use Cwd 'abs_path';
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(resolve_repo_dir);
-my $CFG; # all the admin stuff is a singleton
require PublicInbox::Config;
sub resolve_repo_dir {
-sub config () { $CFG //= eval { PublicInbox::Config->new } }
-sub resolve_inboxes ($;$) {
- my ($argv, $opt) = @_;
+sub resolve_inboxes ($;$$) {
+ my ($argv, $opt, $cfg) = @_;
require PublicInbox::Inbox;
$opt ||= {};
- my $cfg = config();
+ $cfg //= eval { PublicInbox::Config->new };
if ($opt->{all}) {
my $cfgfile = PublicInbox::Config::default_file();
$cfg or die "--all specified, but $cfgfile not readable\n";
GetOptions($opt, @PublicInbox::AdminEdit::OPT, @opt) or
die "bad command-line args\n$usage\n";
+my $cfg = eval { PublicInbox::Config->new };
my $editor = $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR}; # e.g. "mutt -f"
unless (defined $editor) {
my $k = 'publicinbox.mailEditor';
- if (my $cfg = PublicInbox::Admin::config()) {
- $editor = $cfg->{lc($k)};
- }
+ $editor = $cfg->{lc($k)} if $cfg;
unless (defined $editor) {
warn "\`$k' not configured, trying \`git var GIT_EDITOR'\n";
chomp($editor = `git var GIT_EDITOR`);
die "the --mid and --file options are mutually exclusive\n";
-my @ibxs = PublicInbox::Admin::resolve_inboxes(\@ARGV, $opt);
+my @ibxs = PublicInbox::Admin::resolve_inboxes(\@ARGV, $opt, $cfg);
my $found = {}; # cid => [ [ibx, smsg] [, [ibx, smsg] ] ]