirror indexed');
25 is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat("$t1/description"),
26 "mirror of $http/t1/\n", 'description set');
27 ok(-f "$t1/Makefile", 'convenience Makefile added (v1)');
28 ok(-f "$t1/inbox.config.example", 'inbox.config.example downloaded');
29 is((stat(_))[9], $created{v1},
30 'inbox.config.example mtime is ->created_at');
31 is((stat(_))[2] & 0222, 0, 'inbox.config.example not writable');
32 my $tb = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file($mm_dup)->created_at;
33 is($tb, $created{v1}, 'created_at matched in mirror');
35 lei_ok('ls-external');
36 like($lei_out, qr!\Q$t1\E!, 't1 added to ls-externals');
38 my $t2 = "$home/t2-mirror";
39 $mm_orig = "$ro_home/t2/msgmap.sqlite3";
40 $created{v2} = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file($mm_orig)->created_at;
41 lei_ok('add-external', $t2, '--mirror', "$http/t2/", \'--mirror v2');
42 $mm_dup = "$t2/msgmap.sqlite3";
43 ok(-f $mm_dup, 't2-mirror indexed');
44 ok(-f "$t2/description", 't2 description');
45 ok(-f "$t2/Makefile", 'convenience Makefile added (v2)');
46 is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat("$t2/description"),
47 "mirror of $http/t2/\n", 'description set');
48 $tb = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file($mm_dup)->created_at;
49 is($tb, $created{v2}, 'created_at matched in v2 mirror');
51 lei_ok('ls-external');
52 like($lei_out, qr!\Q$t2\E!, 't2 added to ls-externals');
54 ok(!lei('add-external', $t2, '--mirror', "$http/t2/"),
55 '--mirror fails if reused') or diag "$lei_err.$lei_out = $?";
56 like($lei_err, qr/\Q$t2\E' already exists/, 'destination in error');
58 ok(!lei('add-external', "$home/t2\nnewline", '--mirror', "$http/t2/"),
59 '--mirror fails on newline');
60 like($lei_err, qr/`\\n' not allowed/, 'newline noted in error');
62 lei_ok('ls-external');
63 like($lei_out, qr!\Q$t2\E!, 'still in ls-externals');
64 unlike($lei_out, qr!\Qnewline\E!, 'newline entry not added');
66 ok(!lei('add-external', "$t2-fail", '-Lmedium'), '--mirror v2');
67 like($lei_err, qr/not a directory/, 'non-directory noted');
68 ok(!-d "$t2-fail", 'destination not created on failure');
69 lei_ok('ls-external');
70 unlike($lei_out, qr!\Q$t2-fail\E!, 'not added to ls-external');
72 lei_ok('add-external', "$t1-pfx", '--mirror', "$http/pfx/t1/",
73 \'--mirror v1 w/ PSGI prefix');
74 ok(!-e "$t1-pfx/mirror.done", 'no leftover mirror.done');
77 ok(!lei(qw(add-external --mirror), "$http/404", $d), 'mirror 404');
78 unlike($lei_err, qr!unlink.*?404/mirror\.done!,
79 'no unlink failure message');
80 ok(!-d $d, "`404' dir not created");
81 lei_ok('ls-external');
82 unlike($lei_out, qr!\Q$d\E!s, 'not added to ls-external');
84 $d = "$home/bad-epoch";
85 ok(!lei(qw(add-external -q --epoch=0.. --mirror), "$http/t1/", $d),
86 'v1 fails on --epoch');
87 ok(!-d $d, 'destination not created on unacceptable --epoch');
88 ok(!lei(qw(add-external -q --epoch=1 --mirror), "$http/t2/", $d),
89 'v2 fails on bad epoch range');
90 ok(!-d $d, 'destination not created on bad epoch');
93 HTTPS => 'https://public-inbox.org/' . 'phail',
95 'http://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/' .
98 for my $t (qw(HTTPS ONION)) {
100 my $k = "TEST_LEI_EXTERNAL_$t";
101 $ENV{$k} or skip "$k unset", 1;
102 my $url = $phail{$t};
103 my $dir = "phail-$t";
104 ok(!lei(qw(add-external -Lmedium --mirror),
105 $url, $dir), '--mirror non-existent v2');
106 is($? >> 8, 22, 'curl 404');
107 ok(!-d $dir, 'directory not created');
108 unlike($lei_err, qr/# mirrored/, 'no success message');
109 like($lei_err, qr/curl.*404/, "curl 404 shown for $k");
117 mkdir $d or xbail "mkdir $d $!";
118 my $opt = { -C => $d, 2 => \(my $err) };
119 ok(!run_script([qw(-clone -q), "$http/404"], undef, $opt), '404 fails');
120 ok(!-d "$d/404", 'destination not created');
122 ok(run_script([qw(-clone -q -C), $d, "$http/t2"], undef, $opt),
123 '-clone succeeds on v2');
124 ok(-f "$d/t2/git/0.git/config", 'epoch cloned');
126 # writeBitmaps is the default for bare repos in git 2.22+,
127 # so we may stop setting it ourselves.
128 0 and is(xqx(['git', "--git-dir=$d/t2/git/0.git", 'config',
129 qw(--bool repack.writeBitmaps)]), "true\n",
130 'write bitmaps set (via include.path=all.git/config');
132 is(xqx(['git', "--git-dir=$d/t2/git/0.git", 'config',
133 qw(include.path)]), "../../all.git/config\n",
136 ok(-s "$d/t2/all.git/objects/info/alternates",
137 'all.git alternates created');
138 ok(-f "$d/t2/manifest.js.gz", 'manifest saved');
139 ok(!-e "$d/t2/mirror.done", 'no leftover mirror.done');
140 ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t2"], undef, $opt),
141 '-fetch succeeds w/ manifest.js.gz');
142 is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127');
143 unlike($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'no fetch done w/ manifest');
144 unlink("$d/t2/manifest.js.gz") or xbail "unlink $!";
145 ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t2"], undef, $opt),
146 '-fetch succeeds w/o manifest.js.gz');
147 is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127');
148 like($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'fetch forced w/o manifest');
150 ok(run_script([qw(-clone -q -C), $d, "$http/t1"], undef, $opt),
152 ok(-d "$d/t1", 'v1 cloned');
153 ok(!-e "$d/t1/mirror.done", 'no leftover file');
154 ok(-f "$d/t1/manifest.js.gz", 'manifest saved');
155 ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t1"], undef, $opt),
156 'fetching v1 works');
157 is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127');
158 unlike($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'no fetch done w/ manifest');
159 unlink("$d/t1/manifest.js.gz") or xbail "unlink $!";
160 my $before = [ glob("$d/t1/*") ];
161 ok(!run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -C), "$d/t1"], undef, $opt),
162 'fetching v1 works w/o manifest.js.gz');
163 is($? >> 8, 127, '--exit-code gave 127');
164 unlink("$d/t1/FETCH_HEAD"); # git internal
165 like($err, qr/git --git-dir=\S+ fetch/, 'no fetch done w/ manifest');
166 ok(unlink("$d/t1/manifest.js.gz"), 'manifest created');
167 my $after = [ glob("$d/t1/*") ];
168 is_deeply($before, $after, 'no new files created');
170 local $ENV{HOME} = $tmpdir;
171 ok(run_script([qw(-index -Lbasic), "$d/t1"]), 'index v1');
172 ok(run_script([qw(-index -Lbasic), "$d/t2"]), 'index v2');
173 my $f = "$d/t1/public-inbox/msgmap.sqlite3";
174 my $ca = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file($f)->created_at;
175 is($ca, $created{v1}, 'clone + index v1 synced ->created_at');
176 $f = "$d/t2/msgmap.sqlite3";
177 $ca = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file($f)->created_at;
178 is($ca, $created{v2}, 'clone + index v1 synced ->created_at');
180 lei_ok qw(inspect num:1 --dir), "$d/t1";
181 ok(ref(json_utf8->decode($lei_out)), 'inspect num: on v1');
182 lei_ok qw(inspect num:1 --dir), "$d/t2";
183 ok(ref(json_utf8->decode($lei_out)), 'inspect num: on v2');
187 ok($td->kill, 'killed -httpd');
191 require_ok 'PublicInbox::LeiMirror';
192 my $mrr = { src => 'https://example.com/src/', dst => $tmpdir };
193 my $exp = "mirror of https://example.com/src/\n";
194 my $f = "$tmpdir/description";
195 PublicInbox::LeiMirror::set_description($mrr);
196 is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat($f), $exp, 'description set on ENOENT');
199 (open($fh, '>', $f) and close($fh)) or xbail $!;
200 PublicInbox::LeiMirror::set_description($mrr);
201 is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat($f), $exp, 'description set on empty');
202 (open($fh, '>', $f) and print $fh "x\n" and close($fh)) or xbail $!;
203 is(PublicInbox::Inbox::try_cat($f), "x\n",
204 'description preserved if non-default');