# has too many results. $@ can be
# Search::Xapian::QueryParserError or even:
# "something terrible happened at ../Search/Xapian/Enquire.pm"
- my $mset = eval { $srch->query($m, $opt) } or next;
+ my $mset = eval { $srch->mset($m, $opt) } or next;
my @mids = map {
- } @{$ibx->over->get_all(@{$srch->mset_to_artnums($mset)})};
+ } @{$srch->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset)};
return \@mids if scalar(@mids);
my ($beg, $end) = @$range_info;
my $srch = $self->{ibx}->search;
my $opt = { mset => 2, limit => 1000 };
- my $mset = $srch->query("$q uid:$beg..$end", $opt);
+ my $mset = $srch->mset("$q uid:$beg..$end", $opt);
@$uids = @{$srch->mset_to_artnums($mset)};
if (@$uids) {
$range_info->[0] = $uids->[-1] + 1; # update $beg
# refill result set
my $srch = $ctx->{-inbox}->search(undef, $ctx) or return;
- my $mset = $srch->query($ctx->{query}, $ctx->{qopts});
+ my $mset = $srch->mset($ctx->{query}, $ctx->{qopts});
my $size = $mset->size or return;
$ctx->{qopts}->{offset} += $size;
$ctx->{ids} = $srch->mset_to_artnums($mset);
# refill result set
my $srch = $ctx->{-inbox}->search(undef, $ctx) or return;
- my $mset = $srch->query($ctx->{query}, $ctx->{qopts});
+ my $mset = $srch->mset($ctx->{query}, $ctx->{qopts});
my $size = $mset->size or return;
$ctx->{qopts}->{offset} += $size;
$ctx->{ids} = $srch->mset_to_artnums($mset);
my $qopts = $ctx->{qopts} = { mset => 2 }; # order by docid
$qopts->{thread} = 1 if $q->{t};
- my $mset = $srch->query($q_string, $qopts);
+ my $mset = $srch->mset($q_string, $qopts);
$qopts->{offset} = $mset->size or
return [404, [qw(Content-Type text/plain)],
["No results found\n"]];
# read-only
-sub query {
+sub mset {
my ($self, $query_string, $opts) = @_;
$opts ||= {};
my $qp = $self->{qp} //= qparse_new($self);
if ($opts->{thread} && has_threadid($self)) {
+ $enquire->get_mset($opts->{offset} || 0, $opts->{limit} || 50);
- my $offset = $opts->{offset} || 0;
- my $limit = $opts->{limit} || 50;
- my $mset = $enquire->get_mset($offset, $limit);
- return $mset if $opts->{mset};
+sub mset_to_smsg {
+ my ($self, $ibx, $mset) = @_;
my $nshard = $self->{nshard} // 1;
my $i = 0;
my %order = map { mdocid($nshard, $_) => ++$i } $mset->items;
my @msgs = sort {
$order{$a->{num}} <=> $order{$b->{num}}
- } @{$self->{over_ro}->get_all(keys %order)};
+ } @{$ibx->over->get_all(keys %order)};
wantarray ? ($mset->get_matches_estimated, \@msgs) : \@msgs;
my $opts = {
limit => $q->{l},
offset => $o,
- mset => 1,
relevance => $q->{r},
thread => $q->{t},
asc => $asc,
my ($mset, $total, $err, $html);
eval {
- $mset = $srch->query($query, $opts);
+ $mset = $srch->mset($query, $opts);
$total = $mset->get_matches_estimated;
$err = $@;
- my $msgs = $srch->query($q, { relevance => 1 });
+ my $mset = $srch->mset($q, { relevance => 1 });
my $diffs = [];
- foreach my $smsg (@$msgs) {
+ for my $smsg (@{$srch->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset)}) {
my $eml = $ibx->smsg_eml($smsg) or next;
[$self, $diffs, $pre, $post, $ibx, $smsg], 1);
- my $ro = PublicInbox::Search->new($ibx);
- my $msgs = $ro->query("gmane:1234");
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset("gmane:1234");
+ my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
$msgs = [ map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs ];
is_deeply($msgs, ['a@example.com'], 'got one match');
- $msgs = $ro->query("gmane:666");
- is_deeply([], $msgs, 'body did NOT match');
+ $mset = $ibx->search->mset('gmane:666');
+ is($mset->size, 0, 'body did NOT match');
-my $msgs = $ibx->search->reopen->query("gmane:1234");
+my $mset = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('gmane:1234');
+my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
$msgs = [ map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs ];
is_deeply($msgs, ['a@example.com'], 'got one match');
-$msgs = $ibx->search->query("gmane:666");
-is_deeply([], $msgs, 'body did NOT match');
+$mset = $ibx->search->mset('gmane:666');
+is($mset->size, 0, 'body did NOT match');
$smsg = $ibx->over->get_art(1);
is($smsg->{ds}, 749520000, 'datestamp from git author time');
is($smsg->{ts}, 1285977600, 'timestamp from git committer time');
- my $res = $ibx->search->query("m:$smsg->{mid}");
- is(scalar @$res, 1, 'got one result for m:');
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset("m:$smsg->{mid}");
+ is($mset->size, 1, 'got one result for m:');
+ my $res = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is($res->[0]->{ds}, $smsg->{ds}, 'Xapian stored datestamp');
- $res = $ibx->search->query('d:19931002..19931002');
+ $mset = $ibx->search->mset('d:19931002..19931002');
+ $res = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is(scalar @$res, 1, 'got one result for d:');
is($res->[0]->{ds}, $smsg->{ds}, 'Xapian search on datestamp');
'v2 datestamp from git author time');
is($v2smsg->{ts}, $smsg->{ts},
'v2 timestamp from git committer time');
- my $res = $ibx->search->query("m:$smsg->{mid}");
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset("m:$smsg->{mid}");
+ my $res = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is($res->[0]->{ds}, $smsg->{ds}, 'Xapian stored datestamp');
- $res = $ibx->search->query('d:19931002..19931002');
+ $mset = $ibx->search->mset('d:19931002..19931002');
+ $res = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is(scalar @$res, 1, 'got one result for d:');
is($res->[0]->{ds}, $smsg->{ds}, 'Xapian search on datestamp');
is(PublicInbox::Admin::detect_indexlevel($ro_mirror), $level,
'indexlevel detectable by Admin after xcpdb v' .$v.$level);
delete $ro_mirror->{$_} for (qw(over search));
- $msgs = $ro_mirror->search->query('m:m@2');
- is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, "v$v found m\@2 via Xapian on $level");
+ my $mset = $ro_mirror->search->mset('m:m@2');
+ is($mset->size, 1, "v$v found m\@2 via Xapian on $level");
# sync the mirror
'no Xapian shard directories for v2 basic');
if ($level ne 'basic') {
- $msgs = $ro_mirror->search->reopen->query('m:m@2');
- is(scalar(@$msgs), 0,
+ my $mset = $ro_mirror->search->reopen->mset('m:m@2');
+ is($mset->size, 0,
"v$v m\@2 gone from Xapian in mirror on $level");
my $ibx = $config->lookup_name($v);
# make sure all serials are searchable:
- my ($tot, $msgs);
for my $i (1..2) {
- ($tot, $msgs) = $ibx->search->query("alerts:$i");
- is($tot, 1, "got one result for alerts:$i");
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset("alerts:$i");
+ is($mset->size, 1, "got one result for alerts:$i");
+ my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is($msgs->[0]->{mid}, "a.$i\@b.com", "got expected MID for $i");
is_deeply([], \@warn, 'no warnings');
if (my $srch = $ibx->search) {
for my $q ('f:streisand', 's:confidential', 'malibu') {
- my $msgs = $srch->query($q);
- is_deeply($msgs, [], "no match for $q");
+ my $mset = $srch->mset($q);
+ is($mset->size, 0, "no match for $q");
my @ok = ('f:redactor', 's:redacted', 'nothing to see');
if ($opt->{pre}) {
's:message3', 's:message4';
for my $q (@ok) {
- my $msgs = $srch->query($q);
- ok($msgs->[0], "got match for $q");
+ my $mset = $srch->mset($q);
+ ok($mset->size, "got match for $q");
$rw = undef;
-my $ro = $ibx->search;
my $rw_commit = sub {
$rw->commit_txn_lazy if $rw;
$rw = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($ibx, 1);
$rw->{qp_flags} = 0; # quiet a warning
+ $ibx->search->reopen;
sub oct_is ($$$) {
sort(map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs);
+my $query = sub {
+ my ($query_string, $opt) = @_;
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($query_string, $opt);
+ $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
- $ro->reopen;
- my $found = $ro->query('m:root@s');
+ my $found = $query->('m:root@s');
is(scalar(@$found), 1, "message found");
is($found->[0]->{mid}, 'root@s', 'mid set correctly') if @$found;
my ($res, @res);
my @exp = sort qw(root@s last@s);
- $res = $ro->query('s:(Hello world)');
+ $res = $query->('s:(Hello world)');
@res = filter_mids($res);
is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for s:() match');
- $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"');
+ $res = $query->('s:"Hello world"');
@res = filter_mids($res);
is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for s:"" match');
- $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"', {limit => 1});
+ $res = $query->('s:"Hello world"', {limit => 1});
is(scalar @$res, 1, "limit works");
my $first = $res->[0];
- $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"', {offset => 1});
+ $res = $query->('s:"Hello world"', {offset => 1});
is(scalar @$res, 1, "offset works");
my $second = $res->[0];
# search thread on ghost
- $ro->reopen;
# subject
- my $res = $ro->query('ghost');
+ my $res = $query->('ghost');
my @exp = sort qw(ghost-message@s ghost-reply@s);
my @res = filter_mids($res);
is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for Subject match');
# body
- $res = $ro->query('goodbye');
+ $res = $query->('goodbye');
is(scalar(@$res), 1, "goodbye message found");
is($res->[0]->{mid}, 'last@s', 'got goodbye message body') if @$res;
# datestamp
- $res = $ro->query('dt:20101002000001..20101002000001');
+ $res = $query->('dt:20101002000001..20101002000001');
@res = filter_mids($res);
is_deeply(\@res, ['ghost-message@s'], 'exact Date: match works');
- $res = $ro->query('dt:20101002000002..20101002000002');
+ $res = $query->('dt:20101002000002..20101002000002');
is_deeply($res, [], 'exact Date: match down to the second');
# long message-id
$ibx->with_umask(sub {
- $ro->reopen;
my $long_mid = 'last' . ('x' x 60). '@s';
my $long = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<EOF);
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000
is($long_id, int($long_id), "long_id is an integer: $long_id");
- $ro->reopen;
my $res;
my @res;
ok($rw->add_message($long_reply) > $long_id, "inserted long reply");
- $ro->reopen;
my $t = $ibx->over->get_thread('root@s');
is(scalar(@$t), 4, "got all 4 messages in thread");
my @exp = sort($long_reply_mid, 'root@s', 'last@s', $long_mid);
- my $res = $ro->reopen->query("theatre");
+ my $res = $query->("theatre");
is(scalar(@$res), 2, "got both matches");
if (@$res == 2) {
is($res->[0]->{mid}, 'nquote@a', 'non-quoted scores higher');
is($res->[1]->{mid}, 'quote@a', 'quoted result still returned');
- $res = $ro->query("illusions");
+ $res = $query->("illusions");
is(scalar(@$res), 1, "got a match for quoted text");
is($res->[0]->{mid}, 'quote@a',
"quoted result returned if nothing else") if scalar(@$res);
ok($doc_id > 0, "doc_id defined with circular reference");
- my $smsg = $ro->reopen->query('m:circle@a', {limit=>1})->[0];
+ my $smsg = $query->('m:circle@a', {limit=>1})->[0];
is(defined($smsg), 1, 'found m:circl@a');
if (defined $smsg) {
is($smsg->{references}, '', "no references created");
- my $msgs = $ro->query('d:19931002..20101002');
+ my $msgs = $query->('d:19931002..20101002');
ok(scalar(@$msgs) > 0, 'got results within range');
- $msgs = $ro->query('d:20101003..');
+ $msgs = $query->('d:20101003..');
is(scalar(@$msgs), 0, 'nothing after 20101003');
- $msgs = $ro->query('d:..19931001');
+ $msgs = $query->('d:..19931001');
is(scalar(@$msgs), 0, 'nothing before 19931001');
my $doc_id = $rw->add_message($mime);
ok($doc_id > 0, 'message indexed doc_id with UTF-8');
- my $msg = $ro->reopen->
- query('m:testmessage@example.com', {limit => 1})->[0];
+ my $msg = $query->('m:testmessage@example.com', {limit => 1})->[0];
is(defined($msg), 1, 'found testmessage@example.com');
if (defined $msg) {
is($mime->header('Subject'), $msg->{subject},
# names and addresses
- my $mset = $ro->query('t:list@example.com', {mset => 1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset('t:list@example.com');
is($mset->size, 9, 'searched To: successfully');
foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($m->get_docid);
is($uid, $m->get_docid, 'UID column matches docid');
- $mset = $ro->query('tc:list@example.com', {mset => 1});
+ $mset = $ibx->search->mset('tc:list@example.com');
is($mset->size, 9, 'searched To+Cc: successfully');
foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($m->get_docid);
foreach my $pfx ('tcf:', 'c:') {
- my $mset = $ro->query($pfx . 'foo@example.com', { mset => 1 });
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($pfx . 'foo@example.com');
is($mset->items, 1, "searched $pfx successfully for Cc:");
foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($m->get_docid);
foreach my $pfx ('', 'tcf:', 'f:') {
- my $res = $ro->query($pfx . 'Laggy');
+ my $res = $query->($pfx . 'Laggy');
is(scalar(@$res), 1,
"searched $pfx successfully for From:");
foreach my $smsg (@$res) {
- $ro->reopen;
- my $res = $ro->query('b:hello');
+ my $res = $query->('b:hello');
is(scalar(@$res), 0, 'no match on body search only');
- $res = $ro->query('bs:smith');
+ $res = $query->('bs:smith');
is(scalar(@$res), 0,
'no match on body+subject search for From');
- $res = $ro->query('q:theatre');
+ $res = $query->('q:theatre');
is(scalar(@$res), 1, 'only one quoted body');
like($res->[0]->{from_name}, qr/\AQuoter/,
'got quoted body') if (scalar(@$res));
- $res = $ro->query('nq:theatre');
+ $res = $query->('nq:theatre');
is(scalar @$res, 1, 'only one non-quoted body');
like($res->[0]->{from_name}, qr/\ANon-Quoter/,
'got non-quoted body') if (scalar(@$res));
foreach my $pfx (qw(b: bs:)) {
- $res = $ro->query($pfx . 'theatre');
+ $res = $query->($pfx . 'theatre');
is(scalar @$res, 2, "searched both bodies for $pfx");
like($res->[0]->{from_name}, qr/\ANon-Quoter/,
"non-quoter first for $pfx") if scalar(@$res);
my $smsg = bless { blob => $oid }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
ok($rw->add_message($amsg, $smsg), 'added attachment');
- $ro->reopen;
- my $n = $ro->query('n:attached_fart.txt');
+ my $n = $query->('n:attached_fart.txt');
is(scalar @$n, 1, 'got result for n:');
- my $res = $ro->query('part_deux.txt');
+ my $res = $query->('part_deux.txt');
is(scalar @$res, 1, 'got result without n:');
is($n->[0]->{mid}, $res->[0]->{mid},
'same result with and without') if scalar(@$res);
- my $txt = $ro->query('"inside another"');
+ my $txt = $query->('"inside another"');
is(scalar @$txt, 1, 'found inside another');
is($txt->[0]->{mid}, $res->[0]->{mid},
'search inside text attachments works') if scalar(@$txt);
my $digits = '10010260936330';
my $ua = 'Pine.LNX.4.10';
my $mid = "$ua.$digits.2460-100000\@penguin.transmeta.com";
- is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 0,
- 'no results yet');
+ is($ibx->search->mset("m:$digits")->size, 0, 'no results yet');
my $pine = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<EOF);
Subject: blah
Message-ID: <$mid>
my $x = $rw->add_message($pine);
- is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 1,
+ $ibx->search->reopen;
+ is($ibx->search->mset("m:$digits")->size, 1,
'searching only digit yielded result');
my $wild = $digits;
for my $i (1..6) {
- is($ro->query("m:$wild*", { mset => 1})->size, 1,
+ is($ibx->search->mset("m:$wild*")->size, 1,
"searching chopped($i) digit yielded result $wild ");
- is($ro->query("m:Pine m:LNX m:10010260936330", {mset=>1})->size, 1);
+ is($ibx->search->mset('m:Pine m:LNX m:10010260936330')->size, 1);
{ # List-Id searching
- my $found = $ro->query('lid:i.m.just.bored');
+ my $found = $query->('lid:i.m.just.bored');
is_deeply([ filter_mids($found) ], [ 'root@s' ],
'got expected mid on exact lid: search');
- $found = $ro->query('lid:just.bored');
+ $found = $query->('lid:just.bored');
is_deeply($found, [], 'got nothing on lid: search');
- $found = $ro->query('lid:*.just.bored');
+ $found = $query->('lid:*.just.bored');
is_deeply($found, [], 'got nothing on lid: search');
- $found = $ro->query('l:i.m.just.bored');
+ $found = $query->('l:i.m.just.bored');
is_deeply([ filter_mids($found) ], [ 'root@s' ],
'probabilistic search works on full List-Id contents');
- $found = $ro->query('l:just.bored');
+ $found = $query->('l:just.bored');
is_deeply([ filter_mids($found) ], [ 'root@s' ],
'probabilistic search works on partial List-Id contents');
- $found = $ro->query('lid:mad');
+ $found = $query->('lid:mad');
is_deeply($found, [], 'no match on phrase with lid:');
- $found = $ro->query('lid:bored');
+ $found = $query->('lid:bored');
is_deeply($found, [], 'no match on partial List-Id with lid:');
- $found = $ro->query('l:nothing');
+ $found = $query->('l:nothing');
is_deeply($found, [], 'matched on phrase with l:');
my $doc_id = $rw->add_message(eml_load('t/data/message_embed.eml'));
ok($doc_id > 0, 'messages within messages');
- $ro->reopen;
- my $n_test_eml = $ro->query('n:test.eml');
+ $ibx->search->reopen;
+ my $n_test_eml = $query->('n:test.eml');
is(scalar(@$n_test_eml), 1, 'got a result');
- my $n_embed2x_eml = $ro->query('n:embed2x.eml');
+ my $n_embed2x_eml = $query->('n:embed2x.eml');
is_deeply($n_test_eml, $n_embed2x_eml, '.eml filenames searchable');
for my $m (qw(20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr 20200418222020.GA2745@dcvr
20200418214114.7575-1-e@yhbt.net)) {
- is($ro->query("m:$m")->[0]->{mid},
+ is($query->("m:$m")->[0]->{mid},
'20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr', 'probabilistic m:'.$m);
- is($ro->query("mid:$m")->[0]->{mid},
+ is($query->("mid:$m")->[0]->{mid},
'20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr', 'boolean mid:'.$m);
- is($ro->query('dfpost:4dc62c50')->[0]->{mid},
+ is($query->('dfpost:4dc62c50')->[0]->{mid},
'diff search reaches inside message/rfc822');
- is($ro->query('s:"mail header experiments"')->[0]->{mid},
+ is($query->('s:"mail header experiments"')->[0]->{mid},
'Subject search reaches inside message/rfc822');
delete $ibx->{mm};
is_deeply([ $ibx->mm->minmax ], $minmax, 'minmax unchanged');
is($ibx->mm->num_highwater, 10, 'num_highwater as expected');
- my $mset = $ibx->search->query('hello world', {mset=>1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset('hello world');
isnt($mset->size, 0, 'got Xapian search results');
my ($min, $max) = $ibx->mm->minmax;
eval { $rw->index_sync({reindex => 1}) };
is($@, '', 'no error from indexing');
is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings');
- my $mset = $ibx->search->reopen->query('hello world', {mset=>1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('hello world');
isnt($mset->size, 0, 'search OK after basic -> medium');
is($ibx->mm->num_highwater, 10, 'num_highwater as expected');
open my $fh, '<', $patch or die "failed to open $patch: $!\n";
$rdr->{0} = \(do { local $/; <$fh> });
ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda delivered a patch');
- my $post = $ibx->search->reopen->query('dfpost:6e006fd7');
- is(scalar(@$post), 1, 'got one result for dfpost');
- my $pre = $ibx->search->query('dfpre:090d998');
- is(scalar(@$pre), 1, 'got one result for dfpre');
+ my $post = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('dfpost:6e006fd7');
+ is($post->size, 1, 'got one result for dfpost');
+ my $pre = $ibx->search->mset('dfpre:090d998');
+ is($pre->size, 1, 'got one result for dfpre');
+ $pre = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $pre);
+ $post = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $post);
is($post->[0]->{blob}, $pre->[0]->{blob}, 'same message in both cases');
-my $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:15@example.com', {mset => 1});
+my $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:15@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'new message not found in mirror, yet');
ok(run_script([qw(-index -j0), "$tmpdir/m"]), 'index updated');
is_deeply([$mibx->mm->minmax], [$ibx->mm->minmax], 'index synched minmax');
-$mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:15@example.com', {mset => 1});
+$mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:15@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 1, 'found message in mirror');
# purge:
my $msgs = $mibx->over->get_thread('10@example.com');
my $to_purge = $msgs->[0]->{blob};
like($to_purge, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40,}\z/, 'read blob to be purged');
-$mset = $ibx->search->reopen->query('m:10@example.com', {mset => 1});
+$mset = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('m:10@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'purged message gone from origin');
unlike($err, qr/fatal/, 'no scary fatal error shown');
-$mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:10@example.com', {mset => 1});
+$mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:10@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'purged message not found in mirror');
is_deeply([$mibx->mm->minmax], [$ibx->mm->minmax], 'minmax still synced');
for my $i ((1..9),(11..15)) {
- $mset = $mibx->search->query("m:$i\@example.com", {mset => 1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->mset("m:$i\@example.com");
is(scalar($mset->items), 1, "$i\@example.com remains visible");
is($mibx->git->check($to_purge), undef, 'unindex+prune successful in mirror');
# deletes happen in a different fetch window
- $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:1@example.com', {mset => 1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:1@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 1, '1@example.com visible in mirror');
$mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<1@example.com>');
$mime->header_set('Subject', 'subject = 1');
my $opt = { 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err };
ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), 'index ran');
is($err, '', 'no errors reported by index');
- $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:1@example.com', {mset => 1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:1@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 0, '1@example.com no longer visible in mirror');
if ('sequential-shard') {
- $mset = $mibx->search->query('m:15@example.com', {mset => 1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->mset('m:15@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 1, 'large message not indexed');
remove_tree(glob("$tmpdir/m/xap*"), glob("$tmpdir/m/msgmap.*"));
my $cmd = [ qw(-index -j9 --sequential-shard), "$tmpdir/m" ];
my @shards = glob("$tmpdir/m/xap*/?");
is(scalar(@shards), 8, 'got expected shard count');
- $mset = $mibx->search->query('m:15@example.com', {mset => 1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->mset('m:15@example.com');
is(scalar($mset->items), 1, 'search works after --sequential-shard');
my $opt = { 2 => \(my $err) };
ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), 'indexed with --max-size');
like($err, qr/skipping [a-f0-9]{40,}/, 'warned about skipping message');
- $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:2big@a', {mset =>1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:2big@a');
is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'large message not indexed');
$cmd = [ qw(-index -j0 --reindex), "$tmpdir/m" ];
ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), 'reindexed w/ indexMaxSize in file');
like($err, qr/skipping [a-f0-9]{40,}/, 'warned about skipping message');
- $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->query('m:2big@a', {mset =>1});
+ $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:2big@a');
is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'large message not re-indexed');
delete $ibx->{mm};
is_deeply([ $ibx->mm->minmax ], $minmax, 'minmax unchanged');
is($ibx->mm->num_highwater, 10, 'num_highwater as expected');
- my $mset = $ibx->search->query($phrase, {mset=>1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($phrase);
isnt($mset->size, 0, "phrase search succeeds on indexlevel=full");
for (glob("$xap/*/*")) { $sizes{$ibx->{indexlevel}} += -s _ if -f $_ }
# not sure why, but Xapian seems to fallback to terms and
# phrase searches still work
delete $ibx->{search};
- my $mset = $ibx->search->query($phrase, {mset=>1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($phrase);
is($mset->size, 0, 'phrase search does not work on medium');
my $words = $phrase;
$words =~ tr/"'//d;
- my $mset = $ibx->search->query($words, {mset=>1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($words);
isnt($mset->size, 0, "normal search works on indexlevel=medium");
for (glob("$xap/*/*")) { $sizes{$ibx->{indexlevel}} += -s _ if -f $_ }
my %uniq;
for my $s (qw(uno dos tres)) {
- my $msgs = $ibx->search->query("s:$s");
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset("s:$s");
+ my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, "only one result for `$s'");
is($ibx->mm->num_highwater, $total, 'got expected highwater value');
- my $srch = $ibx->search;
- my $mset1 = $srch->reopen->query('m:abcde@1', { mset => 1 });
+ my $mset1 = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('m:abcde@1');
is($mset1->size, 1, 'message found by first MID');
- my $mset2 = $srch->reopen->query('m:abcde@2', { mset => 1 });
+ my $mset2 = $ibx->search->mset('m:abcde@2');
is($mset2->size, 1, 'message found by second MID');
is((($mset1->items)[0])->get_docid, (($mset2->items)[0])->get_docid,
'same document') if ($mset1->size);
- my $alt = $srch->reopen->query('m:alt-id-for-nntp', { mset => 1 });
+ my $alt = $ibx->search->mset('m:alt-id-for-nntp');
is($alt->size, 1, 'message found by alt MID (NNTP)');
is((($alt->items)[0])->get_docid, (($mset1->items)[0])->get_docid,
'same document') if ($mset1->size);
my $num = $smsg->{num};
like($num, qr/\A\d+\z/, 'numeric number in return message');
is($ibx->mm->mid_for($num), undef, 'no longer in Msgmap by num');
- my $srch = $ibx->search->reopen;
- my $mset = $srch->query('m:'.$mid, { mset => 1});
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('m:'.$mid);
is($mset->size, 0, 'no longer found in Xapian');
my @log1 = (@log, qw(-1 --pretty=raw --raw -r --no-renames));
is($ibx->over->get_art($num), undef,
# make sure all serials are searchable:
- my ($tot, $msgs);
for my $i (1..15) {
- ($tot, $msgs) = $ibx->search->query("alerts:$i");
- is($tot, 1, "got one result for alerts:$i");
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset("alerts:$i");
+ is($mset->size, 1, "got one result for alerts:$i");
+ my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is($msgs->[0]->{mid}, "a.$i\@b.com", "got expected MID for $i");
- ($tot, undef) = $ibx->search->query('b:spam');
- is($tot, 1, 'got spam message');
+ is($ibx->search->mset('b:spam')->size, 1, 'got spam message');
my $nr = unlink <$maildir/new/*>;
is(16, $nr);
$config = PublicInbox::Config->new(\$orig);
$ibx = $config->lookup_name($v);
- ($tot, undef) = $ibx->search->reopen->query('b:spam');
- is($tot, 0, 'spam removed');
+ is($ibx->search->reopen->mset('b:spam')->size, 0, 'spam removed');
is_deeply([], \@warn, 'no warnings');
$msg = do { local $/; <$fh> };
- my $msgs = $ibx->search->reopen->query('dfpost:6e006fd7');
- is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'diff postimage found');
- my $post = $msgs->[0];
- $msgs = $ibx->search->query('dfpre:090d998b6c2c');
- is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'diff preimage found');
- is($post->{blob}, $msgs->[0]->{blob}, 'same message');
+ my $post = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('dfpost:6e006fd7');
+ is($post->size, 1, 'diff postimage found');
+ my $pre = $ibx->search->mset('dfpre:090d998b6c2c');
+ is($pre->size, 1, 'diff preimage found');
+ $pre = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $pre);
+ $post = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $post);
+ is(scalar(@$pre), 1, 'diff preimage found');
+ is($post->[0]->{blob}, $pre->[0]->{blob}, 'same message');
# multiple inboxes in the same maildir
- my $msgs = $ibx->search->reopen->query('m:both@b.com');
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('m:both@b.com');
+ my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
my $v1 = $config->lookup_name('v1');
my $msg = $v1->git->cat_file($msgs->[0]->{blob});
is($both, $$msg, 'got original message back from v1');
ok(run_script($cmd), "xcpdb -R$R");
my @new_shards = grep(m!/\d+\z!, glob("$ibx->{inboxdir}/xap*/*"));
is(scalar(@new_shards), $R, 'resharded to two shards');
- my $msgs = $ibx->search->query('s:this');
+ my $mset = $ibx->search->mset('s:this');
+ my $msgs = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
is(scalar(@$msgs), $ndoc, 'got expected docs after resharding');
my %by_mid = map {; "$_->{mid}" => $_ } @$msgs;
ok($by_mid{"m$_\@example.com"}, "$_ exists") for (1..$ndoc);